When Did You Choose Your Heterosexuality? | Challenge Response
Here’s Alan Shlemon’s response to this week’s challenge: “When did you choose to be a heterosexual?”
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This video commits so many fallacies and provides so many incorrect historical information that is difficult where to begin.
Lets start with the fact that Camille Paglia nor Martin Duberman are researchers and have not develop or run any empirical investigation. So where is your data?
You claimed homosexuality was removed from de DSM due to political correctness, that's false, at that time the big majority of researchers and public in general did not support seeing homosexuality as "normal" and had nothing to do with political correctness. And also what do you do about the investigations runned by Kinsley and Evelyn Hoover and their findings? What about the biology studies and reports of homosexuality in vast majority of wild animals? Where are the investigations refuting their findings? If you cannot provide actual investigations/data, sorry but this is not an argument or falsifiable claim but only a vague opinion.
If you are so interested in the truth why use and misuse information? why can't you provide empirical evidence of what you are claiming?
Anyway is a pity you use your platform to spread misinform.
This is definitely interesting. The perspective I like to address, is that if same-sex attraction was given to you at birth, is that automatically make it not sinful. I think if we accept the idea that if we're born a certain way that it's automatically not sinful, then we have a problem. Everyone is born a sinner, and whether through birth, or through experiences, we all have different since we are more attracted to. But us being attracted to those sins for as long as we know, doesn't mean that those sins are not sins.
As for being born with homosexual tendencies….. Let us not forget that we are living in a fallen world. One rattled with diseases caused not only by mutated foreign microorganisms, but the very degradation of our own DNA. Degraded DNA that has been passed on to the next generation getting more degraded with every generation for thousands of years. ( Yes the sins of the father do in fact impact his offspring) Degradations that may in fact be the very cause of malformities like diabetes, schizophrenia, Autism maybe even homosexual attraction. To say that it is was God that made you this way (diabetes, schizophrenia, Autism, homosexual attraction) is to completely ignore our fallen state. When God had finished making the world and everything in it. He proclaimed the it was "Very Good". Well…. that is no longer the case. And we all suffer that fallen state ever day. Some even suffering from homosexual tendencies.
Now I admit I could be wrong about all of this… But it sure fits well with the bible and with the way the world is.
No real peer reviewed study in the world that says that being gay is a developmental condition.This is why you and your followers never will get anywhere near the kingdom of heaven.Sorry lies are just that lies!
Nice video. However, I cannot recommend it nor use is in my bibliography since it perpetuates the falsehood that "mental illness" exists. Please see my video on Psychiatry & Psychology on my channel: K C Sunbeam.
Psh, "political pressure." Gay people were getting arrested in some states for just having sex, but we had the power to bully the APA?
Furthermore, plenty of "science" backed idiocy like "female hysteria" or "racial inferiority."
Plus sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, why don't you discussed the causes of that?) is complex, yes. Genetics, epigenetics, and variable benign environmental factors all play a role. Doesn't make non-heterosexuality inferior, unhealthy, or mentally malignant however.
Should the APA classify belief in a talking snake as a mental disorder?
Homosexuality in males is caused by taking them to church between the ages of 1 and 5.
