Vivek: Americans Can Handle the Truth About 9/11
Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy joins Tucker Carlson to share his thoughts on the 9/11 attacks.
Full interview here: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson
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9/11 is an inside job .
The truth will cost people in high places money. Bad for business, keep the sheep moving.
"I'd rather lose some election, than to play some political snakes and ladders of what we are supposed to say."
That's nice to hear. Good luck to this guy.
It’s not the fact that people can be trusted with the truth, it’s the fact that they can handle the truth.
Lets get tazey crazy
Thanks YT, for fact checking us with an open source website.
Weren’t they going out of business??
The reason they won’t ever admit 9/11 involvement is the people in NY who lost family members would go completely in REVOLT
When you see the context banner you know the video contains something true.
But can they handle the truth about the false flag 'unabomber'.
Can you handle that it was Mossad?
Youtube is getting worse and worse. Look at that weird wikipedia disclaimers. Absolutly ridiculous.
Vivek is a brilliant young man he should be Trump vice president no questions someone who can don 8 more years of justice and truth just like Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson the truth.
God bless you Tucker and keep you under he’s wings
Vivek is controlled opposition. There is only one person on the planet who has thoroughly investigated ALL the evidence and draws the ONLY true conclusions. That person is Dr Judy Woods. Her book is "Where did the Towers go". If you have an open enough mind with no cognitive dissonance then you must read this book. It may be heavy going as it delves into areas which are complex physics and some hidden technologies. But it's the only study which fully investigates 9/11. All the rest are gatekeepers. When Richard Gauge of Architects for 9/11 publicly states "we can't look at ALL of the evidence", what does that tell you?
Also, the fact that Dr Wood has been erased from Wikipedia will also tell you something.
Search for the work of "9/11 revisionist", they put it into palatable bites for us, the average person.
If will blow your mind..😮
Tucker please have Ben from Suspicious Observers on you will not regret it. Definitely you need to interview of what's coming to earth 🌎
So then it was only benevolent intent that caused the government to allow for 9/11 and allowed for the insurance claim on the trade towers and to allow building 7 to go down and to allow the emergency necessary to allow the government to have more and more control over our lives? That is benevolence? No, I disagree.
Why are we missing the point here? The government is not confused about whether we can handle the truth. The government does not want to pay the price after we know the truth. If I do not tell you that I slept with your wife, it's not because I think you cannot handle the truth. But it is that I do not want to suffer the repercussion after telling you that I slept with your wife.
lies are made cool by social conditioning because its necessary for MANIPULATION
americans can handle the fall of rome today and then they can handle the kennedy assassination too 50 years later,dummy
Ask John Brennan.
Cant handle the truth?! I live in Australia and the whole statement of truth, to 90% of the population is the government would not lie to us, or the government has our best interests in mind….. Our country has been 1 of the biggest pushovers in modern day times……
Never forget the dancing israelis!
I don’t think they think we can’t handle the truth, if they tell us the truth they will expose their involvement
You get the most flak, when you are over the target
We know the truth about 911
I thought it was common knowledge it was orchestrated by Dick, Donald and Bush right. Controlled demolitions using thermite and explosives..
There were explosives used. LETS NEVER FORGET WTC 7! There's a reason NIST didn't even bother to test for explosives residue. Independent tests verified it, and structural engineers prove the buildings couldn't collapse on their own.
In these back rooms, they are not conceiving of lies to protect us. They are lying to actively undermine us.
Abusive 9:35 dishonest parents (ie government ) treating the voter citizens as (ignorant)naive children who cannot handle the TRUTH
“The New Pearl Harbor”. Best documentary on the internet. If you want to know the truth, watch all 5 hours of it.
9/11 was used to trigger NATO. Revealing an inside job would pull the US out of it. Splitting NATO would endager world peace.
It was an “inside job”
If people can't handle the truth, they should stay home and hide.
Zionists pulled off 9-11 . Not scary desert people from the sand dunes in the Middle East .
Everything the Zionists say is a lie.
Cause and effect. All planned in order to invade middle east