Use Morality to Prove God
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
Read: God Didn’t Create Moral Law, It’s Simply A Reflection Of His Character
God Didn’t Create Moral Law, It’s Simply a Reflection of His Character
Do objective moral truths exist? If so, are there any good examples? More importantly, how can we explain their existence? Can objective moral truths emerge from the laws of physics, or is an objective, personal, moral law giver a better explanation? In this stage presentation from an apologetics conference, J. Warner examines the evidence for the existence of objective moral truth.
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As a christian, I really struggle with the moral argument for God. My problem is this: Let's talk for example about the Nuremberg Trials: Why is it so obviously good, to judge the nazi's from a foreign culture? Because you WANT IT to be good. You don't WANT to live in a world, where the nazi's would not be punished. So in the end, the moral argument boils down to mere subjective preferences. But how is it OK, to appeal to subjective wants when arguing for objective morals? As I understand now, the moral argument for God proves that it is beneficial to a society, to have a God, as a lawgiver, but I really do not see, how he is necessary just because we want things to be a certain way.
Amen 🙏
You can be rational. You can be moral, You can be an atheist. You can be any one or two of these, but you cannot be all three simultaneously. A rational analysis of morality leads you to God, or at minimum deism.
We know right and wrong right from the moment they ate from the fruit.
Informative video
Hi Jim, as a former atheist, can you make a video making a case for the supernatural? I've met a few that simply won't accept the possibility of supernatural. I more or less tell them if they aren't open to anything being supernatural, I can't convince them that my brand of it it true (Jesus). Maybe it's me being incapable, them being given up to a reprobate mind, both or something else, but I know there's a way to get over this hurdle. Thanks for what you do. If anyone has a compelling case, I'd appreciate it.
If you could use morality to prove God then there wouldn't be so much wickedness in the churches today. The only proof of God is the HOLY SPIRIT in HIS people.
The Gospel is simple, repent from living after the flesh, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and then be led only of the Living Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
The bible is good for history, but searching the scriptures will not bring you to Christ.
You must actually come to HIM with your heart in the SPIRIT to KNOW HIM, you can only know ABOUT HIM from the bible, but you can only KNOW HIM by the HOLY SPIRIT.
No,surrender to the Holy Spirit and let HIM present JESUS!
Thanks for this inspiring discussion of something I've contemplated, regarding our divine gifts and given mission 🙏✝️
To prove God ,His miraculous power proves.if any God doesn't have miracles he is not god.according to my understanding to prove God.🙏🙏
Yeah but there were plenty of societies that saw human and child sacrifice as morally acceptable. Even necessary to please the gods
As always solid information, thank you!
Thank you so much,brilliant and very clearly explained.
I am trying to find my path to God. I guess I would be considered Atheist. I keep trying to find a scientific reasoning to prove God's existence because my brain automatically rules out anything that isn't scientific. When I came out as trans my family shamed me so I steered further from God because I thought he wouldn't love me for who I am but I feel that this is who I am meant to be and I am gonna watch your channel and read your book because I want to find my path back to Jesus and I want to believe again. I hope I will at some point.
Let me know when your new book comes out and is available.
Brilliant presentation of God's Word.
God Bless
I surely admire your gift of spreading the gospels! My experience with Jesus has been more "for my eyes only". I have shared with family and close friends, but they tend to think I'm just a little weird. I've even had some say that since my experiences with Jesus are not documented in the Holy Bible; it is Satan trying to steal my soul. It gets a bit disheartening sometimes. I guess I'm simply trying to understand why people who say they're "believers" are so unbelieving. Thank you for "making the case" for those who need to see to believe. ✝️👑🙏😇
Definitely called to be case makers for the gospel. Thank you for all you do for the gospel Jim. Storing up treasures in heaven and snatching souls from the flames 🔥🔥🔥
Outside of God, there is no moral truth, only opinion, and preference, there may be facts, but no truth, it's why Jesus says he is the truth, the only truth 🙏
Love this channel.. God has truly blessed you and uses you