What’s So Special About Oil? • The Anointed Ep. 2
What’s so special about oil? Why does the Bible specify that oil—not water or wine—must be used to anoint a person or place? In this episode, Tim and Jon continue discussing the biblical theme of anointing, exploring why God designates oil to symbolically represent the life-giving power of his Spirit.
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This is her husband but..I use Holy Basil in cooking and tea. Hard to find around here. Had to go to an apothecary 😮 This Basil is in reference to St. Peters Basilica 😮
It was beautiful to think about the ingredients in the oil pointing back to the creation.
Just found this channel. I appreciate your work. God bless you and your ministry.
Hey guys! Loving everything! Eye opening! On the topic of guacamole, try adding some feta cheese and a little red wine vinegar…now you have Crack Guacamole! Lol hope you enjoy!
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
And do not return there but water the earth,
Making it bring forth and sprout,
Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall my word be that hoes out of my mouth;
It shall not return to me empty,
But it shall accomplish that which l purpose,
And shall succeed in the thing for which l sent it.
So i see where some PHDs are saying the the "sweet-smelling cane" was "kanah bosm" or "kennehbus" in hebrew.
I use marijuana often, and frankly, there is nothing better than studying the bible with a buzz. A good sativa can definately open up your mind.
The work you guys do goes well with it.
Thank you so much. I'm making a blend of this recipe today.
To answer your question about where Cinnamon oil comes from, the oil is distilled from the bark. But essential oils can be distilled from any part of the plant for different constituents. I've been to farms to be a part of the process before and then see it tested in labs. It's amazing how many mysteries God has for us to discover and be stewards for!
Soaking in the oil
Brings out the Best ….
David Anointed 3 or 4 times
The Seven Spirit's of My Father Elohim HaShem YAH Yeshua Beloved Holy One Spirit ?
may we remember our status as anointed ones and act accordingly to the glory of our Lord!
May pinoy ba dito?
I love listening , I willl say too much small talk outside of biblical context but nonetheless I love to learn from Bible Project
@bibleproject so i am a biologist as well as a Christ follower. I was meditating on this and plant oils are stortof like the blood of the plant. The essence of the plant is in the oil. The essence of an animal's life is in the blood.
When humans clothed themselves they innately chose to use plants for covering but God knew that was insufficient. God could have made linen garments or cotton ones, instead He chose sheep. So, could it be that when God said 'you will surely die' He could mean that the knowledge of good and evil would fundamentally change us and our bodies so that what Adam was could no longer exist? Human brains require phenominal caloric intake to work, something that is extremely hard to gain from fruit and seeds and greens that Adam and Eve were to eat before.
Again, God knows this and instead of plants to clothe them he used sheep, something we commonly eat and has a high protein and caloric value. From then on we see humans eating meat (with some exceptions such as Daniel and his peers), possibly because the knowledge of good and evil altered the brain structure of a human(enlarged frontal lobes) and thus changed our caloric requirements? Essentially we are having to trade the animal's life for our own because the way our bodies changed when we gained that knowledge from the tree requires us to have massive calorie density and the fastest and easiest way to achieve that is through meat. I know this is not explicitly said in the bible, but God tells Peter to get up, kill, and eat. We still have the fallen bodies so until we get redeemed bodies, we still have to trade physical animal life for physical human life?
Just curious about your thoughts on this notion.
God Loves YOU…
The fragrant cane is more than likely Calamus (Acorus calamus) AKA "sweet flag" or "sweet cane" but it could also be lemongrass or 'ginger grass'. This is from an old/1897 Bible dictionary from Thomas Nelson. Many use lemongrass due to its availability and use in other recipes.
I like listening to your podcast and watching YouTube videos from the time I discovered the Bible Project.
As I read Genesis 1 and 2 and observe that the sequence of creation of man and living creatures differ in both chapters. In Chapter 1 the animals were generated before the male and female humans were created…while in Chapter 2 the male was created first, then the animals to be his companion and later because no one is suitable among the animals to be a companion to Adam, the female was created…
Like the Holy Oils used for the Sacrament blessed on Holy Thursday – Oil of Catechumen – used before Baptism, Chrism Oil – used during Confirmation, Ordination of priest, Consecration of bishop, for consecration of altars and statues, and Oil of the the Infirm or sick
May I ask what Bible you were reading from? I’m interested, thanks.
