What Went Wrong With the COVID-19 Response: Kay C. James on The Rush Limbaugh Show
Kay C. James joined The Rush Limbaugh show on June 10, 2020 to share how Heritage’s National Coronavirus Recovery Commission has detailed over 200 recommendations to save both lives and livelihoods.
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Hey Rush! Can the COVID-19 virus live in your cancerous lungs? If not, will Donald Trump recommend that we all get lung cancer to cure COVID-19 like he recommended that we drink bleach?
And a month after this was broadcast it looks like it's, to quote Kay C. James here, "back to strict guidelines" (by the governors) especially is high population states such as Texas, Florida, Arizona and California. I wonder how things are going to go for the U.S.A. come the cooler weather in the fall if there's no cure or vaccine against the coronavirus.
cleveland browns
The mistakes that they're making right nowthey're all the EX employees of the Republic nation and they're using the media to lie to the people to get you to vote and a cancelled election they have no power because the Constitution is a government-bond political job contract for the elected officials and it's the rules of the government and people aren't in it unless your name is mystery for bassoon and you are the executive of your office with your name on it and you have sovereignty over them and has the independent state I have the right to decide that the federal government is unconstitutional the United States government itself has been legally abolished and concluded and there is no president after mr. Obama and their last day was 21 November 2016