What’s wrong with loving the sinner, hating the sin?
Dr. Christopher Yuan explains that although the phrase ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ makes sense to Christians, this is not the best thing to say to someone, especially someone who identifies as gay. Dr. Yuan describes how when people hear this, it just sounds like we are saying that their whole person is reprehensible to God. The best way to show you love someone is not to say it, but simply to do it.
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Just commenting honestly and with no mean to offend, just to share how I see it as an apostate … That phrase feels like an excuse as a convenient way to judge someone while avoiding being seen as judgemental. It seems very pompous and judgemental while seeming to avoid negative judgements on oneself. I hate it because it seems like a closed statement with no option for critical thinking while insulting innocent pure people.
Thank you I believe it pushes people away from God
The actual real God described in the bible is not mickey mouse. He does and will destroy the wicked. And He alone makes Israel holy.
Jesus type of death shows YHVH righteous just virulent unquenchable hatred of sin.
For us its not personal. Our law enforcers fill a position to enforce someone elses law.
For Elohim Adonai it is entirely personal He set the universe in motion and He despises all sin and sinner.
Be sure to do ALL i have commanded you so my soul will not abhor or hate you.
He will not ignore those who hate him but will repay them to their face what they deserve and destroy them.
All in all and I always thought that's what Jesus said when he said take the sliver out of you eye before looking and judging
You can be LGBT and Christian
The problem is Christians use it on Christians. It’s used to justify judging others to be frank.
I agree I work with homosexuals trans genders you name it and I do not hate not one of them I look at those people and most are great people and as much as i know they are doing something I do not believe in I actually love some of them unconditionally
We must preach God's Word too. Show them where if they do not repent and change their ways, they will be judged and sent to hell. That is love
I understand that "hate the sin, not the sinner" means that we and our actions need to be judged separately. A person must confess and be responsible for his actions (sins). I think they separe sin and sinner, because one of them can be redeemed (sinner) and the other not (sin).
Psalm 7.11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
Thank you . And you're right .
Don't have to do this😎😎😎
Wow thanks for this 💕💕