Forgot to mention … in listening, my mind ran on the book Mountains of Spices (sequel to Hinds Feet on High Places) – one of my all-time favourite Christian books – by Hannah Hurnard … brilliant book, inspirational plant-life allegory, superb poetry …
Great podcast, as usual! I'm binge-listening today! I am "having a time!" as we say where I come from in the Caribbean – Trinidad and Tobago …
Question: where did the Israelites get the ingredients for the anointing oil, seeing as they were wandering around in a desert? (as in not much plant life around)
Comment: in Chinese the word for "oil" is 油 (yóu) … it combines 氵(water/liquid – three drops of water, actually) and 由 (yóu) (reason/cause) which (according to my research) could represent a fruit or (maybe) a basket (so, I nearly did a happy-dance all over the room when Jon mentioned the anointing oil having liquid with compressed fruit … or was that Tim?) … also 由 (reason/cause) closely resembles 田 (tián) which means "field" but also has a sense of "arable land" and "cultivated" or "a field with irrigation channels" … also final point (I mean these rabbit holes could be explored endlessly) … 田 (field) features in the Chinese word for "Eden" … 伊甸 (yī diàn) … 甸 means "suburbs" but its ancient meaning is "official in charge of fields" or "land owned by the emperor" (btw one way of saying "Lord" in Chinese is "Emperor on High") … 甸 literally means 勹 (encompassed) 田 (fields) … (note: in Chinese the same noun could be single or plural … depends on the context) … hope this explanation didn't confuse anyone … okay, I'll just geek out on my own now and stop filling up the comments sections with Chinese 🙂
Can you please comment on the warning in Exodus 30 which forbids the Israelites from duplicating the recipe of the anointing oil?
The properties of oil ( as opposed to water ) is that it is a preservative or keeps a flame alight in an oil lamp. So the symbolism is long-lasting, perpetual or "eternal". The properties of 'heavenly herbs' is that they transform bland food into amazing, delicious dishes or perfume fragrances that elevate the human spirit. The symbolism is ecstasy, uplifting and "elevation". Infuse these two elements with the 3rd element ( a religious ritual ) and what you have is an oil infused with the qualities of elevation and the eternal. Eternal elevation or what we call, 'heaven'. Anointing oil is 'oil of the heavens'. As an aside, anything that is sent to heaven ( i.e. sacrifices, prayers, etc ) is returned to Earth from heaven in pure form. So an 'oils of the heavens' acts as an anchor for heavenly graces.
I wonder if "fragrant cane" might not be Angelica? It grows in the holy land and other temperate climates, and the stalks make a great air freshener.
It is precisely because apart from olive oil the rest were not cultivated that made them valuable and costly. Those would have been traded from Sri Lanka & Indiathrough the ancient trade routes which existed – by sea, remember the fame of Tyre and Sidon and by camels across all those deserts
Along with the question of why Oil we should ask also Why on the Head and Why enough to run down over the entire body? Could it be it has nothing to do with a physical substance poured on the Body by someone outwardly; But instead a process that takes place inside the place of the Skull = your Skull; Calvary. The Old Covenant Torah is only a shadow or metaphor of the reality that becomes substance when experienced in the inward man. The Hebrew word for Oil is She-Men which is a symbol for being Anointed with Christ Consciousness that takes place in the Human Brain. Could it be the Human Brain is in Reality the True Garden of Eden where a person can meet with His Creator in the Secret Place of the Most High called the Upper room of Prayer. In the New Covenant every Saint = Holy One who is Anointed with Christ Consciousness is Gods Temple, Priest, Prophet and Sacrifice all in One because of a Holy Spirit Baptism by God your Creator personally. In reality the Holy Spirit is Living Water and the true Wine of Heaven and the Holy Sacred Oil from which all Spiritual Blessing Flow and resides in the Human Brain. Have you ever wondered why God Breathed Life = Spirit into the Nostrils of Adam and not through the Mouth as stated in Genesis. God's Character who is Pure Spirit is breathed and that Air Breath Oxygen of Life is what Keeps the Human Brain Alive and Functioning in order to receive Divine Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge and Fear of the LORD. To me the Bible is a Manual of How the Emmanuel Dwells in My Garden of Eden Brain because of Gods Love for His Creation in which I am a Major Part. Colossians 1:26-27 The Mystery Hidden which is Christ Jesus In you The Hope of Glory is MY-STORY MY MISSED STORY of Who and What by Creation God has Created Me to Be. In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Very Being. From Shadow to Substance is the Name of the Game we Live Each Day. Peace and Blessings AMEN
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I love you all, my brothers and sisters. Have a nice day and remember to thank our Lord for it before you wake for the next one. God bless
Tim & John Thank you for what you do for the Lord! Your're an encouragement. Be blessed & Maranatha to all!
when reading David & Saul & David was faithful & call God as Lord;whereas Saul never address God as Lord or my God. The Holy Spirit showed me as I read the story. Saul said to Samuel,"…..Your God"…."Your God"…Your God… Saul never said my God. We know yes tgat Saul was a picture of the antichrist.
My first thought Anointing is just for making kings
Wonderful response from Jah 2 heal us by makin us healers
Hiking in the summer. I’m gonna try that probably
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