This Bill Would Penalize Women, Children, Families, and Others. Here’s Why
This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill with dangerous implications: the Equality Act. The bill’s title is a misnomer, as instead of furthering protections for all Americans’ civil liberties, it would penalize American citizens for their beliefs about sexual orientation and biological gender. “A federal sexual orientation and gender identity law would empower the government to interfere in how regular Americans think, speak, and act at home, at school, at work and at play. Any bill promoting such authoritarianism is a danger to our freedoms,” reads Heritage’s explainer on the bill.
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The radicals are about eradication over and above the greater good.
Oh he’ll no. This woman is mad.
We need to make a ruckus about this, let politicians know that we care and that they'd better represent the will of the PEOPLE if they want to stay in office. These snowflakes are a tiny, tiny less than 1% of the population, despite the constant media fawning. We are the vast majority who want a safe, sane world for our families. And we'd better make our voices heard now because it will take a lawsuit reaching the Supreme Court to overturn this. And who knows how many women and girls will have been attacked, how many children taken from their parents, how many churches, religious schools and hospitals, shelters, adoption agencies, businesses closed–or their members even thrown in prison–by then? This bill could come before the Senate in a matter of DAYS.
The quiet riot of women is starting to rumble. This…. butchering of children funded by Trans Billionaires will come to a halt.
I swear the Ignorance of the left, employers paying medical for gender transition? Do they not realize they are taking away any job prospects they had? logically if you owned a small business would you hire the person that would potentially cost more in medical, make you and staff walk on egg shells for fear of a lawsuit, or would you say, I'll be in touch we have many people applying for this position and then hire the person that is just wanting to work and not cause drama for your small business?
Doesn't even sound Constitutional…
Please watch if you haven't already… Rand Paul questioning candidate Dr. Levine on just this subject. She can't even answer properly or even like she cares. 2/25
Too many drugs and alcohol in DC! This is the Roman Empire in 2021! Politicians lack of ethics, integrity, righteousness, organic human evolution.
No no block it get Mitt Romney wet pants to vote no push throw out party.
Welcome to the Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar.
What surprises me is how people seem to be shocked that these types of bills are being put forth right now. Hell, the "For the People Act", HR1, is actually worse than this, because it will legalize election fraud which will keep the left in power for a very long time. The left "won" the election and has a lock on the federal government right now. They can do almost anything they want. And, if the Supreme Court gets in their way then they will do their level best to expand and pack it too. Things are only going to get worse until people actually start standing up to social media, mainstream media, and corrupt politicians.
The most dangerous part of all this is the fact that schools play doctor's now. People don't understand the authority public schools have. When your children are at school the schools have complete authority over your children because they have legal custodial rights over your children while they're at school. This is what opens the door. I hope people can understand what this means. Its more about what they could legally do if they really wanted. Lets be honest everything is getting pretty radical and its best not to give these people the tools that can do more harm than good. It's about the future and the trajectory of our public schools. A traditional doctor has no authority over children other than helping parents keep them healthy. When you go to your doctor the parents have legal rights and legally make all decisions. When your children see so called doctor's at school they have authority. Most Schools don't even employ real doctor's. They use their appointed made up diagnostician which in itself is made up but that's their title and are just school employed shrinks.
No way America can’t have this in our country you want a pervert in girls rest room with your little one in there? If you do then your the problem .
And you people care about this, why?
Hey mister, my granddaughter is in there.
“I’m a woman and I’m going in there.”
Not today
Just when you think it can’t get any worse…
omg american has chosen the most dangerous presiden of all the time…..this started because of legalizing the abortion…..all christian in America should pray earnestly
You know we haveproblems way moreimportant
Puberty blockers wow firsti heard ofsuch a thing u know pelosi an schumer are determined to destroy everythin an personally i dont haveproblem with anyone but assimilatin toa tinyminority because theyretoosensitive well im white an never really thought it meantanythin bein aveteran actually is myprefered classification
I love how you don't even mention what the bill itself says 😂 Gender and LGBT equality are waaay more nuanced than what you make it out to be.
Open every girl's locker room to males who self-identify as female??? So how do you determine that? If a male just say that he self identifies as a female he can just enter in?? Where is the right for the women who would be very traumatized seeing biological male walking freely in their locker room? Where is the right for them to be protected when a straight perverted male takes advantage of this? How can they even think about proposing this? You say you fight for women's rights and here you are trying to destroy them!!
If the equality act becomes law, it will literally leave the bathroom door wide open for male sexual offenders.
I understand you're idea of gender and sexuality is outdated and you're scared but society will progress