We’re a “Sanctuary Country” for Illegal Aliens Under Joe Biden | Ken Cuccinelli on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox Business, Monday, March 8, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, the Biden administration’s policy of releasing COVID-positive illegal immigrants into the country, and why we need common-sense policy that respects and secures our borders.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxE2qaocJ34
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Christian? The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35
If your answer is that we must obey the Law of Man
But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men."
Titus 3:1
I Wish you asked Native Americans their opinion about immigration and manifest destiny
I am atheist by the way.
I never thought the day would come there would be an invasion the US would not like.
The left are still arguing that if you are against illegal immigration your are anti-immigrant.
When people sell their souls to satan for profit, their worship of and unbridled lust for the god of money cancels out all righteousness and truth in their minds and hearts, and so devoid of true life — zombies who carry the wrath of God in their daily life, they ceaselessly promote and adhere to the spirit of lies. Professing evil as good and good as evil, they seek only the selfish proliferation of their wicked, but temporary lifestyles.
But, Inspite of these covens of witchcraft, we declare and absolutely demand in Jesus name that these acts and actors of witchcraft end the spells of darkness cast over the eyes of those uncomfortable with themselves as they watch this dastardly takeover our nation, suddenly, so that everyone who practices the worship of evil will know that the Lord, He alone is God.
This administration is pure evil and lies in true form they are being revealed for all the treachery they are imposing upon all Americans shame on all democrats and the puppet that supposedly leads them in the White House what a sad time it truly is for this nation.
and you can never get rid of them once they are here. They are bussing and flying them up to the north as we speak, with our money.
I don't see this as immigration, but as a well planned invasion… just goes along with thd Pelosi/corporate coop…
Biden is no longer with us and so is the clown, Fauci. What you are seeing are body doubles. A general from space force is the jackass behind the rubber mask pretending to be Biden…… and what appears to be Fauci is another clown behind a rubber mask.
Source – Lifeforce meeting 03/07/21 on Inited Network News Channel.
It's not a Democrat new-age policy, it is a global attack against the sovereignty of the United States of America. What boggles me is that all our politicians and our courts seem to welcome it. Is dirty money that powerful? Principalities and powers of the air. Is the air (TV, Internet) the power the Bible spoke of?
Democrats sold the US and now they’re delivering.
At what point is Biden's immigration practice of allowing illegal aliens to enter the United States without documentation and in violation of immigration law. considered to be an act of treason as it endangers the security of the United States and the safety of Americans?
Far beyond crisis. People, it's criminal. Biden is knowingly setting America up for destruction. Thank you liberal Demoncrats. Enjoy watching your grand kids eat out of dumpsters and drink out of gutters.
The Dems are trying to break America to bring in the new world order, aliens they feel, will vote Dem.
We have been covering all govt benefits to illegals since I know at least 2004 even disability. Folks this didnt just happen. Gateway for illegals to be setup for benefits were thru govt hospital ERs where Medicaid was setup with all benefits so hospitals could milk then hell out of Medicaid. Govt hospitals have interpreters and benefit liaisons that worked with Medicaid office before illegals were discharged. Americans are fed up.
Biden thinks by importing illegals his popularity fir deicrat party will increase that's why he let's everything go and wants it to be law
This is terrible for average folks. It stagnates our wages and increases our living costs.
It's utterly criminal.
Get rid of Beetlejuice..why allow this nwo mayor to continue destroying Chicago