This Assassination Attempt Could Lead to Nuclear War | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Today on Marking the End Times, I discuss the shocking development in the Russia-Ukraine War. I explain what I believe this means in light of the Gog & Magog War.
Paid subscribers will have access to the full episode where I address questions such as “Who institutes the Mark of the Beast?” and “How do we know that Persia is modern-day Iran?”
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U trust US liars war mongers . Christians loves to fight and kill countries
Stop telling lies. They are merceneries from a private army. How you exspect to make it in the kindom
Gog and Magog are gathered for battle after the millennium Rev 20:7,8
Lead them to the mountains of Israel. Take the Arabs and the Russians. Then go and have fun!
Too much propaganda by US, where did they get the 20k russian casualties
Enjoy your show but taking the side of Ukraine has many hurdles to jump to make them a winner in this war. Russia has 143 million people. Ukraine has 43 million at best. Probably closer to 30 because of exodus. Russia has nuclear weapons, Ukriane doesn't. What does Russia surrendering even mean? If Russia stopped attacking it would only be to reinforce itself for future attacks. Ukraine's Zelensky is as evil or more than Putin. We can judge the level of evil by the people who support Ukraine. The entire secular world loves Zelensky. Politicians and Hollywood worship the guy. Zelensky shut down any tv or radio that opposed his ideology. He only allows State run Christian churches to operate. No accountability is given for 130 billion dollars given to Ukraine. Tanks and weaponry given to Ukriane are showing up in foreign countries. For sure Zelensky is pocketing away billions for himself in some Swiss account.
U.S. Army Douglas Macgregor is as conservative as it gets and therefore truthful with his reporting of this war. His information tells us that Ukraine is finished. There are videos of Ukraine dragging men off the streets and young men out of their cars and off the streets to make them go fight. I have watched those. Russia is part of the End Times so they are not going anywhere. The entire purpose of this war is for the U.S. to own Ukraine for its resources. Russia will win and they will use nuclear power if necessary. Putin is evil, but Ukraine is equally as evil.
God said, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever
The media is so deceitful are the numbers real? I don't think we get accurate info so biden can funnel money into Ukraine
Anything done by Zelinski and Ukraine is really done by NATO and a US-backed political regime……let's not leave that out of this equation. Let's not skirt the main players in this whole war, and the how's and why's this war began and has escalated. This is not a time to be "politically correct" to God's people…..it is a time to speak truth in all things……not partial truths.
putin wont launch atomic weapons he is worth 40 billion dollars do you think he is willing to give that up no way.
Why is China absent from the Ezekiel 38-39 prophesy about Gog and Magog since China has become so involved in the Middle East,and is an ally of Russia?
Maybe China will be involved with an invasion already, of Taiwan.
Pastor, how is it that you can share information with non "subscribers" (folks who don't pay to hear words come out of your mouth)and then withhold information from them to share only with your "subscribers "? Money isn't everything, is it? Especially when you are teaching from a book that you didn't author.
He sounds like a fed
Ukraine is losing the war. Misinformation!!!!
So what , He’s An Evil Manand should face Punishment
The Magogs are on our doorstep, there are millions of them and they are intent on attacking the holiest country in the world, the USA, now is the time to begin organizing resistance because if we are over run by these evil, violent and aggressive Demons they will kill and enslave all of our menfolk, rape all the women and eat all of our children.
Prepare yourselves, buy all the firearms and ammunition you can, build bunkers, arrange information seminars at your local churches and schools, stockpile gasoline and diesel fuel, make YouTube videos explaining the danger we are in, Donate all your spare cash to the preachers who foretold this looming disaster so that they can have their private jet airplanes fueled up ready to leave the country.
Magogs are large lizard type creatures with two horns on their heads, they are gray and their skin is wet and slimy, they have been sent by Satan as the first wave in his battle against Jesus, goodness, sweetness and cute little puppies, if we are ever defeated by these vile creatures from Hell it will be the end of truth, justice and the American way of life.
Remember, Jesus is on our side just as he's always been in every war the USA has been involved in and any previous defeats we have suffered were all because of Satan and his army of Demons. If you are confronted by a Magog run for your life.
Oh, come on! You should know better to do than to listen to The lying mainstream media. Russia will easily win that war and they are annihilating Ukraine. Please don't listen to The lying media. Listen to colonel McGregor's interview
As soon as I believe Satan, I'll believe Putin. It was his sneaky way of now having an excuse to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Actually, from my understanding of WW2, Hitler survived 40 assassination attempts, the Allies wanted Hitler assassinated, but Hitler's unsurpassable ego made him the worst military general on record. Same goes for Putin. The best enemy Russia has is Putin himself. Furthermore, if Putin dropped dead right now, some other mad dog of the same spirit will take over immediately… every country has a succession of power. So then, Putin nukes Ukraine and fallout blows right into Russia. Brilliant.
Go in clean up Ukraine there is a lot of evil in Ukraine
Have you not heard where Putin sent a Hyper sonic boom bomb into A large NATO Bunker killing over 300 people in total including some NATO and high up officials from Ukraine? It's True!! Clayton Morris on Redacted has a lot of hard investigative information untold hardly anywhere else and it FREE. It is starting to come out now. Hear it on #1 Stephen Gardner speaks with Col McGregor regarding it. Also #2 Redacted with Clayton Morris Hypersonic Attack….I feel like you being a Pastor you should be giving this information out to God's children without profiting. I had to go through 3 ads which pays you pretty good without having to pay a monthly fee for the rest of the video. Shame on you Pastor. I love Jesus and proclaim he came as a man to save us. He died hanging from the cross and Rose on the 3rd day to save the world. Proof I'm not trying to start trouble just stating true facts 🙏🙌🙌🙌
Thank you so much for your watchful eye on all these matters! I appreciate you Pastor Mark! Maranatha!
Thanks! For information, current events. God continue to bless you!!!