Want to Solve Biden’s Border Crisis? Enforce the Law | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Monday, April 26, to talk about the border crisis, VP Harris’ insulting comments about not visiting the border, and why the Biden administration needs to get serious about securing our border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYxrBy4B3yM
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We wouldn't BE experiencing this Border DISASTER, if Joe hadn't let Them know that ALL are Welcome (without going through Legal Channels) Not to Mention Stopping Construction of The Wall.
Special K is unfit for her VP office , unable to do the job , No super hero here, just a super no show , hey did Bozo joe layoff Special K or lay down duty
if someone would bed harris to go to the border, she's be there in a dime…obviously no one wants to
Ya want to solve our border problem? Able bodied Americans need to load up their RVs, tents and supplies and head South. Our patrols need help our help. Biden-Harris doesn't give a crap.
The left—with help from the mainstream media—quickly attacked Georgia’s new election integrity law. The problem? Their attacks are all based on lies: https://youtu.be/K3zrvFUk1bM
One sure way of stopping the border crisis is to have biden, and his administration pay (out of their own pockets), for this
crisis, and NOT make American citizens pay for something We did NOT agree on
Why do you think that Obama is still living in Washington for he is still doing everything in the white house
As Biden says that he knows exactly what is happening there at the boarders that means that he will not go there for the Democrats already knows what is going on
Yes. Enforce the laws. That's all.
And she blamed Trump. How insane she was. Everything was Trump's fault. Outrageous.
Crisis? What crisis? The treasonous Demorats view this as an opportunity.
She's afraid to face the border patrol abd the residents there. 😂
It's been 31 days…because Biden 100 days is up…she probably gonna take the dummy/puppet position SOON !!
Karma Karma Karma Karma KAMALaEON