Thomas Sowell Debunks the myths surrounding Income Inequality and Slavery
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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The greatest thing about being white is we can screw up s*** in a few days what take other people centuries of effort
The West is blamed for slavery, but it was the West who “ended” it. Well, at least in the west… it still continues somewhat openly throughout the rest of the world. Or in the US by illegal immigrants and cultural leaders and black market businesspersons (mainly)from outside countries who operate illegally in the U.S.
I don't know if it's an abnormality of my own, but Thomas Sowell explanations open up my mind in a very epiphany like way… Jesus 🤯
It's like a burden is taken out from it.
Love you so much guy ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
.so here’s were we are.we have a slave nation that has just gained its independence but has to pay reparations otherwise its independence won’t last long,on top of the reparations that it’s paying(for about 100 years )it’s sanctioned by the us,it’s then invaded by the us between 1915-1935 (because of business interests)which is 20years and you’re asking why is Haiti a failure, this is peak conservative logic.
There is only one place slavery still exists, guess where…AFRICA!
After Haiti won its independence from France they had to pay France reparations amounting to $21billion dollars,added on top of that the economic sanctions imposed on them by countries like the us after their victory,the country was doomed to fail,what is this guy talking about
Which book is this from??
Black men earned 60% what white men earned, clearly racism doesn't impede economic progress. What is he talking about?
Even today. When people move to nicer part of town when they get a better job or just want to live in a safe clean city, its usually were lots of whites live.
"I eat my own poop, and must make a vapid Youtube comments, quoting the man in the video while giving no views of my own." – Thomas Sowell
Of course, everybody ignores the elephant in the room when it comes to today's black underachievement: several generations of taxpayer-subsidized single motherhood. Want a recipe for never-ending social and economic dysfunction? This is it!
Hey Mr. Sowell, just answer this question. What did France do to Haiti after the slave revolution?
Just came across this guy – his ideas on race and society are truly appalling! It's clear from the comments here why he would be celebrated by the right and those who would seek to diminish the effects of racism in society and the more generally but no less destructive effects of poverty and disempowerment that is the lived experience of human beings of all race and cultures around the world.
Thank you again for taking the time to explain multi cultures
excellent overview, 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
end of slavery western hemisphere 1888? what about the German Nazis, or Mauritania that did not abolish slavery until 1981
I think folks are missing a point:
Sowell isn’t undermining the detrimental impacts of slavery on Native Black Americans and their culture. Rather, the disparity between Native Blacks and Whites is not the result of racism.
How come Thomas Sowell hasn’t been on Joe Roman’s Podcast yet? Hurry up and make that happen.
This is inspiring. It means that human beings are far more capable of overcoming historical oppression than the Woke would have you believe. Never forget, as John McWhorter has explained, Woke ideology is a new religion, complete with its own (false) account of history.
Education, or Lack thereoff, explains a lot.