What's the Latest on the Red Heifer Mystery? | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Today on Marking the End Times, I am giving an update on the Red Heifers. I discuss the six Biblical requirements for a red heifer sacrifice and how the heifers sent to Israel fit within these criteria. I also delve into how the rebuilding of the temple appears imminent.
In the subscriber portion, I address questions like “How does the 6th bowl judgment relate to China?” and “Will we find our soulmates in heaven if we never got married on earth?”
To become a subscriber and access this entire video, please visit https://endtimes.com.
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Keep this nonsense bs myths to yourself
Leave alga’s mosque alone enough is enough people isn’t stupid anymore.
What time is coming soon in October
Yes, these developments are shadows of the coming time, when this world will be thrust into a terrible time of trial. But, between now and then, many things must come first. Including, possibly, the red heifer sacrifice. The book of Revelation and other prophetic books talk about this time in great detail. Many things MUST take place after Christ comes for those who are in Him. Here are a few things that precede this implementation.
The removal of His body from the earth. The inauguration of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. The two witnesses in Jerusalem. Actual angelic messangers flying through the heavens, for everyone to see and hear, the Blessed Gospel. The rise of the man of lawlessness with the false prophet, who can call fire down from heaven, and will show many false signs and wonders, which will bewitch the unbelieving world.
The converting of millions if not billions of people won to Christ. All this, and more, has to be in place before there is any mandatory requirement for 'the mark of the beast', for instance. The mark is a sign of worship to the god of this world and his beast system.
NONE OF THIS HAS HAPPENED, AND MUST HAPPEN, after the Bride of Christ is gone, way BEFORE THE MARK.
It's imperative that we remain focused on Christ being established In Him, in His Grace and established in His beautiful Gospel. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
We must be wise and aware that the enemy doesn't use the current world events to distract us from Christ's Love and the assurance we can only have under His BLOOD.
If we believe the Gospel of His Grace. 1Corinthians 15.1-4. We are sealed and ready for Him to come and get us with fulness of assurance and joy.
For God so Loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. John 3:16.❤
We must REST IN HIM. Not being distracted/tossed and made drunk with all this sensationalism, unwise surmisings and speculations about possible prophetic events, which can't come until many things come first.
If we are in Him we are His.
Under His precious eternal BLOOD WE ARE SAFE in this messed up fallen world.
The sacrifice of the red heifer could happen before the body of Christ, HAS been removed. We are not to fear these developments, but be encouraged. Jesus shows us these things to keep us informed, but not to worry us, because it won't affect us. We'll be SAFE with Him.❤
Look up for our redemption draws near. ❤🤗
Comfort one another with these words.
As believers in Christ, we have NOTHING to fear.
He has promised never to leave us or forsake us or forsake us.
For God so Loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
John 3:16.
Greatest News Ever! ☝️☝️☝️
Blessings and kindest regards David from Australia
Are we in the 21 century ?? What is this a movie coming up soon?
The false jews will unify the 3 Abrahamic religions and sacrifice the calf for the coming of the Antichrist. Written in apocalypse.
NONSENSE You J's must get a good laugh out of that one.
The gospel should be free, and someone choose to donate that’s their privilege to do so. Stop asking for money trust that God will take care of you
Another false prophet!! The third temple was built 2000 years ago by the Messiah, the House of God!! If you are talking the Temple Institute it's already been proved they are a scam. Mark Biltz sent people there and offered all the money they need to build the temple and the scam unraveled. It's just a group of people fleecing ignorant believers out of their donations. The Jews in Israel do not want the temple built!!
Jesus said god don’t like animal sacrifices. When the red Hefers come just be ready. Jesus is coming
U are teaching Babylonian teaching,
Jesus didn't have subscriptions. I won't buy your books because of this.
The Red Heifer fallacy sounds a lot like the Red Herring fallacy, pun intended.
The only last days that the Bible speaks of are the last days of the OT. And the reason the Bible only speaks of the last days of the OT is that it also speaks of the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A sacrifice that would NEVER be superseded. Isaiah 9:6-7 and Ephesians 3:21. Those who promote the notion that we are currently living in the last days are wrong on both accounts.
