Understand How the Holy Spirit Works in the Bible
In this video, we explore the original meaning of the biblical concept of “spirit” and what it means that God’s Spirit is personally present in all of creation. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit was revealed through Jesus and sent out into the lives of his followers to bring about the new creation.
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When Jesus died the Holy Spirit came to live inside every believer forever . John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give another Advocate to you, so that he may abide with you for eternity. We have god inside of us always now . We live under the New Testament covenant . Praise God. We have the same raising from the dead power in us we which we can use in Jesus mighty name.
Can the Holy Spirit tell me when I am going to die
I often thought about the Holy Spirit but didn't understand it much. I thought to myself yesterday: I often see people write comments: I was thinking about something and God gave me this video in the recommendations. Can it be the same for me? And today this video is in the recommendations. It's wonderful. I converted to God a year ago. Before that, I lived a sinful life for many years, sinned by masturbation, envied others, hated others. But now my life has changed and although I continue to fight with sins in my life. But now I know the meaning of my life and I am not afraid of growing old and dying like before.
I love yall yall are so cool and I love the way you explain it and even the cartoon effect nice ❤
thank you for this knowledge!
Great awesome video. I'm subscribed and 👍 up.
You said God's spirit, should be Spirit, raised Jesus. The Spirit that hovered over the deep, and the Spirit that created all life, the Creator is Jesus. So there is no separate Spirit of God, or spirit. Bc there is only the Holy One of the OT. They are ALL Jesus. It doesn't take a council or false, archaic, confused theology. Just understanding of the OT, and how it fits into the NT revealing of the Word made flesh. Which is what John tells us in his first verses. That Jesus is the Spirit and Creator, in the flesh. The Messiah, Savior and implied, that he is the One and Spirit of God. It's all spoken of and understood clearly. Without predisposed theology of legacy pagan deity misunderstanding of gentile leadership suffering from persecution; and without Jewish influence and understanding. The Church is still mostly ignorant as well. And even with your knowledge and seeming expertise, you are still clouded by Church theology, brother. See the truth and speak the Spirit of life.
New life in Christ! Amen!
I’m so glad the Holy Spirit has guided me to not just the Bible project but also to Tara-Leigh Cobble’’s the Bible recap. Combining all this good work and my own readings and study has really moved me closer to Jesus. Thank you all. God bless you.
Christ is King!!!
"Who has known the mind of the Lord"? "His ways are PAST FINDING OUT". "As the wind blows and you hear the sound, but do NOT KNOW from where it came or where it goes, so is everyone born of the Spirit" – CHRIST
This is amazing, I try to walk in the light of Jesus, ive been freed from drugs,alcohol, even cigarettes, I walk with pride, have a job,and help everyone I can, and fear only the LORD ALLMIGHTY
Great explanation guys!!! Thank you so much 🙏
what if we are just in a simulation with proof of God
Starte in deinem Verstand.
Heilig und Geist.
Ein Heiliger Geist, ist ein argloses, deines Wesen und definitiv MENSCHLICH.
I received the Holy Spirit in ,y hear now I attract many demonic people … they don’t know peace .. progress … but they never last long in my life 😅
I feel the holy spirit is like the magnetism that pulls people towards love. The trinity is all encompassing love. The holy spirit has many wonderful gifts he also gives to followers as well. This is a super over simplistic view of course.
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