Things You Should Know
A special Sunday morning message from Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati regarding the significance of Israel in light of Bible prophecy and current events.
JHV433 – Sunday Morning Message
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1000 year reinage of the churchamir tsarfatibible prophecyBiblical Perspectivebiblically soundcalvary chapel chino hillscapital of IsraelChrists returnchurch agecurrent eventsend timesfalse prophecyfalse prophetsgod’s planHis CommingIsraeljack hibbsJerusalempost-tribulationpre-tribpre-tribulationprophecyRapturereal lifereal life with jack hibbsReal Radioredemptionthousand year reinTribulationTruth
Trump signed the peace deal, Golan Heights stays Israel 's. Red Heffer is ready…here we go. You should hear about the deal soon.
A appealing analogy….. that my house is most clean when i know someone is coming over and I am most embarrassed when surprise visitors appear.
Wow what a simple revelation!
Keep looking up Saints!
Many Holy sites in the Holy Land belong to the Vatican.
Just discovered these videos. Thanks for posting these! Come Lord Jesus!
-Watchman in TN =)
Pastor Jack, GOD bless you and keep you!
Praying for the complete restoration of your sleep!
Lord Jesus we thank You for You hear our cry. Heal your son Jack from insomnia and whatever keeps him from sleep, remove it Lord Jesus and make him new and restored! Amen. We love You Jesus!
P.S. I had only a few months of insomnia, and have a little of understanding what you go through… GOD is the HEALER!! He loves you and will heal you!
Always good hearing jack and having Amir was a double Blessing. I hear him on Behold Israel. All Signs point to the Coming.
Doesn't Jack preach the church go through the tribulation and Amir teaches church will be gone during tribulation???
Why would we come back here to earth? Jesus prepared a place for us.
Great words guys. Thank you.
Amir really nailed it when he said he sees similarities between Jews during Jesus time with most of today’s church. It’s an out of touch pharisaical tendency to not see the WORD correctly…
It is wounderful to see a church pastoor speaking about JESUS and focusing on JESUS saying. To bad that many "believers" has become hearers of motivational speakers, fast food, that brings so much sickness and ilnes, spiritually.
Thank You for the Truth Pastor. Christian, from Kentucky.
Houston, TX says AMEN!!! Jack great msg.!
Shalom! Also from the Houston area. So far, I have found no teaching such as this anywhere near us. Thank you Pastor Jack and Amir. Y'all ARE my on-line church! I would give my right arm to have teachers like y'all around here!! Even so come, Lord Jesus come! Maranatha!
Excellent !!
The sunscreen and sunburn example is one I have never heard before but it makes sense.
Thank you Pastors … Watchman on the wall from Pennsylvania! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus~ be ready, don't be left behind~
Well done.
Glad you are feeling better, Jack!