Tommy Robinson Arrested for Restraining Child Molester Who Attacked His Daughter
British activist Tommy Robinson has been arrested by British police for restraining a child molester who grabbed his daughter’s behind in a swimming pool. The child molester had not been arrested as of this video being created. Shared here with permission.
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in the United states Robinson would not be arrested United states and Australia goes to the outher extreme where police and outher swmmers would be taszaring the man in question
we will investigate him but nick you, bunch of losers.
What's the paedos name?????? Tommy Robinson not recently went to jailing for naming paedophiles online before they were convicted, he was told his actions to have the case threw out and low and behold he doesn't want to jeopardise a case against his daughter.
Fucking dirty pigs cunts hope you lot die in pain you cunts
They don’t know the situation. And yet you are effing and swearing at police officers. No wonder you were arrested.
Tommy hit a guy. Gets seriously aggressive with police. Police arrest him. Try calming down next time lad.
I'm terribly saddened by the way this family-protecting sensitive issue was tackled. I'm with you and your family, Tommy!
Britain is so fucked
The UK is a shithole country now run by criminal police, thanks to child molesting supporting politicians and their policies, who want to see very young children harmed…
if it was my kid, i would have beaten this scumbag good and not called the cops.. these cops show why their no rule of law and why you need to take the law in your own hands, cause they the cops protect child mosleters, rapists and rape gangs, these cops are fucked in the head and all need to be fired outright.. ..
Police are stupid
awesome video