Walter Williams Suffers No Fools
No economist of modern times has challenged and overturned more wrong-headed economic thinking than Walter Williams. For forty years he’s argued against the illogic of the minimum wage, racial quotas, occupational licensing as well as the welfare state. What drives his liberal critics crazy is his provocative argument that these government interventions hurt the very people they are designed to help.
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Minimum wage is more unacceptable now because all the information necessary to make an informed decision about contracting is very accesible. It's easy to google how much is a living wage in your area and how much your colleagues in the same field receive so it's easy to calculate and negotiate how much you should get.
Republic-the minority protected from the majority. Democracy-the majority ruling over the minority, mobocracy. Mexico is building a wall now. What do they know?
Walter Williams, I miss you!
Words of wisdom!
I hope Jamel watches the video! I’d love to see his reaction!
Much love, Jamel!
Truly, Walter Williams is an intellectual of the highest caliber. I thoroughly enjoyed viewing Suffer No Fools. (And of course, one would have to have lived in a salt mine not to have heard of Thomas Sowell). In regard to his Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon, he states, “I, Walter E. Williams, do declare full and general amnesty and pardon to all persons of European ancestry . . .”; however, he fails to pardon the Africans who were the slave vendors, as it were. As well, to this day, the slave trade is still alive and well in Africa.
Youtube videos like this one has changed my life.
Those people that need to be helped are the ones who are disabled mentally and physically .. but an abled bodied person regardless of race must learn to feed himself Herself not being parasites on government and charitable institutions and other humans:::
What this black guy is saying is true . If poor black people are always being given handouts , they tend to enjoy the handouts and at the end get lazy to find and work to fend for themselves :::
Walter is right, it's the Citizens that reject Liberty & its Citizens from both sides of the political spectrum. All the so called Constitutional Conservatives like Mark Levin are frauds where there personal biases trump true liberty. You couldn't get any of these frauds today to promote the rights that Walter did in this interview because people are more concerned with not being demonized.
Emotional Manipulation is the strongest tool thats used to get people to sacrifice there personal liberties. Gone are the days where one said "I don't agree with someone's views but I will fight for there right to express & act on them".
Only 10K likes? Really, either ignorance or not smart enough to understand – suffer no fools…..
Boy was he right!!!! 2023
This negro went crazy. He’s talking about our country. When did this become our country? Fool they had us in physical bondage when they wrote the constitution. This a we sick massa negro.
The eminent MR. WILLIAMS has departed earth, but so happy that interviews remain. Look forward to meeting this man in Heaven!!!
White people are grateful thanks to Williams and sowell they don’t have to buy toilet paper
He was an ideologue who was full of shit.
Only African American can find reason for their own race to stay powerless like grandmother said so smart untill you dumb
Walter was the best!
George Mason? LOL and I'm outta here!
Wish this man were still alive. RIP Walter. Thank you for teaching me to open my mind.
a. Promise to work to eliminate income tax. Vote winner.
b. Match (a) with Spending cuts. Vote loser: unless a promise to start with hiring freezes and job placement programs.
c. Tie it altogether with a campaigns for 'A Stronger Tomorrow'. 'Small Pain, Bigger Gain.'
d. Plan to eliminate the Fed and Bond issues.
e. Promote Constitutional changes that will make the USA 'package' exportable across the planet to emerging, and the old and tired nations. The true meaning of Manifest Destiny since Empire was taken off the table.
Except in marriage! Which hypocrites person.
brilliant man
Fantastic watch. Thank you.
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