What does a restored world look like?
In Isaiah 61, the prophet shares a vision of a restored world. The land is filled with abundance and ordered by right relationships.
#shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible
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Stay encouraged
Amen 😊
What translation are they using?
Can I just say something?
Where do we get this idea that we're going to spend all day prostrate before the throne in heaven? Like dude, me and the Lord are gonna play some skate 3 idk about you guys.
Hope can be detrimental to certain societies
The more I spend time reading God's word, praying, praising and worshipping, I feel righteousness sprouting and growing in my heart
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Thanks. Where can I see the full video?
This restoration has to be something that takes place in the future because it hasn’t happened yet Peace
Had to listen to this one a few times- Gods word is awe-inspiring. Such timeless words! Keep hope, brothers and sisters. ❤
Bible Project is awesome!
…so where do we go from here?
Thumbs down ! I hate the compressed narration! Please go listen to some audio books, how about the Bible audiobook…. They are narrated slower so folks have time to process what is being said. If a person doesn’t have enough time to do that, you’re defeating your purpose! THEY WILL NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING NOR LEARN ANYTHING! Duh…
Then it needs to be mentioned that folks have different intelligence levels and learning speeds. Also you have folks with English as a second language ESL, that you’re also pushing away. Then for me, I want to enjoy hearing this…. Example “Go play your favorite new movie just released, that you’ve been waiting for. Now play it at twice the speed on your 1st viewing… Do you enjoy it ? Did you understand the subtleties of the plot ?” Literally I don’t enjoy watching anything narrated too fast. Professional tv folk always knew and understood this well. Amateur content makers make this mistake everywhere on YouTube.
I’m unsubscribing. If that is how you present information, especially Biblical, I’m not interested in this channel. I’ll find one that understands proper narration speeds. Horrible, just horrible. Go listen to AudioVox audiobooks, they’ve had this stuff worked out years ago. Bye. Unsubscribed. I can’t think of any other way of trying to get your attention. It’s that important, actually the most important. Remember your English teacher saying “Slow down!” I hope for the sake of others, that you listen.
It’s ok to wipe out the human race. It’s ok if you want to do that God, I accept this and am no longer afraid- for it is needed. Nothing can rid the wickedness that has plagued our world but complete annihilation. Those pure in heart who have done no harm to others in life will be anticipating you to receive them with open arms ❤