What is BibleProject?
BibleProject creates free animated videos and resources about different books and themes in the Bible. Watch the unified story of the Bible unfold today.
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What denomination is Bible Project
I found this through Alan Ritchson’s YouTube channel and I am grateful and humbled by you shining the light on our faith. Keep up the great work and know you’re making an impact. God Bless 🙏❤️✝️
No mention here of it being breathed out by God? God's actual words? A huge omission.
A collaboration between BibleX and The Bible Project to kick off a video game would be epic
Incase I haven't said it today. I LOVE BIBLE PROJECT. Tim and John are beloved 🥰💝
I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR DOING THIS!!!! This is exactly what I needed to be able to put everything in perspective. I am very visual, so just reading or doing a Bible study Leaves me confused. I am in the process of doing a Bible study and filling out spreadsheet’s to try to keep things in some kind of order that makes sense to me. I happened to stumble across your illustration videos on YouTube and it clicked. I don’t know if that means I’m a simpleton or not……😂 but whatever the case, I am so thankful that God led me to your channel. You are definitely doing God’s work. Thank you and bless you!!
Your animations are great🎉🎉
Proverbs 1 n 2 the Search for Her is a Creator Woman. Rev 11 "come on up hither" is the Father Creator. He will not bow. Her wrath of Fornication is Covid 19.
The bibke is phrophecy. There is no Rapture. The Bride is a girl, give a death shroud, cuz a bride picks a wedding dress
10 precepts honor father and Mother creator . Do not bear False witness
No it is not 'one story'. It is a collection of stories written by different people with different religious views, over many centuries, for a variety of religious communities – ancient Israelite religion, early Judaism, pro temple, anti temple, and the early Christianities. It was edited together out of various sources, first by the people who codified Judaism, and later by the people who established Christian orthodoxy. The idea that the Hebrew scripture prefigures the New Testament, or that Jesus 'completes' the 'old testament', is a modern Christian notion. Treating God's word in this two-dimensional way – as if it represents one narrative – is to make a historical and genre mistake, and fails to appreciate the richness and depth of this amazing library of literary texts
Did y’all create this from scratch ? Was there a software that was used ?
thank you for this! 🥰
Love the story
I'm in love with the story of the BIBLE
The BibleProject is the satanic order of melchizedek in the evangelical church. Be cast a loose in Jesus name, amen.
Thank you.Wow🤩
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Clearly it is abomination according to God’s word. Leaders of the Bible Project have openly affirmed homosexuality as something that “doesn’t matter.” Wrong. There are quite a few heretical teachings, and for those who use this as a resource, be careful and test what is taught against the Word of the Lord.
My favorite part of the Bible is where it details how to sell your daughter into slavery.
“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not satisfy her owner, he must allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.“ Exodus 21:7-8
Nice Videos Guys
I have unsubscribed because you believe that Gays are okay when the Bible says not okay
And you don’t believe in hell
God have mercy on you
Question: is Bible Project and Spoken Gospel the same or connected? Sorry if the question is stupid.
What denomination is this channel?
Thank you for this ❤
Thank you for this ❤
The animation is the heart and gold of this, it rlly feels like that for a viewer’s pov because the animation is so clean and pretty it attracts ppl like it did to me to wanna watch
The Bible is "one of" the most influential books? You people need to stop trying to compromise. There isn't even a close second to how influential the Bible has been. It is the MOST influential book of all time by a long margin. I can't stand liberal wishy washy cowardice in evangelism.
I absolutely love your channel, thank you very much for doing this!
I have little kids, do you have a channel or a playlist for little kids?
Yet it's all fake…lol
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