
What is Fake News? | 5 Minute Video
What is fake news? Is Donald Trump correct when he says CNN, The New York Times, and other mainstream outlets report fake news? Commentator and bestselling author Andrew Klavan explains.
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You’ve probably heard a lot of people recently screaming and yelling about Fake News. Charges fly from all points on the political spectrum: this story is mistaken — it’s Fake News; that statement is incorrect — it’s Fake News.
But to my mind, these arguments miss the point. Mainstream American news is ALL fake because the major news outlets are so consistently biased toward the left that whether any given story they report is factual or not, their overall reportage is essentially leftist propaganda.
You can complain about the right-wing slant of Fox News all you want, but left-wing ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN have, combined, almost ten times the viewers.
Look, the chief journalist at ABC is former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos; the president of CBS News is David Rhodes, the brother of a former senior Obama staffer. Comcast, which owns NBC, is run by a major Democrat donor. Same for the leadership at CBS and Time Warner, which owns CNN.
Only seven percent of American journalists identify as Republican. And while a lot of news outlets forbid their reporters to donate to candidates, 96 percent of those who did donate last time out gave to Hillary Clinton.
These journalists claim that despite the fact they’re all Democrats, they can be objective. It just ain’t so. Psychologists have shown that when people associate almost exclusively with those who agree with them, they suffer from groupthink and confirmation bias and lose their ability to see events clearly.
Now, it’s not that these journalists are liars, exactly – it’s that their bias skews their reporting in very specific ways. Let me give you Andrew Klavan’s Three Rules of Mainstream Media Journalism. These can transform any story, whether it’s true or not, into Fake News.
Rule Number One:
Whenever left-wing prejudices are confirmed by a single event, that event is treated as representative. But whenever left-wing prejudices are contradicted by a single event, that event is treated as an isolated incident – and if you treat it as representative, you are deemed to be hateful.
So, for instance, a white cop shoots a black suspect. The mainstream media treats that story as representative of general police racism even though studies show cops don’t use deadly force more often on blacks than on whites.
On the other hand, if a Muslim commits an act of terrorism, and someone is bold enough to point out that the terrorist act is, in fact, representative of the daily acts of Muslim terror around the world, this is considered Islamophobic.
The leftist media cherry-picks when an event illustrates a larger narrative. That’s Fake News.
Rule Number Two:
When a scandal breaks on the right, the news is the scandal. When a scandal breaks on the left, the news is: who wrongfully disclosed that scandalous information?
Thus, when the media wanted to raise suspicions that Donald Trump was somehow in league with the Russians, they freely quoted illegally leaked information from intelligence sources.
But when Congressman Devin Nunes announced he had information that the Obama administration might have misused intelligence against Donald Trump’s transition team, the story became: How did Nunes get that information? And did he do it legally?
The scandal meter is heavily weighted to fall to the right. Fake News.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-fake-news

ALL media is owned by 6 liberal companies, all they spew is false and biased information.
Ok you're fake news
Omg! Where have I been? The VDO is extremely good and valid across the world.
Fake news is this video
So obious
Prageru talking about fake new. Lol
What is fake news?
Prager U. for starters.
Very funny complaining about fake news when you're a propaganda generator preteding to be an academic institution. Zero cred. You failed.
Lol. Mainstream media doesn't have a bone of left policy in them. They're biased towards the Democrats and their rich donors. Just like FOX and others are biased towards Republicans and their rich donors. What you get is skewed towards the rich either way. Poor America.
no way prageru actually made a video on fake news. LMAO.
I believe it is time to pass a law to arrest journalists plus news reporters for spreading malicious lies of decent normal people of our society because these heartless scums ruin the lives of these ordinary people. Remember what happened to Richard Jewell who was a selfless hero who was simply doing his job as a security guard & when he spotted a bomb he warn everybody to get to safety. Luckily for Richard his name was cleared however his reputation was forever ruined until his death absolutely depressing. When you are a journalist you must not pick sides of the political spectrum or any of the protesting groups, you must always remain neutral & report the truth. Journalists and news reporters must report facts not feelings because it is very important to get the truth out to the citizens of our society period.
The bird landed on the page about itself.
If you need to wonder what the word fake news is all about then you may be getting somewhere mentally all I can say is I applaud you for questioning what they allow you to see it is no secret That the massive people are controlled by what would be called propaganda and yes there is fake news out there just like anything but sometimes there is truth all I can say is do your own independent research not based on what they tell you period and turn you should come to a conclusion on fact alone keep in mind your truth will not be someone else's truth long and different story there
even fox news isnt aas conservatve as it used to be
A warning about Big Brother!!!
I agree wholeheartedly. How do you convince our utterly stupid masses though?
Examples of fake news:
•Harm reduction works
•Pot is harmless/medicinal
•Drug decriminalization/legalization is successful
•Gun control works
•Socialism/Communism works
•BLM/Feminism is about equality
•All things listed has major majority support.
PragerU and Fox News are propaganda. I would NEVER take questions from them.
I love it when Americans from States thinks they have any major Left wing power in their country 😀
Oh great another prager u video telling me what is and isn’t biased… while being extremely biased
The bias in this video is absolutely stunning. I mean you even added an anti Muslim stunt just for the hell of it
This video sums up why I hate the media with a passion, well done video.
Too bad people are so absorbed into the propaganda and will see this and instantly think "fake news" because it's from prageru
There isn't any leftist media, there is corporatist media that is slightly right or slightly more right.
So all media are fake news? Since everybody are biased.
I try to listen to both sides, and make an option.
Two black teens killed a white male by torching him. Fake News Media:SILENT. If race was reversed America would have been burned to ashes.
So you are describing fake news as media with a political bias? Then you declare that you have a right wing bias in the same breath? Ok. Thanks for proving my point that this channel is contradictory and biased…
Sooo what is fake news? leftist propaganda??? this video is biased to begin with! oh the hipocrisy!
Some of it are is true. Everybody are biased. But I think he missed Fox News, who are a lot more biased.
Didn’t they a couple a year’s ago compared people who watched 1. CNN, ABC….2. Fox News 3. No news at all.
Guess who know less about reality?
Fake news is all PragerU don’t agree on apparently.
for science; listen to scientists. Science is not political. For the rest, listen the moderates at CNN and FOX, and the truth is somewhere in between.
Never listen to propaganda or unreliable sources. Like PragerU. They even have a lie in the name; university. It is not a university. It is propaganda.
What is fake news
PragerU and Fox
This simply confirms what Trump supporters already know. Please do a video for the haters, with clear A/B media stories and show why they're fake. That is what's truly needed to convince anyone on the left…. And even then, probably won't succeed.
Does it occur to any of those who share Prager Universities views that it is not even a university in any way? Do you wonder why they are funded almost soley by billionaires. If you were a billionaire how would you manipulate the sheep that you feed off of? How would you control voters and politicians? You give propaganda engines like Prager huge donations to wage your war against U.S. voters and manipulate them. And you get four more years of tax free existence and your giant companies get less hassle than a guy trying to get a building permit to add on to his house. Billionaires do NOT donate to Prager because they want to help you. Billionaires don't give a rats ass about military base names or statues of confederate generals but they know conservatives do so this is how they manipulate you. And liberals fall for the same crap when Coca-Cola or Microsoft wants to pay to have the public swayed. If you are not smart enough to have your own opinions and have to get them from a bought puppet like Prager then why do you still call yourself free?
Im russian and I want to find American friend.Im eleven
Everybody are happy with their smart comments,but I sad with my black like
PragerU is the best channel
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