What Is Really Happening in Ireland?
Dublin, Ireland is in flames. What’s happening in Ireland will happen in the United States as well. Steve Bannon explains.
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mcGregor is a thug, nothing more, get a grip, he has records for public violence in ireland and the USA
It is a truth who you betray you will come to hate…..our public servants have betrayed us and the result is clear
Obviously the Irish politicians are making tons of money by selling out the Irish people. Obviously, the politicians aren't going to pay for the all the immigrants, the people will. I want to know where is the money for the politicians coming from? Is there a world class of wealthy people who are so removed from everyday people they are able to buy the politicians so they can have full rule of the people?
The migrants CANT Go home, that’s why they’re here..
Canada has a worse immigrant crisis
Coming to a country near you.
I had thought about buying a second house in Ireland in retirement. I'm a third and fifth generation Irish American who had visited and loved it. Lots of hoops to jump through to get a permit to stay legally for more than 90 days a year. I'm retired, happily married to another retiree, we have more than enough assets never to be a public charge and they clearly don't want folks like us even for part time residents. Ah, but "Refugees" who will live on welfare and contribute nothing – can't get enough of them.
I have a pest problem with moths and then came across this post: It's almost the same starting point. You can't get rid of these once they get in.☹
"another 6 million before the election"
Too late.
This iris leader is gutless the main parties there are gutless too
Ireland has to break away from Demonic weak EU Irish politicians are weak as hell EU a globalist plan to destroy a nations s history and sovereignty
Big bad Steve bannon
Deport them all. They are abusing the “asylum” law
kick out of Ireland every body who's not Irish. save your country
Irland should have been out of the europian unionbut the EU made it almost no tax land for all the europian union companies that put their books in Ireland and pay only 4% TAX, instead, the ones that remain pay an infinite amount of tax in Italy or they have moved out of the union or get bankrupt..
Happy Birthday Steve!
FULL INTERVIEW: Super Tuesday Preview Special with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago❗️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Seems like they're accelerating this "hate speech" crack down across the board. Makes you wonder if they're going to try to use that justification to bar Trump from office.
The people of Ireland pretty much much did this to themselves. They elected these politicians who are harboring a secret agenda. Now they realized what they had done by enabling 10:42 these politicians to destroy their country.
The Silicon Age Collapse
Well, it was a nice run, America. You're toast. It was a nice social experiment that lasted 200 years.
Did he just say the working class of European countries were thought (by the Globalist elite/old corps/old families) to be THE CAUSE of the world wars?? And Tucker didn’t immediately say anything..?
It’s all the same.
Trudeau is similar in that he wants his “party” to stay in power. Keeping the people down and fearful keeps people down for a while.
Eventually it implodes and people can’t contain their anger. Our world is being ruined by Elites who use foreigners.
I've seen the Irish government dehumanize their own people while calling white Irish men, pale and stale. Clearly, these racist are engaged in a war against their people and civilization. Why is the left so intent on turning the native Irish people who happen to have white skin into racial minority. You can't help but believe that racial hatred plays a huge role in all of this. There is nothing democratic about anything taking place in Ireland. It's tyranny..