What Is Hezbollah? | 5 Minute Video
When listing the world’s most notorious terrorist organizations, why is it that Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram so quickly spring to mind, while Hezbollah is frequently forgotten? In this video, Tony Badran, Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, explains how the backing of Iran has served to legitimize Hezbollah on the world stage, while simultaneously making the group all the more dangerous.
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Imagine you live in a small country with more than a hundred thousand missiles pointed at it. And imagine the leaders who control those weapons had one stated purpose: to destroy you—to literally wipe your country off the map.
What would do you?
Strike first and try to destroy all the weapons? Set up an anti-missile defense system? Or would you ignore the problem and hope it goes away?
You can now stop imagining, because these are real-life questions that one country in the world has to ask itself every day.
That country is Israel.
And the leaders who control these missiles (and the number I gave is a low-ball estimate) belong to an organization known as Hezbollah—Arabic for “Party of God.” Moreover, they’re not rogue terrorists. They actually run a country—Lebanon. You should know something about them.
Hezbollah first burst onto the international scene in 1983, when they simultaneously bombed the United States Marine barracks and French paratrooper base in Beirut. 241 Americans—the largest loss of American military personnel in a single incident since World War II—and 58 Frenchmen were killed in the attacks.
But this was only the beginning.
More bombings followed, killing 24 people at the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in 1984; killing 85 at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994; and killing 19 at a housing complex for American oil executives in Saudi Arabia in 1996.
In 1985, Hezbollah terrorists highjacked TWA Flight 847, during which they beat passengers, separated those with Jewish-sounding names, and murdered U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem.
Hezbollah also supplied roadside bombs and helped organize groups who committed terror attacks against American forces during the Iraq War.
They routinely assassinated political rivals, most notably the former prime minister of Lebanon, Rafic Hariri in 2005.
They provoked numerous border clashes with Israel, which escalated into a war in 2006 during which Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets at civilian targets.
Today, Hezbollah is a military force, a political party, a terrorist group and a transnational criminal organization engaged in drug trafficking, money laundering, and arms smuggling.
But the most important thing to remember about Hezbollah is not Hezbollah; it’s Iran.
Hezbollah is an extension of Iran and it operates under its command.
Don’t take my word for it. Take it from the man who has been running Hezbollah for the last twenty-five years and is now the most powerful man in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah.
Here’s what he said in 2016:
“We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, come from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
That’s pretty much always been the case. Indeed, Hezbollah is the demon child of the Iranian Revolution.
Its founders were Iranian revolutionaries who operated out of Lebanon in the 1970s. After overthrowing the Shah of Iran in 1979, they set up Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is why in the early days, Hezbollah referred to itself as “the Islamic revolution in Lebanon.”
That definition still fits.
In the 1990s, Hezbollah added politics to its resume.
This led many scholars to claim that the group had abandoned its terrorist past and its subservience to Iran.
If only.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-hezbollah

Good work, Tony! Thank you.
🤣🤣🤣🤣drug trafficking, money laundering and arms smuggling 🤣🤣🤣bro learned our history from his local Jewish Wendy's 😂😂😂
Hizbollah is IRAN
착한 헤즈볼라는 죽은 헤즈볼라뿐 ㄷㄷ
He wanna stop Iran?!XD
While the only thing they did was getting beaten in Lebanon …Gaza…since 2002…to 2023
And guess what ….west Bank is joining Iran's side XD
How u gonna take down Iran?
If you can't even put a leg in Gaza, Mr SmartMan?@XD
What I would do is…..leave this country….
Cuz….this is not America…and you are not clumps:)
I remember a comic in the 80s joking about "let's go to Lebanon!" Apparently, a lot of American tourists were travelling there during all the violence against Americans.
I will stand with Israel they will not back down
i usually agree with PragerU but on this issue not. USA(CIA) is the number arms and drug dealer in the world. USA is the number 1 warmonger in the world and always under the famous word DEMOCRACY. Al-quida was formed with CIA funding as was the taliban . People need to catch a wake up and realize that USA(elites) not the average citizen are evil. And that democrats have throughout history and still to this day been evil – KKK,civil war to name a few things. why does USA support Israel? its simple because with Israel they can keep the middle east unstable and it gives them excuses to invade under the pretense of DEMOCRACY and freedom and to pilage the Oil and minerals.
All you did by making this video was make Hezbollah look cool LOL
Obama nuclear deal with indirectly strenghten the hezbollah.
Imagine you nazi germany and the whole world want to wipe you out. How would you react to this injustice?
I love Israel and Lebanon equally 🇱🇧❤️🇮🇱
Hezbollah is not whole Lebanon. And Lebanon is a great country ❤️🇱🇧
Poor Israel, they are saints, they’ve never done any harm to anyone, they’ve been banned from 100+ countries for no reason 😭😭😭
Israel is an illegitimate state. It should not exist in the first place. Badrani you should be ashamed of yourself
Free Palestine
Long live Resistance ❤🙏🏻🇮🇷
Isntrael should burn
What a lie
Imagine that a foreign power invasion your land and bringing foreign settlers to expel your people from your land
And put them in concentration camps desecrated your holy sites and now they want you to make peace with them
So you will not destroy them what you would have done?
There would be no Hezbollah, if there was no Israel.
Hezbollah defended Lebanon from the naked aggression of Israel and thus gained the support of Lebanese people.
💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩hezzbolla is the bes
So many lies and misimformation in this video. I'll try to point out some of the false info given below.
00:50 They don't "run Lebanon". Although Hezbollah is the most influencial party in the country, they're only a partner in the government that takes decisions as a group.
01:57 Rafik Hariri. He was not their rival, he accually supported them, he said "Hezbollah represents the resistance to this [israeli] occupation" in an interview. Also, they didn't assassinate him, it was the zionists.
02:23 Al Nusra front, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq are those who do drug trafficking. Western media also accuse Hezbollah of it because they don't know the difference between them and other terrorist groups.
02:48 He didn't say that Hezbollah "operates under Iran's command". He just said that money, weapons, etc… comes from Iran. How did you infere that?
03:05 Its well known that Hezbollah's founders are lebanese not iranian revolutionaries. Mohamad Hussein Fadlallah, Ragheb Harb, Imad Moghniyeh, Abbas Al Moussawi, are all lebanese.
Please tell me if I forgot something.