When a Small Business Owner Dies: Impact of Death Tax
Patricia Baldwin of Reliable Contracting Company, Inc. discusses how the estate tax, also called the death tax, affected her familys business after one of the principal owners died.
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About to get REALLY bad with Biden
Having to pay estate tax can be devastating to families and their businesses. It doesn't require much effort to realize how difficult it can be to have to pay 50% tax.
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All taxes hinder economic growth. It is a shame that we keep electing leaders who think all good comes from the government. We need a Reagan once again who understands, encourages and praises business of all sizes. As a business owner, I am so tired of being chastised by my president for being successful. Liberals like to confiscate our wealth that was earned from endless hard work and give it to fraudulent entities such as Solyndra which then somehow ends up in the Democrat's coffers.
Sure seems like our own gov. wants us to fail…This shits got to stop.
One flat consumption/sales tax, get rid of all the rest
Cut the size of the federal government in 1/3
Put the power back with the states and the people where it rightly belongs.
Less money to grow, , not growth, no need for new people to hire= less jobs
Thanks Obama, barry, or what every you name is, your really creating jobs here.
How many jobs has this cost?
My father was a farmer who died of a massive heart attack when I was only 16. It was during planting season. Mom and I didn't know what to do without him. I hadn't learned enough of the trade from my father to take over the business but I quit school and with help from family and friends figured out a way to make it through that year. It was 1987 and back then the state of Delaware hit us with a crushing 5% inheritance tax! I can't image what it would have been like to have a federal tax of 55%
Think about this, if the estate you inherit passes through 3 generations, that is money that has been taxed 4 times! And the government has NO exposure……..
How about not taxing them at all! Go to a flat personal tax….ie everyone pays 10% (whether you make 10,000 or 1,000,000)! We wouldnt have enough people to work those available jobs!
Death tax, estate tax, inheritance tax. We die and government even profits on that. The question is are we worth more alive or dead to the tax man?
Funny how the REALLY rich seem to slide around the Estate Tax with foundations and trust funds…
The death tax is nothing more than grave robbing committed by government. The death tax is shameful and needs to end.