Alan. Alan, I like you, man, and some of your other videos are great. But this is awful, simply awful. It conflates quite distinct things. Please allow me to express my take on this, based on experience, biology, social science and Christian faith. FIRST ISSUE – what causes homosexual orientation in human beings? SECOND ISSUE – is homosexuality chosen by the individual or not? THIRD ISSUE – is homosexual orientation a recognisable mental disorder? Please don't conflate these, Alan. Right – first issue – WHAT CAUSES HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION IN HUMAN BEINGS? I am a homosexual man but also a Christian and I have a First Class Honours degree in Social Sciences. Also my family situation is a researcher's dream! Based on my reading of the research sexual orientation is caused 20 to 30% by genetic and epigenetic factors (the latter being conditions in the womb) and 70 to 80% by environmental and developmental factors. It is a little bit of nature and a lot of nurture. Genetics is not irrelevant but environmental factors are more important. I live in the UK (I know, no one is perfect!) My brother and I were born to totally distinct parents fifty miles apart but were adopted as babies and raised by the same loving and consistent parents. So our genetics are totally different but our developmental and environmental factors are likely to have been similar, especially in the critical early years. My brother is a straight guy: I am 100% homosexual and I have never been sexually attracted to any of the thousands of women I have met in life. Please do not tell me genetics has zero influence! Second issue – IS HOMOSEXUALITY CHOSEN OR NOT BY THE INDIVIDUAL? This to me is very clear. Whatever the mix of nature and nurture involved, an individual emerges from puberty attracted solely to the same sex. That was not willed by him or her, it was not consciously chosen, it just happened. That was my experience and sadly I had no one in 1980s Britain to talk with. I hoped it would be a phase but by 19 or 20 it was clear this was an enduring state for me. Orientation or sexuality is not chosen, definitely not. A person has a choice whether to and how to express that sexuality. Third issue – IS HOMOSEXUALITY A MENTAL DISORDER? No. I am unequivocal on that. There may well have been politics in the 1973 decision but there was also research showing that homosexual men and women lived stable and fulfilling lives. I have had one, possibly two mental health problems, but my homosexuality is not one of them. The WHO agrees that it is not and no one would now turn the clock back. And there is a lot of research into causes of homosexuality from different perspectives.Blessings to all. DAVID x .
If you fact check what Shlemon says, you will see that it isn't backed by the evidence and is not the position of either the American Psychological Association or the American Medical Association.
Is believing in a talking snake a mental condition?
I am really sad, that this guy can spread his ignorance and collective selfishness in the net. For me these weird thoughts are a sign of a mental disorder that should be treated.
What is the aim of the hole thing? The Bible must be supported be ALL means.
(by the way I am heterosexual)
could you explain deuteronomy 25: 11-12 to me?
The passage, where you shall cut off a woman´s hand if she seizes "him" by his genitals.
I would understand it, if the "him" not meant her husband, but the other man.
But does the word "him" really refer to the other man?
Utter unfounded BS.
What it seems like to me is that defenders of homosexuality are doomed either way. If you say they were "born that way", then we should be able to prove it somehow–maybe a "gay gene" or something. No such proof has been found. But if it was, then I would think "okay, so if this is a physical quality, then it must be treatable. It must be a disorder." because such a physical property would be an obvious dissension from the way humans are supposed to function. So basically, if we found a "gay gene" then we would have to ask why it exists and if/how we can treat it.
And if defenders say it is a choice, then obviously it becomes meaningless because then it shouldn't be treated as race and gender are. People can choose to think anything they want about themselves, but that doesn't give them any other privileges.
So I mean, either way you look at it, it's sort of a difficult stance to take. It's always not going to be the way humans (or most creatures) are supposed to function. Nature is very obvious in the way it works. A+B=C.
I think the only defenses I really hear lately are "Why do you care? It doesn't change your life at all," (but it affects culture as a whole) and "This is how I feel-
>this is how I am->You can't say my feelings are wrong or you're a bigot." The strongest argument defenders of homosexuality have is that they feel that way. It's the way they feel and it's what they want.This guy doesn't believe he's a girl, but he believes he's a leopard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0rdZk4naYo
I agree with everything he's saying, but in case you came to this video, atheist or theist, because you want to argue about it, let me say this.
I'm a Christian and agree with the view that homosexuality is wrong, but that's mentioned very seldom in the bible, maybe three times. Why are we focusing on this? Can't we turn our focus to issues that more directly affect society like murder, theft, simultaneous obesity and starvation?!? Seriously, if the same attention was spent on, say, cancer research, we would cure cancer by the end of 2015, 2016 at the latest.
No its not a developmental thing. Real science is increasingly showing that sexual orientation is entirely tied to genetics. Theres even a select gene that when tinkered with created changes in orientation. For instance i have a friend who is female and attracted to females yet percieves herself as male. If she were to undergo a sex change the testosterone would alter this gene and when she changed she would no longer be attracted to females but males. She is wired to be attracted to the same sex genetically. Its not a choice or a condition. Get over it
The same time you saw a my little pony and felt compelled to comb its brittle pink hair, is the same time i chose to try and flush one down the toilet.
Hi Alan. I find this very interesting. Could you please give me a source to look at or point me somewhere where I can read more about this developmental science in regard to homosexuality. As well as somewhere for this cover up thing.