What COVID-19 Recovery SHOULD Look Like: Kay C. James
Kay C. James joined the Armstrong Williams Show on May 30th to discuss the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission’s work to save lives & livelihoods.
Read the recommendations here: https://www.coronaviruscommission.com/recommendations
The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission adopted a five-phase plan to reopen America and combat the novel coronavirus. The phases and accompanying recommendations detail the “all of society” approach that this requires, recognizing that decisions to reopen the American economy must proceed expeditiously and that our recovery over the months to come cannot follow a national or top-down approach. Success requires coordination among the federal government, state and local governments, the private sector, and civil society.
Phase 1: Return to a more normal level of business activity at the regional level based on scientific data. This would be done only after stabilizing the health care system; establishing enhanced testing, reporting, and contact tracing; and continuing to follow CDC mitigation guidelines. At the same time, additional policies should be pursued to help workers, businesses, and medical professionals mitigate the economic consequences of the epidemic.
Phase 2: Slow the spread of the coronavirus while expanding testing, reporting, and contact tracing. Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and other mitigation efforts until new cases begin to decline for at least 14 days. Increase diagnostic testing for COVID-19 and immunity. Also, resources should be made available to regional public health departments to undertake and expand testing, reporting, and contact tracing of those who may be in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases.
Phase 3: Continue to build the science. Increase the availability and rapidity of new diagnostic tests while supporting the acceleration and introduction of proven therapeutics and vaccines.
Phase 4: Establish U.S. leadership in economic recovery. Implement risk-informed measures to reestablish international travel while limiting the threat of reinfection. Partner with key strategic allies, including Western Europe and the Indo–Pacific, to empower economic freedom and partnerships in free markets among free people.
Phase 5: Reduce future risks of pandemics. Invest in national and state stockpiles, reform supply chains, develop strategies to adjust resource capacity to meet the demands of crises, develop the supply of antiviral agents, seek to develop vaccines for coronaviruses, as well as invest in an international biosurveillance network to detect and contain emerging infectious diseases through coordination and cooperation.
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The ever irrepressible Kay Coles James, she is an incredible asset to the Heritage Foundation and an asset to the country as well, I would love to see what kind of work she could do for a truly conservative administration in the White House.
I used to respect Kay C James. I no longer respect nor trust her.
Should never have been illegally closed in the first place. Open everything. Back to normal now.
I have a hard time listening to the heritage foundation knowing its funded by the koch brothers .
Thank You 🌷🇺🇸🇮🇱☀️