What It Means to Love God With “All Your Soul”
We explore the Hebrew word “nephesh” that often gets translated as “soul.” The English word usually refers to a non-material essence of a human that survives after death, but nephesh means something different. It is referring to humans as living, breathing, physical beings, or just to life itself. Prepare to be surprised at the biblical meaning of this fascinating word.
#Soul #BibleProject #Shema
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Usually like these. This one leaves me a bit cold.
I like the translation with "throat" a lot
Amazing Thank You for Sharing This Amazing Thing with us!
When Jesus said "I thirst" 🥲🥲💗
Reminds me of the Japanese word 心 (Kokoro) which is often thought of as Soul but thats only if you translate it literally. But its actually means your Mind, Body, AND Spirit. Meaning your entire essence similar to this.
Damn, Truly a Legend, God bless you and your family ❤
This is a great word study! Thank you. It fully opens up a study I did years ago called ” Breaking Intimidation” by John Bevere. In the book of James, chapter 1, verses 6-8 talks about not being double-minded. He said the word there is actually ”soulish” meaning focused on things of the soul instead of things of The Spirit. That person cannot receive anything of The Spirit. So, with this study, I can see that it's basically saying not to be the opposite of The Shema if you want to receive from The Lord. So very cool! It's especially relevant in this generation where many want to walk in ”showers of blessing” with an umbrella, so as not to get saturated with the uncomfortable parts. If we lead our nephesh rather than follow it, we have far better promises for this life and eternity.
Love y’all have blessed day
But that's what the "Song of Solomon" is about. To love God with all of one's soul. And I am sure that's how we should follow the commandment "to keep the Sabbath holy", by means of Hebrews 13:4, regardless of marriage. Cause marriage is about honoring someone over all others for a covenant, like in Malachi 2:14.
Edit: And Deuteronomy 6:8.
But Neshoma means soul/spirit
So our souls and bodies are one? In a sense?
How awesome!.
Kind Sir…I believe this: "to Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind*; IS the only way to have a Joyful and Happy life. And even Sin LESS also! And we know this from the OT and the NT. Now your video shows us in the OT. But in the NT; Yeshua was asked in…
Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Matthew 22:37 Yeshua said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the laws and the prophets.
* So in OT, it uses the word "Strength"; but the NT says "Mind". Same thing of course! I said the above; to say this kind Sir. It took me 80 yrs being of God's child; to realize those 3 manifestations; means the "Image" of God. Thus…
God has an "Heavenly Trinity": The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And God in Genesis; makes all humans to be, an Image of Him. So now, I believe that image; is our Heart, Soul and Mind (Strength). Thus we have an "Earthly Trinity"!
Where the Father connects to our Mind. And the Son connects to our Heart. And the Holy Spirit connects to our Soul (and that is the "communications" line; to our God, both ways). And NO other living creature since Creation; has these "3 Heavenly Miracles"! Praise Yeshua's Holy Name…Amen!
I love my dog.. ROFL with all my soul… ROFL🤣🤣 jesus khan.. ROFL🤣🤣 ninaru salaman khan.. ROFL pundamon.. ROFL🤣🤣 poda mayire.. ROFL🤣🤣 kvan aaru.. Babu nairo.. ROFL podo kunne.. ROFL🤣🤣
Thank y’all so much for what you do!! I love you!!!!!! Hallelujah
thank you
Well this "Nephesh" agrees with one discussion my music director was telling me about what he just learnt about the gut and mental health. How what passes through your throat controls you…
Does this mean the Jews don't have a concept of soul, a non-physical component of man?
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