What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?|5 Minute Video
Is Google open to a diverse variety of point of views? Just ask previous Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy.
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I used to be a senior software engineer at Google. Till they fired me.
For doing something unforgivable …
Something so controversial that it was the primary newspaper article for days.
My criminal activity: I wrote an internal file that, among other things, advised that guys and women, normally, are different.
Like I told you: Unforgivable.
The politically progressive perspective, which is dominant at Google and in the media, is that all variations in society are because of injustices. Or, in this case, that the gender space in tech is exclusively due to some form of sexism.
Is this real?
The political correctness response is: yes. And Google acts appropriately. It treats men and women in a various method throughout working with and discount, holds main women-only events, and offers obligatory level of level of sensitivity training on how to fight expected sexist predisposition.
Obviously, all of this makes good sense if sexism is certainly the sole cause of the imbalance.
What if women and guys are not exactly the very same?
Sexism is simply among numerous possible causes of the imbalance, and exclusionary programs and differential treatment can be a detrimental type of sexism. These practices in truth increase tensions and make some appear like Google cares more about their gender than their shows capability.
As an engineer, when I’m faced with an issue, I want to fix it. I chose to investigate the residential or commercial property: that ladies and guys are precisely the exact very same.
I wrote my findings in a 10-page file entitled, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” You can read it online.
What did I discover? That not all of the male-female variation in tech might be the outcome of sexism.That at least a few of it might be credited to males and females having different objectives for their careers and their lives.
To cite simply two examples:
In the research study, “Women, Careers, and Work-Life Preferences,” launched in the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, the study’s authors conclude that females throughout populations tend to look for more work-life balance, while males tend to have a greater drive for status.
And according to a study by Cal State Fullerton psychologist Richard Lippa, males, typically, tend to be more interested in things, while girls tend to be more thinking about individuals.
These findings have actually been duplicated oftentimes. They’ve in fact been cited by other researchers as a cause for the gender gap in tech.
To put it simply, I didn’t make this things up.
In reality, after my document came under attack, evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller specified its “empirical claims are scientifically accurate.”
Google disagreed. Like … really disagreed.
First, the business’s freshly designated VP of Diversity, Integrity, and Governance, Danielle Brown, released a memo that stated my report “advanced inaccurate anticipations about gender.”
This was, he added, “not O.K.”
He fired me.
For the complete script, see https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-happens-when-google-disagrees-you
What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? Simply ask previous Google software application engineer James Damore.
What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? Simply ask previous Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy.
Simply ask previous Google software application engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy.