What is the University Diversity Scam? | 5 Minute Video
America’s campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities? Or is this diversity bureaucracy a big waste of money? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute explains.
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Are colleges across America rife with racism, sexism, and homophobia?
If you answer, “No, that’s absurd,” you probably have a fair amount of common sense. If you answer, yes, you are probably a college administrator.
Wait, you might ask, college administrators accuse their own schools of being racist, sexist and homophobic? How does that make any sense?
To understand how a college administrator thinks, you must first, as the popular saying goes, “follow the money.” If you do, you will not only discover why college administrators declare their own colleges racist, sexist and homophobic, but also why, if you’re a student, your tuition keeps going up, and why, if you’re a parent, your bank balance keeps going down.
Here’s a how it works. If colleges are racist, sexist and homophobic, the only way to change that, if you’re a college administrator, is to create a massive diversity bureaucracy. And that, of course, is massively expensive.
No institution provides a more vivid example than the University of California, a once great university system which is self-destructing in the name of diversity.
The diversity ideology has encroached upon every aspect of the University of California’s collective psyche and mission. It is the one constant in every university endeavor; it impinges on hiring, distorts the curriculum, and sucks up vast amounts of faculty time and taxpayer money.
Even the university’s ongoing budget problems have not touched it. Since 2010 UC San Francisco, UC San Diego, and UCLA have all created new vice chancellorships in diversity, equity, and inclusion, with salaries starting at a quarter million dollars a year or higher.
Each of these new posts is wildly redundant. Yet each new diversity position inevitably generates an even greater surge of junior bureaucrats, all sucking in tuition dollars.
In 2011, UC Berkeley’s vice chancellor for equity and inclusion presided over a staff of 17; yet, just one year later, his staff had ballooned to 24. No wonder the number of administrators at the University of California almost equals that of the faculty.
Here’s an only partial list of the diversity bureaucracy at UC San Diego.
The associate vice chancellor for faculty equity
The assistant vice chancellor for diversity
The staff diversity liaison
The undergraduate student diversity liaison
The graduate student diversity liaison
The chief diversity officer
The director of development for diversity initiatives
The director of the Cross-Cultural Center
The director of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center,
The director of the Women’s Center.
These diversity bureaucrats place nonstop pressure on departments to hire on the basis of race, gender and sexual preference.
Their trick is to set the hiring bar low enough to scoop in more female and minority candidates, and then declare that anyone above that bar is “qualified enough” to trump the most qualified candidate, when that candidate is a white or Asian male.
But sometimes even that evisceration of standards isn’t enough. In that case, the Administration simply creates a new hiring category.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-university-diversity-scam

Leftism destroy racionality.
woke has legalized discrimination against one race
race happens to be white
white people only make up 8% of the global population, if you want minorities, get more whites.
"Diversity" is a huge scam, not as big as "climate change", but it's a huge scam.
I've been in academia for 40 years as a student then a professor. What Mac Donald says in this video is exactly right.
I often now say that my "university" isn't really a university anymore. It's a leftist indoctrination camp at which teaching and research are, to some extent, still permitted.
Two things to emphasize:
1. "Diversity" (now called "DEI"), in its actual implementation, is always camouflage for institutionalizing progressive-left ideas and policies. Always.
2. Diversity/DEI are never, ever, ever questioned. Every proposal about DEI is a proposal to expand it–to hire more DEI-relevant faculty and administrators, to force more DEI brainwashing on students, to devote more campus and curricular space to it, to fund more grants in it…. It is always expanded at every opportunity, never contracted.
Finally I'd add: some DEI skeptics go so far as to say that its main purpose is to funnel money to the people who, as students, earned useless DEI-relevant degrees in nonsense like gender studies, race studies, and academic administration (yes, there are actual degrees in administration…thus forming a completely closed loop). I suspect there may be some truth in this. One of our most highly-paid new DEI administrators has an online "Ph.D." in administration from an online, for-profit "university."
In my country people are accepted into universities based on merit. We consider that fair. No humans are involved in the acceptance process it is all automated. The algorithm takes the number of seats in each course, the number of people who applied for the cause, and then sort them based on their grades. That's all, conversely professors constitute the largest group of people who are employed.
Half left wing ( they are marxist actually) politics ( supporting abortion) media, jurnalist profesors and BLM movement should be face jail for inciting and deceiving into this ideology of critical race theory. they doing this special to dividing people. in this way, the Politics democrats ensure for themselves a constant and continuous votes. this method is called " using hatred ". Democrats did it also because they were afraid that some of their voters would switch to the republicans side, because people are good by nature. So democrats manipulate their own voters by telling them how to think, distorting the truth and spreading fa*ke ne*ws.
good on UC!
Ah you have not visited any universities say in the former Soviet Union, or current China. Every academic department within a school has a party secretary liaison, who reports to another bureaucrat who reports to who knows what he/she does, everyone reports to of course the Organization Department of the Communist Party, aka the "org bureau"
So this started in 2011 ?, ain't it strange all this shit started to happen after obama was president !?
