Three Things to Know About Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Three Things to Know About Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
1) Federal action is needed to restore confidence.
2) The companies are creations of big-government policies.
3) Breaking up the companies is the best long-term fix.
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hahahahahah and it did
"Community College economics 101 disproves him."
How do you know that? Is that where you went?
Great point about breaking them up. They have FAR too much power, govt influence, and not enough competition.
this guy is an idiot. Community College economics 101 disproves him.
Fannie Mae; Home of crooks and political hacks, playground for legal robbery of the American taxpayer.
"The deputy walks on hard nails the preacher rids a mount
nothing really matters much it's doom alone that counts" B Dylan
these guys are smoking crack
I guess it's something like when Reagan broke up the telephone monopoly, right? The competition improved and expanded communication services and technology. Sounds like a good idea, but I don't know if the government will actually do something like this unless someone like Reagan comes along….
Right On!!
I couldn't agree more.