We Gave Joe Biden a Secure Border — He Created a Crisis | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Monday, May 24, to talk about the border crisis, why President Trump’s policies secured the border, and why the Biden administration needs to get back to those effective policies which worked.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cErBBvSp0-0
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Border crisis and Biden ignoring it is by design…future Dem votes, future socialist welfare country.
Send them back. Tax burden.
At what point is the Biden regime to be considered traitorous cabal endangering American national security and the personal security of individual Americans? The Biden regime has assiduously violated immigration law at multiple levels under the guise of Executive Orders to subvert America for the political benefit of the radical leftists running the Democrat Party.
It is now clearly obvious that it was all by design and it still continues. Its like watching big tech in a congressional review telling all the politicians it was an error, a mistake, and we are working one it. They have been carrying this plan of evasion out for over 2 decades. I would expect Biden, kamala, and Mayorkas to do the same………………
Biden and gang are drug running and child trafficking for allowing this.
There is nothing CLOSED about the border. 2022 will see us take the House and the Senate back!! Then in 2024 we take back the White House
Biden an American hater is only doing this job in politics for the money
Title should read.."We gave the CCP a secure border.."