What God Wanted Moses to Tell Israel Before He Died • Deuteronomy Ep. 9
A pivotal point in the story of the Bible is when Moses says farewell to Israel before his death in the book of Deuteronomy. Join Tim and Jon as they conclude exploring the themes of blessing and curse in the final movement of the book by looking closely at a song Moses wrote in chapter 32.
In this episode, you’ll learn…
1. Yahweh predicts Israel’s unfaithfulness to the covenant
2. Yahweh told Moses to write a song that would stand as a witness between God and Israel of God’s prediction
3. Who the true children of God are
4. The significance of Deuteronomy 32 within the TaNaK
5. How Moses is the archetypal prophet who points forward with hope to a coming prophet and leader who will be even greater
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Amen glory hallelujah
You guys make the Bible so fascinating. It just makes me hungry for God's word and his wisdom.
You guys have great videos it really helps me feel closer to the one and only God
African History, Culture & Psychology! The pattern continues to this very day under captivity of Devils!
Doesn't God’s appear when Moses is going back to Egypt without circumcising his son.
please someone explain:deuteronomy 21:10-13
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Thank you
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help us to be strong and courageous Lord so we may walk in life the way you want us to, help us to do your justice love your mercy, and walk humbly with our God
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they? they? who is they? it's us. We are grafted in Mashiyach, who is the true Israel. Dispensational teachings have robbed us in not understanding we are Israel. The Question isn't are you a Jew or Christian. It's are you Israel? Churchianity is so lost. Why is the world so lost? It's because the church don't know who they are. Who are we? Peter tells. "But you are a chosen race,b Deu_10:15 a royal priesthood,c Isa_61:6 a set-apart nation,d Exo_19:6 a people for a possession,e Isa_43:2 that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light," Footnotes: bAlso see Isa_43:20. cAlso see Isa_66:21. dAlso see Deu_7:6. eAlso see Exo_19:5, Tit_2:14. (11Pe 2:9 TS200920
Wake up!
Jer.8:8 prediction of the Lying pens of scribes used Niqqud dots that dictated the Yeho pronunciation of Joshua 's name
Please pray for me and my family. Under demonic attack for doing the work of an evangelist. And I will pray for you as well !!! ❤️📖nkjv 🙂🙏🕊🇺🇸🕊
It doesn't matter what truth you teach, the blasphemy in 37:46 undermines all of it.
Oh children
If you think there is more than one race of humans you are a RACIST by definition and not a born again Christian who sees all humans as a child of God does without race, creed, cast, tribe or religion.
Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race, with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human and two genders.
You are not God's. You and co2 are not causing the Earth's magnetosphere to increase. Crossing the equator of the Sun's Oort cloud magnetosphere is.
Jesus like Lot and Noah before warned us about the Precession of the Alpha Omega equinoxes being the cause of these the climate change END TIMES.
Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race, with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human and two genders.
You are not God's. You and co2 are not causing the Earth's magnetosphere to increase. Crossing the equator of the Sun's Oort cloud magnetosphere is.
Jesus like Lot and Noah before warned us about the Precession of the Alpha Omega equinoxes being the cause of these the climate change END TIMES.
Religious minority ? The remnant where not religious.
"What you sow is what you reap!"
Didn’t God tell Moses his name is I Am. In Hebrew Ahayah. This is found in Exodus –3:14.
Who offered Jesus all the land down here ? The God of this world. Who led the Israelites around in the wilderness promising them land until they died ?!? That's right the God of this world.. Our Adversary. Who ate manna in the wilderness but still died .. O yea everybodies been duped. The children of Israel have been decieved for thousands of years and NOTHING has changed. 🙏
moses last song! deuternomy 32 KJV! 🎉 ..🙌🏼
So this nonsense about the Jews are the chosen people is just that. Nonsense.. And Moses commanded nothing.. He was just telling them what YHVH is saying.. So there is 12 tribes. They split up. 10 tribes were captured and taken away. Then 200 years later the other 2 tribes were taken away. The 10 tribes migrated over the caucuses mountains and eventually ended up in the America’s and Canada and the Christian nations. That is where the name Caucasian came from.. So why is America a blessed nation? Why do we have everything we need in the United States.. From amber waves of grain to every mineral in these mountains.. We don’t need any other nation… In fact YHVH tells us to not associate with other nations.. We are a nation without walls for protection.. because YHVH is our protection..
And the people that went back to the land of Israel in 1948 were mostly the kernite’s.. The 10 loss tribes are lost only because they don’t know who they are. Do you think God is going to lose 10 tribes of people? Wow so that is saying God can’t keep track of his people. ??
We don’t have bombs going off in the Christian nations..
Like they do in the land of Israel..
These guys are twisting things.. The serpent in the garden was Satan. Eve had sex with Satan and Cain was the offspring.. Satan was trying to pollute the seed line so Jesus Christ would not be born.
Israel is a race of people not a piece of land.
Cain was sent out of the garden for killing Abel.. He was a vagabond, went to the land of Nod and married and had offspring.
Kenite means sons of Cain. And the Jews don’t except Jesus Christ why? Because he was not their Messiah. Their Messiah has not come yet. And he will be here soon claiming he is Jesus Christ returned. The Antichrist. That is what 666 is all about..
And in the book of revelation the whole world worships the fake Jesus Christ. Except the people with eyes to see and ears to hear. The kenites aka Jews are rich only because they have been ripping governments off. And if you think the chosen people would have to be conniving con artists poor me babies just to survive.. I think not.. .
1st time listener. Unique, great teaching!