What Happens When We Die According to the Bible? • Heaven and Earth Ep. 4
The Bible doesn’t use the phrase “go to heaven” to describe what happens after death. In fact, Jesus says some things about heaven that can seem confusing to us. Join Tim and Jon as they continue their conversation about the biblical themes of Heaven and Earth.
In this episode, you’ll learn …
What Jesus was trying to communicate about Heaven in the Gospel of John
What it means for Heaven and Earth to overlap
What it means for Jesus’ followers to be “not of this world”
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Thanks for the learned discussion and clear explanations of the traditional Church views.
The question- "Dead, then what?"
The makers of this video dont seem to want to deal with the question of the after life at all.
Even in the only 2 parts of the video that ask the question and why we are here listening to them , the Bible Project guys want to skip over really dealing with the matter, and only want to deal with the Resurrection.
It shows that deep down, there are really things going on with the Bible Project teacher as he deals with this question:
#1 – he actually does not like what the Bible teaches on this question of the post death / pre-resurrection after life.
#2 – The Bible Project has an agenda, that is very much counter to the teachings of the church on this topic.
So to sum up my thoughts on this video:
I may not be as smart as the Bible project guys are, and I may not know all the texts and their history like they clearly do.
But I can spot a guy ducking around an issue…..and there is a lot of ducking going on here.
There were cherubs that were also thrown with the enemy, I think we would have to be careful how we take as a reference cultures in which evil was vented in idolatry, why would cherubs protect the pharaohs? To protect the false doctrine about life after death that they had, so it doesn't matter the concept of the worthless criatures has about was is important to them: has Christians we Know that between good and bad..they want to grow the Evil in us.. I think Christ in his form of the "word" methafore is the true meaning or the sword guarding the tree of life, But the metaphore is so profound we can keep going.
"with all the people who are WAITING to be reimbodied, in the new creation"… at the End of Days.
WHY "Waiting". When we are here on Earth, we are (somewhat) limited to the Physics of this Realm. God, is outside of these Physic limitations. He exists outside of Time itself, so Time is not a factor, once we are not "Physical" beings.
SO… wouldn't, after we die, be almost immediately (relatively speaking), transported to the End Times?
In other words… after we die, we are immediately taken, spiritually, to Judgement, then, if found Righteous, to "Heaven" (or the Garden) on Earth, where we are reimbodied… like no time has passed at all.
Jesus is my heaven. Wherever he is, that's where I want to go and spend eternity. He is my home.
It’s not true that the story of the spirit of Samuel appearing to the witch of Endor is the only story of its kind in the Bible: after the death of Jesus a whole bunch of dead people appeared to the people of Jerusalem. “The tombs opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised … and appeared to many.” (Matt 27:52)
Thankyou guys for your explanation, a great discussion. xx
I LOVED this podcast! it gave me such a better understanding of the end of time as we know it. It is encouraging, and enlightening about where we are until the final judgement.
Thank you Bible Project!! I can't wait for the new heaven on earth! (and that is not the scenario i grew up learning!!) :0)
This is a great channel! Probably the most informative for myself who recently left Western Christianity for the Messianic fellowship.
One question I have not been able to get an answer to:
What happened to the ‘other’ criminal on the cross? Yeshua told the new ‘believer’ “Today you will be with Me…”. He did not say where the other will go until, what I assume, until he stands for Judgement.
I understand if you can’t answer this in one sentence…although I think it could be? Do you have a teaching on this, or at least a viewpoint you stand with?
You are the only channel I trust to give me accurate Bible info.❤ God Bless.
We are asleep..until the resurrection..that's what I believe the Bible is saying
Hi. So what does God mean when he takes Elijah with him(old testament) instead of him dying like the rest of us?
If you notice in the Old Testament, similar to Lazarus being gathered to Abraham's bosom when he dies, the Old Testament says that whenever a person dies, they are "gathered to their people."
And that would be kind of like returning to be with your forefathers, kind of like returning home to heaven with your relatives who have died before you. Similar to being gathered to Abraham's bosom… It's the same thing as being gathered to the chosen people! And likewise, as gentile followers or Hebrew followers of Jesus Christ and the father, we can expect that we would experience the same thing! Being gathered back to all of those we love, including our Savior Jesus!
what about 2 Corinthians 5:8, we are confident, i say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
Even Jesus wasn't in paradise the day of His death, nor the thief on the cross. Jesus was asleep and even rested on the Sabbath day. And when Jesus accended to heaven, that thief, still rests,..awaiting Jesus' return. Along with EVERYONE else dead in Christ,..awaiting His return.
If we die right now and go straight to heaven, what's the purpose of Him raising the righteous dead first? It's as simple as that question. We are asleep, awaiting Christ's return. It's when He calls those in their graves that they’re raised, then.. the righteous living, join Him in the clouds. Jesus won't even need to set foot on earth. This concept is why there is confusion. It's very clear in scripture, its man… that confused and confuses man. By not understanding God's Word. ❤
Did you mean, what happens when you die according to the Bible? or What happens when you die, according to the Bible?
I just can’t focus on the subject with so many adverts trying to sell me something. I will have to avoid watching these videos. Sorry
The BIG LIE that that was told Eve, "thou will surely not die", so the devil has to continue this lie and the sad thing is that a lot of so-called "Christian churches" promote the lie that when we die we continue to exist in the spiritual realm is a lie. We sleep and know nothing after death awaiting the second coming of christ's return.
I’ve been listening to you for a while. My first question is : Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?
When we die and wake up, or come to, we will be outside of time and space, so maybe we will miss that sleep in Jesus or Abraham or waiting in hades and go straight to the New Heaven and New Earth. Just an idea.
Thank you!
My first time listening. Can this guy talk without getting interrupted?
Unsaved no rest you go to hell a believer you go to heaven
is there not another place in the Bible when the dead walk the Earth. during Jesus' crucifixion, some saw the dead walking around. like Jesus death had disrupted a portal….in response to Samuel spirit being raised and it was the only place in the Bible when this occurred
This is the truth! Before I am a born again Christian, never heard of Jesus or Christianity yet I see the almost the same! There’s angel and God is on His throne but can’t see the face. And a man figure beside the throne. Can’t see the face as well but after reading Isaiah everything linked.
Bcos of this vision – I’m more clearer I’m on the right path. ❤❤
As few years back I suddenly have this visions of this angels with full off eyes which I have never seen before and scary but after googling and the bible verse shows up and another visions from God again. God will reveal only at His time.
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