What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? | 5 Minute Video
Is Google open to a diverse array of viewpoints? Or is it an ideological echo chamber? Just ask former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy. In this video, James shares his story.
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I used to be a senior software engineer at Google. Until they fired me.
For doing something unforgivable…
Something so controversial that it was the number one news story for days.
My crime: I wrote an internal document that, among other things, suggested that men and women, on average, are different.
Like I told you: Unforgivable.
The politically progressive viewpoint, which is dominant at Google and in the media, is that all disparities in society are due to injustices. Or, in this case, that the gender gap in tech is solely due to some form of sexism.
But is this true?
The politically correct answer is: yes. And Google acts accordingly. It treats men and women differently during hiring and promotion, holds official women-only events, and gives mandatory sensitivity training on how to combat alleged sexist bias.
Of course, all of this makes sense if sexism is indeed the sole cause of the imbalance.
But what if men and women are not exactly the same?
Then, sexism is just one of many possible causes of the imbalance, and exclusionary programs and differential treatment can be a counterproductive form of sexism. These practices actually increase tensions and make some feel like Google cares more about their gender than their programming ability.
As an engineer, when I’m faced with a problem, I want to solve it. So, I decided to research the premise: that men and women are exactly the same.
I wrote my findings in a 10-page document titled, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” You can read it online.
What did I discover? That not all of the male-female disparity in tech may be the result of sexism.That at least some of it may be attributed to men and women having different goals for their careers and their lives.
To cite just two examples:
In the study, ”Women, Careers, and Work-Life Preferences,” published in the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, the study’s authors conclude that women across populations tend to look for more work-life balance, while men tend to have a higher drive for status.
And according to a study by Cal State Fullerton psychologist Richard Lippa, men, on average, tend to be more interested in things, while women tend to be more interested in people.
These findings have been replicated many times. They’ve actually been cited by other researchers as a cause for the gender gap in tech.
In other words, I didn’t make this stuff up.
In fact, after my document came under attack, evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller said its “empirical claims are scientifically accurate.”
But Google disagreed. Like…really disagreed.
First, the company’s newly appointed VP of Diversity, Integrity, and Governance, Danielle Brown, posted a memo that said my report “advanced incorrect assumptions about gender.”
Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, sent a memo to all employees saying that I “cross[ed] the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes.” This was, he added, “not O.K.”
Then, he fired me.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-happens-when-google-disagrees-you

To all the midwits: please explain what the jobs are that have TOO MANY WOMEN. You know, because women will have to leave those jobs if they want to increase percentage in tech. crickets
Google is evil.
Exclusionary programs and differential treatment are at the heart of the Woke.
They claim that everyone is equal, and have Women only events.
Do you see the overt problem?
Diversity by its creators' admission is a relabeling of the term Affirmative Action, which is institutionalized racism.
Equity is equality of outcome, not opportunity, which is institutionalized racism.
Inclusion is the exclusion of white, male, heterosexual, Christians, which is institutionalized racism.
"simply follow its own motto: 'Don't Be Evil.'"
They got rid of that motto in 2015. When they throw hints like that, make sure you take them.
try Duck Duck Go
Google won't exist forever.
I typed in the name – P-
-U.c9m and an alert popped up – in orange that said my device was compromised and had a fix prompt – nope didnt push that . Just from typing in his namecensorship.How dare you have a thought of your own. YOUR FIRED!!!
Pretty disgusting that Google would fire the guy for saying what he said. Disagree with him, fine. But fire him? But the left seems often to lean toward silencing those with whom they disagree. Everyone who disagrees with them is a fascist or a white supremacist, doncha know. Man, I hope the Dems are crushed in the next election, though I doubt it. They SO need to be humbled.
It is 2023, five years later and here I am. I don't need to say much, everything that used to happened in Twitter before Elon Musk took over and everything reported on Twitter files might have happened and still ongoing in Google and Meta.
Honestly when I first watched this video I thought you were overreacting and being jealous. But truth always comes up and prevail, by one way or another.
Keep it up with the good job đź‘Ť
Ye don't understand. Google defines "evil" as being mean, and consider it its holy mission to stop mean people by removing access to all meanness, so the only thing people can see are the correct nice view of things
Get this man his job back!
James made a fatal mistake. He thought his bosses wanted the truth.
I deleted my Facebook account because of censoring .
We need more brave men like this one speaking up
Google will always be evil.
It seems that all hierarchal systems struggle with the need for addressing more diversity at the top. Perhaps something in South Africa's method of generating diversity in its Administration may help open up some ideas, at least where it is dealing with employees (and perhaps even upset customers should they behave in a civilized manner). I'm apprehensive that the appeal of such goals is part of what tends to upset authoritarian regimes to the point of behaving so extreme that such hopes vaporized from the immediate realm of possibilities.
Well…. good for you!
Private business they can do what they want to do you don't like it use another app.
One of the things I found most insidious about the Google v. Damore issue: There's no doubt in my mind that, during his "orientation" when he first arrived at Google, Mr Damore sat through a training session during which someone from HR explained to the new hires that Google values their opinion and that they should feel safe expressing themselves about anything they think is wrong with life at Google. Then, when Mr Damore actually takes them up on this "promise", he gets fired. This is why I will never work for Google.
I am sad to hear this story. I am furious that we live in a "thought police". And why should there be more women in technology?
World before 19th century : sex is a taboo
Walked in the 21st century : common sense is a taboo
I can't fine video tape of Senator Richard Blumenthal claiming he was a Vietnam Veteran anywhere anymore. Goggle has taken them all down everywhere they exist. Search results direct me to news stories about it but the tapes themselves have been errased by Big Tech.
Somehow there's never a push for more women in trash collection, nor is there ever a push for more men in nursing or teaching.