What Jesus Meant by “Eternal Life”
Jesus offered people eternal life. But what does that mean? Explore the meaning of a phrase that invites us into God’s life now and in the age to come.
#BibleProject #EternalLife
For more information on Eternal Life, check out the following resources:
-Eternal Life Script References: https://tbp.xyz/eternallifescript
-Eternal Life Blog post: https://tbp.xyz/eternallifeblogpost
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B/c Christ died and was resurrected for ALL mankind, all will be resurrected, and live forever more, but only those who choose to follow Jesus' faith, ordinances ( like baptism by appropriate authority etc.) will qualify to be claimed by Him and live "Life Eternal", or "Life Forever More in the presence of God"!! Eternal Life is life with God, and so is "Life Everlasting"!!
That only confused me.
its an archaic way of expressing "forever" or "for all eternity." It is often used in religious or poetic contexts to convey a sense of permanence or enduring existence.
Question – So it sounds to me like you're saying the phrase "eternal life" isn't about time, but quality, or to specify a certain "type" of life. Would this also apply to the phrase "eternal punishment/destruction/judgement"? Does this mean that phrase doesn't necessitate an everlasting hell, essentially?
so satisfying
He means “without time”.
The acceptable year of the Lord?
And that is how I sold so many water softeners. Logic my man, logic.
Why are you casting doubts on God's promises? Eternal life means eternal life. God promises ETERNAL LIFE, not 'life for an age' as you are intimating. In Revelation 20:14 Death and Hades are thrown into the fiery lake. And Revelation 21:4 says "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be NO MORE DEATH or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
it’s hard to understand i’m confused
Life Unto the Age, a certain length of time. That’s NOT what all Christians have been taught, especially when it comes to the concept of “going to heaven” after death. So, in essence, what you’re claiming is there is no such thing as immortality and “being saved” from mortality. Which makes what most Christian’s believe a lie?
I thank God
Wrong eternal life is no more reincarnation into body no more birth no more death that is all hidden from u blind Christians Krishn 😮no more ages no more time another dimension in another world this has been known by yogizzz in India for millions of years 😮that’s right while they r alive they r already in salvation mode 🎉know thy self said Christ. The lord of the universe plays the flute and intises hearts mighty demon killer the krisined one Krishn Christian 😮hidden in plain sight 🎉
What the hell is this bull all about??
25days.. probably at least or until a bond review….
Woah is this channel into apocatastasis
"Eternal life" means to live for eternity which is the gift to the righteous, either to those who have died but are raised from death to immortality in the Resurrection of the Just at the Second Coming of Jesus, or those who are alive at that time and are "transformed" from mortal to immortality.
The wicked, however, do not receive this gift of immortality and thus eventually die the "Second Death". They will drop dead "at the brightness of His coming" and lie dead with the rest of the dead of all ages until the Resurrection of the Damned 1,000 years later.
They will rise to "Second Life" and stand in Judgment, be found guilty and sentenced to death, and suffer the punishment of the Second Death – which is not "alive and burning in eternal flames of torment" as popularly believed, for death is the opposite of life, not the continuation thereof – but will cease to exist when they die the Second Death, which is eternal death, everlasting death… a death from which there will be no resurrection.
How were Adam and Eve supposed to know that disobeying God and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was bad before they did it?
Everything about Jesus life and death will be recreated in mankind. Eternal life is realized in the resurrection of the dead, not at our physical death. 'Even so as Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him (i.e. in the same manner)'.Read all of 1 Corinthians 15 and you will see that immortality is received by the whole person at the resurrection at the end of time. This is what Paul speaks about 'being 'absent from the body and present with the Lord'. Read the first 5 verses of that chapter instead of the one verse people use to claim we have an immortal soul that goes to heaven at death. There is no biblical support for this in the Greek. We will not receive eternal life in this body. 'We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed. 'For when this corruptible puts on incorruption, THEN shall be brought to pass the saying, 'death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is thy sting? O grave, where is they victory?'
Wow, such an excellent encapsulation of the gospel of the kingdom of God. Well done!
Wow what a stretch. I love this channel but it teaches a lot of unusual doctrine
Imagine living for an eternity. Doesn't make sense. That is because we have no concept of eternity. It is a huge mystery, just as God is a huge mystery. We can't imagine our life before we lived. We have no experience of that. We just didn't exist. God cannot be conceptualized.
Thank you for this guys
Was boutta have an existential chrisis, glad it wasn’t what i thought it was
This video makes simple things complicated. For example to attempt to translate the word eternal into some unclear phrase from the past. That's pseudo theology and will contribute to confusion. But I think they loved digging into the Bible for the love of digging instead of really serving the church.
When all else fails, change God’s Word to fit our individual needs. Sounds like a cult to me.
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