This is just another reason why BLM was created. Its a LIE created on top of another LIE.
How much of a day's work do all of those diversity positions have at UC San Diego?
Not only is it a scam, but it's also self-destructive. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Hey PragerU, you keep accusing Universities of spreading "liberal/progressive/communists" ideas anyway? so what do you care who gets in?
can't we call the diversity people what they are – part offcials equal to the system in china where you must have political party offcial on the payroll to be allowed to be there
And 6 years later, universities continue in their moral and mainly methodological decadence…
Can't wait to see what the next 6 years of leftist infiltration will show us.
Fire the racist, sexist, homophobic administrators. Don't hire new ones- they are going to have the poison from the current system
We solved the problem of parents paying for bad college by not paying for it. We teach them the other ways to end up with a career they enjoy and get paid well. 4+ year College isn't the only way to get an excellent higher education for most careers. We teach our kids that it's ok to do manufacturing work and start at the bottom and it's ok to not end up at the stressful top, but it's good if they want to, and to learn to grow food and make/fix/build things for yourself, learn to be super healthy & home remedies, to always be learning more skills and work hard and be honest and get married and never divorce. Us staying together is a much better help to their future success & happiness & safety than if we had paid for all college & living expenses during college. Marriage example matters more than college. It's the broken home epidemic causing the desire for Communism in the USA. And the poverty, poor health, thefts & violence & drugs problems. Homelessness & mental illness too.
To understand how they think….. look back to the 1960s & 70s when they were high on drugs and being promiscuous… they haven't changed and they only have half a brain left functioning all these years, but less now I'm sure bcz of their high carb diet recommended by the Communists in government that wanted everyone so sick they'll think that only government can pay for healthcare costs. And the LGBTETC ETC & promiscuity/slavery/ abortion epidemic.
They might as well be called the Fallacy Faculty.
Of course some of the EXCEPTIONAL hires would also include women —–> Heather MacDonald
Uh as a Bangladeshi American I want colleges to judge me off my skills and grades not my race
thanks mcdonalds for changing my life
please youtube recommendation algorithm give me more content like this
Diversity doesn't work.
nobody told me UCLA is like this https://youtu.be/jg254Ut93bA
Diversity is a big scam!
This video is absurd!
If college is racist, sexist and homophobic, then why would anyone want to pay to go? Like paying a premium to move to the "bad" side of the town.
Make sense
New Zealand is going down this rabbit hole and the evil weasels are following.
I need a job I'll be the director of Safe Spaces for uncertain LGBTXYZ's who are phobic of safe spaces!
The rest of the world don’t have this diversity bs, American society is a madhouse.
Heather .. another video overflowing with common sense. Thanx so much!
this channel is full of lies
If it’s not the whites doing it, well, it ain’t racism…..
This is right I know that college took me because I was black , for diversity …. Hmmm
Of course, another 'fine' PragerU production. If universities should hire the best candidate then why did President T. hire a radiologist as his infectious disease expert?
These universities are inclusive of minorities unless you’re a Chinese-American or Indian-American. Because those minorities are less “oppressed” and should’ve be cared about.
University diversity is eroding any respect for academia.
You show me your university degree, I start asking you how many sides a triangle has.
No wonder we're in the mess we're in right now…
admins should receive no more than half that of a member of faculty
I know someone who grew up in an orphanage. Never knew his parents. He grew up in a run-down state-run orphanage under horrible conditions. Yet he strived to learn and to accomplish something with his life. He studied a lot while his classmates in school bullied him for being an orphan, and his mates in the orphanage bullied him because he studied so much. He still managed to finish school with amazingly good grades. He owned nothing besides the clothes he wore, and probably even those were the property of the orphanage. He started working immediately, but he wanted to continue his education. Yet even while working, he could not afford going to a university, so he applied for a scholarship. His teachers all spoke greatly of him, his grades were good, he could even hope to get a social scholarship for being an orphan… and they rejected him. He tried several times, until they at least told him, that he is white and male, and that scholarships are for helping underprivileged people.
Absolutely mind boggling
You know I was listening with interest trying to determine if I agree with this line of thought. I ran into one major issue. Between my undergraduate and graduate studies I attended 3 separate state universities. (Yes I graduated from each one.) The video talks about lowering the bar and stating anyone above the bar is qualified enough even at the exclusion of white and Asian males at the top of the bar. I have a problem with that. Most of the white males and Asian male & female professors I had were very knowledgeable but they were researchers in the wrong place. They were the worst possible professors you could ever hope to have. They simply did not know how to teach. They belonged in a lab, or field research or in a dusty room pouring over texts and articles. It was by far the female professors who were really awesome teachers, who knew how to lecture and teach their subject even if they were not always the most published and nationally recognized professors in their fields. This was actually a good thing, I actually learned things in those classes vs sitting in some man's classroom who clearly knew a lot about his subject but didn't know squat about how to teach their students if the students weren't already well versed in the subject. Before you jump to the conclusion of a feminist writing this feedback, I'm a male.
Close them down!
And it shows in the entertainment industry where SJW politics are used to make artistic decisions.