What Does the Bible Say About Border Control and Immigration?
Pastor Jack Hibbs tackles some of the hard-hitting topics of today’s culture in his new YouTube mini-series to help believers equip themselves to engage the culture for Christ. In this video, Pastor Jack discusses what the Bible teaches about border control and immigration.
Christians who truly care about the state of the Gospel and of the Church should not expect nonbelievers to lobby in their favor. Pastor Jack stresses how critical it is that believers are informed on what the Bible says about matters we face today, and that Christ followers vote their biblical values.
Ultimately, hope for change cannot be found in any country’s ruling class, but in Jesus Christ alone.
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you come here illegal you broke the law that makes you a criminal
Sorry Jack you are wrong as wrong can be!! Everyone that comes in ILLEGALLY HAS committed a crime so they ALL must go BACK and get in line to come in legally…….
Borders are Biblical. Now, what is done to protect a border is a different thing. It looks like we have gone against Christian morality for so long that we have just given up and will not stand up when it is needed because we refuse to look like a "snowflake" or be identified in any way with "the other side" It's honestly a sad situation.
May God have mercy God tells us how to treat immigrants. May God have mercy
Thank you!
Coming here illegally, they already broke that first law!
Good idea Pastor Hibbs.
heaven has walls and gates with extreme vetting, hell has open boarders
How sad it is that some Christians are so stuck to their Democrat party that they don't care about voting according to the principals what the Bible tells us.
Not only the country but the church! is so divided on the subject of immigration and boarders. Dr. David Jeremiah preaches Leviticus 19:33-34 and brother Jack here preaches Romans 13:1-7…[sigh!]…Division is America today…and it's a bit confusing and downright heartbreaking. Nonetheless, I stand for "legal" immigration but I'm also trying my best to rightly divide the Word of God. (no pun intended) Look, I don't get into what I term "emotionalism"…That's what the media and its affiliates want to saturate us with. But I do have a heart, especially when I see the young ones who are migrating, suffer. Yes, I get it, that's the emotional state which as I said, I'm aware of. I often say, "I pray that young child fully recovers from the heat exhaustion". But the bottom line is, it's not her/his fault. It's the fault of the organizers who implemented the migration in the first place and their financial supporters (Soros…AHEM!!!) and the like. So yes, I get it. So at the end of the day, with all the overwhelming circumstances, from natural disasters, plagues returning, wars and rumors of wars, and financial woes that are imminent, folks, we are on the precipice of either calamity or a great home-going! I feel that we are so close to Jesus' soon return that He's not only nearing the door, but close enough that I can hear His Footsteps as He approaches. Maranatha!
Thank you for this message that answers questions in a biblical and legal standpoint!
Thank you!!!
Nobody's getting into Gods Kingdom without being vetted and meeting the desired criteria. But the globalists think they can flood the nations without vetting immigrants and refugees. They want to change the dynamic and water down our Christian heritage so that they can destroy nations from within.
If you are here "Illegally" you're already a CRIMINAL.. genius.
Great job Dennis Prager-ing this topic in view of Bible teachings, Haha. Love it
Thank you Pastor Jack. Everything you sermon is based on BIBLE, 100% true and So unchangeable.
They are NOT refugees !!!! Islam is a religion of war and invasion by any and all means .
Just a slight correction, Jack. England isn't an Island, Britain is. England has two other countries bordering it, i.e., Scotland and Wales.
Acts 17:26 KJV
[26] And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
After being in law enforcement for many years, it is refreshing to hear this.
Pastor Jack I pray that the LORD will continue to bless you and keep you! It is so refreshing to see and hear a pastor stand up for righteousness and without compromising the Word of GOD! Listening to you pastor I have to agree that the next revival in this country is going to be one of both believers and non believers seeking uncompromising truth and righteousness to the glory of GOD!
Looking foward to installment #2, Thank you Pastor Jack
This was very wisely and carefully explained! 😊 God bless you Pastor Jack! 🕊️
Love it Jack, please keep it up. GOD Bless 🙂
Illigal immigration is the modern form of piracy
Very relevant for every country, it's a great idea, and I pray God's blessings on the new ''project'' of yours, that by giving these mini inputs of data, [people will be encouraged, and woken up to the fact of what's going on in your,my, and their countries, to be involved and take a stand where needed is possible.
Amen! Truth!
True BREXIT for the UK won't be official until March 2019.
Thank you Pastor Jack. I love you Brother!
Globalists want no borders. Globalists are denying what God did in Babylon, where he separated the people into different LANGUAGES for a reason. God WANTS it that way to prevent a Globalist Government.
Watchman from Washington State ❣️
Excellent video. Thank you. I'd just add Acts 17:26 as another verse where God establishes boundaries. Also, at 6:42 the word 'financial' is mispelled. (Sorry I don't mean to be critical, I'm a proofreader.) Thought you'd want to know so maybe you can edit and republish. That is if YouTube lets you keep this posted. Thanks again.
“And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
Leviticus 19:33-34 KJV
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:37-40 KJV
Mans laws are not above GOD’s Law.
It really is very simple.
Amen, Amen, and AMEN !!!
Pastor Jack you are absolutely amazing. Thank you for this. I wish more pastors were as involved and aware of what we are facing today. Most are to timid to go near politics or address such issues as you are bringing up.