What are two ways of being human?
Psalm 1 tells us that every human has a choice between two paths. One path leads to life, while the other path leads to ruin.
#shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible
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Amen ❤
Thank you for posting this !!!!!
Praise jesus❤❤
Thank you Bible project!!!! Yahweh bless you all
Man, I love these videos. Keep up the good work!
"A tree of life for others" I never thought of it that way until now, I like that 😊
“This poem (Psalm) and all of G-d’s instructions are designed for a lifetime of meditation; reading and re-reading slowly, allowing to guide all of our choices and the result is to become a Tree of Life for others.”
That's beautiful.
😢 what is the name of the company of the bible products and what are
I really enjoy this meditative break of your clips when mindlessly scrolling through shorts
Ameen! I love this so much, you're bringing the Bible to life in such a beautiful way, thank you! My heart rejoices, praise the Lord ❤️🔥🙏
Sadly, the Bible Project founder (the voice behind the videos) condones homosexuality.
The Book of Psalms is Good.
Nice 👍
Mary pondered 😍
Love this video and the Bible project. My channel “ring them bells“ is dedicated to sharing as much Tim Mackie and BibleProject material as we possibly can and one of our main goals helping point as many people towards this awesome project.
Keep Em Coming Y’all❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bible Project means well, but I've noticed creeping into the "woke" area. I pray this is only my misunderstanding, but saying homosexuals and transsexuals are just fine in their lives is against Yahweh's Word. I believe he meant to say that sin is sin and we all have it in our lives. Jesus Christ died for us to forgive this sin, but we need to repent not live in our sin and except it. King Jesus Christ loves everyone, but you can not be comfortable, be proud, advocate sin, and expect that is acceptable. Idk, where BP is located, but it's screaming "California area. "…. I pray they and I follow Jesus Christ to glorify Yahweh and not man. Blessings.
I love that❤ Amen🙏🏾
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All these things take place in the mind of God where we live and have our being. 🙏
Amen 🙏🏾 ❤❤
I’m a Believer in A Baptist Church from Africa, Zambia 🇿🇲 to be specific these videos have really helped me…
Please keep up the awesome work you do
I can only imagine the work that goes into making these videos & podcasts
Thank You so much!
Amazingly put together, we'll done
I love your visuals, that help me to understand better because I am a visual learner. Thank you
Somebody pointed out something that made me go back and read Genesis 1 & 2. According to the late Dr. Michael Heiser and his teachings on the divine counsel Elohim, and Yahuah Elohim (Lord God) are two different distinctions…I re-read Gen.1 & 2 in the Septuagint and if that is the case Lord God is not mentioned until Gen. 2. This may or may not have any significance in the text, but why is man created in man in Gen. 1:27-28 and then again having Lord God create man and female (apparently at the same time), and in Gen. 2:7 saying He formed man out of the dust of the breathing into him the breath of life and that is when man became a living soul…and then 'later' decided he needed a help mate in Gen 2:18…this is really perplexing…
Very nice, yet again it's like the other incredible videos
I’m a tree of life for others!!!!
Thank you