The red heifer is not a sign of the return of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for all this information that you are giving
Subscriber ONLY…Seriously?
Watch and pray for the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Which is the little horn out of the roman empire, the Pope! He will step into the temple and proclaim himself as God, thus starting the Great Tribulation for 3 1/2 years and then the Lord will come!
Follow the Lord's laws and commandments while you still can. Turn away from these pagan holidays, Sunday Worship that has nothing to do with the Lord's 7th day Sabbath! Keep the faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and repent from your sins with all your heart and might! The time is at hand, the night is far spent…. Terrible times are ahead of us and they have already started… I pray for anyone who reads this, may the Lord increase your wisdom and understanding and peace in Jesus' mighty name! Amen 🕊️
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV) ✨ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ✨
✨ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ✨
What kind of God wants blood sacrifices – animals were not put on this earth to be sacrificed or eaten. Religion is seriously evil in so many ways and all religions are just another form of control
Dr. Hitchcock … thanks for your making this video. YT recc'd.
My understanding is the heifer used for the ceremony has to be "coming 3" as Texas cattlemen say. had her 2nd BD, not yet her 3rd … all 5 of these heifers were just shy of their first birthday when they made the trip to Israel because there was an immigration/customs requirement. 5 was the limit to import pets. So they were categorized as pets. There were actually 7 calves found between two ranches, one near Rockwall; Red Angus breed … and one Santa Gertrudis just north of Houston. They were all born in the first 1/2 of Oct '21 That means by the first of Nov '23, they'll be qualified in age. The no blemish would include ear tags, which is standard ops for ranchers to tag their new calves. So there was a big push in '20/'21 to advise ranchers to do a good inspection of their red heifers before tagging 'em.
There's a lot more to the story of how the 5 departed Texas and arrived in Israel. Part of that involves … American Airlines. They were flowin in a custom built corral to fit inside the forward cargo hold of … can't make this up … a Boeing Triple 7 … B-777. I have a photo of the heifers at planeside in JFK taken by the First Officer w/ whom I am acquainted.
You rightly report the goal of Passover '24. You rightly identify the Mount of Olives … what I missed if you covered it … the acquisition of this property was made by Temple Institute rabbis and before them, was 70 AD when a Jew, let alone a Rabbi, controlled the specified place on the Mount of Olives. So, previous Red Heifer efforts may have been legitimate, but they didn't have the appointed place to hold the ceremony … until about 8 years ago.
Thanks for noting bonehisrael.com … Byron Stinson is a great man of God. I've enjoyed getting acquainted with him and involved with this organization.
also note copperscrollproject.com … Jim Barfield. They have found the furniture of Solomon's Temple and a whole lot more. A real world "Indiana Jones" event about to happen right before us … at God's perfect time.
For 40 years, I held the understanding of "immanent Return" of Jesus and the pre-tribulation Church rapture.
In the last 5 years, I've had my understanding corrected. Paul tells us the gathering with The Lord (The "Rapture") cannot happen before the falling away AND the revelation of the man of lawlessness; e.g. the antichrist. When does THAT happen in the eschatological sequence? Pre-tribulation?
I will abstain from belaboring the point to reduce the amount of "triggering" this no doubt invokes… but the dragon pursues a specific group when he can't get the "woman" (Israel). If the church is already raptured, who is he attacking? non-believers? Why would he do that? Who is getting beheaded John says of the spirits he saw entering Heaven?
Sad to hear you have followed Jimmy Evans with this subscription deal. So there's wealth to be gained by selling the truth in God's Word? Seems like there was a particular response to that by The Master. I could be wrong. 37k subs and 2400 views of this video alone should be sufficient to pay the light bill. I have more direct information on the Red Heifers' trip from "the kitchen" … information I seriously doubt anyone in the Temple Institute or even bonehisrael knows … what's it worth to ya?
Interesting that the Greek name for Eliazar is Lazarus which means The Lord’s helper or “friend “.
Since there were only nine they saved the ashes and stored them in a clay jar made from the animals dung. It supposedly was kept in the ark of the covenant. They would then be combined with the next heifer. They need the ashes from the last sacrifice for an unbroken succession, which of course they don’t have.