We Need to Finish Constructing the Border Wall | Ken Cuccinelli on Newsmax TV
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Newsmax TV, Tuesday, April 6, to talk about the border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris’ complete lack of attention to the border despite being chosen to lead the crisis response, and why the Biden administration has created this border crisis.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1BsK4GHMSE
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We need that wall. The rate these Mexicans are coming in, it will soon become impossible for Conservatives to win any elections.
Watch Biden-Harris blame previous administration for holes in the wall.
Bad red man
Meanwhile Cartel’s running Biden’s ‘surge the border’ policies with great success
Here we go again…a couple white guys making tropes against a minority. Can't y'all understand why y'all white supremacists are being ostracized from society??
This news station is a joke
No matter what is done there will be a constant free flow of illegals into this country by design. Both parties want this. The population that is retiring cannot be replaced by our own. Illegal aliens translate into lower wages. And that's what big business wants big business owns our government. Why do you push the narrative that you do because you're not dumb and you should know what's going on. but maybe you're part of the problem
Ignorance to fixing the problem at the border is totally for democrat votes
Fences work period.
Newsmax, don't you know that "Walls DON'T Work?! Didn't you get the memo?! Why are you spreading MISINFORMATION?! How DARE you?! Aaaaaarh!!!
Where is Kamal Harris?
finish the WALL…these democrap communists are not protecting us from terroists and cartels..they should all be impeached
Her role after the fact was modified to ambassaor. Didn't you get the memo? She only has to attend the briefings. No policy recommendations or improvements needed at all by her or her office.
Mr. Cuccinelli: . . . hot potato . . .
look like.
Me: that is funny because another person said, and I quote; the kids in space blankets "look like potatoes".
My my it seems that Ms. Harris isn't the only one dealing with 'hot potatoes'. This entire drama does not bode well for Team Joe-Joe and our country. First the "open borders" crowd WHINED that former POTUS Trump was "putting kids in cages", now they are SILENT! What a joke this makes us