When is the Millennium? — Voddie Baucham
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This is where I struggle…. Our Glorious Lord, blessed us with discernment and I do believe that there are Teachers, like Voddie Baucham, who we can trust. Sound Doctrine is of the upmost importance for us and I learn from Pastor Baucham and Pastor MacArthur. Their theological teaching on this subject makes sense to me, however, their teachings are completely opposed to each other. I don’t know which way to go on this, but I’m convicted to just Trust Jesus Christ, our Lord. We must not argue about theological interpretations, amongst our fellow believers. Our Lord, is not the God of confusion, and I know that Victory is already won, in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen! Hallelujah! Let us trust Gods Will and timing, knowing our Salvation in Christ, while being salt and light to the world. Let us love others and preach the Good News, as Ambassadors of Christ. Sometimes, I feel unsure about so many debated theologies in Scripture, however, I will start with what I 100% do know to be true which is, Jesus Christ, was born of a virgin and is the Son of God. He lived a perfectly righteous life as a Man. He was innocent, yet crucified bearing our sins on the tree, suffering God’s wrath for our iniquities. He Gloriously Rose three days later, defeating sin and death, and gave us the only way to Eternal Salvation and Eternal Fellowship with our Lord. Amen! Hallelujah! Praise Jesus!
When the Bible says a 1000 years, it's a 1000 years, literal 1000 years. The 1000 years on earth, after the 7 year Tribulation, Christ will rule this earth, but the nations that survive and come out of the Tribulation, will be the ones that, when Satan is released for a short while, after the 1000 years, he will go and deceive those nations for battle against God. There God will destroy those nations and Satan will be thrown in hell, where the Antichrist and the false prophet was thrown in before the 1000 years. After this the last judgement will happen and God will give us a new heaven and a new earth. From Revelation 4 there is no mention of the church at all. The 2 witnesses, an angel flying through the air, with an everlasting Gospel and the 144 000 Jews are the ones that proclaim the gospel in the 7 year Tribulation.
We must just believe what God says in His Word. Not doubt it or wonder how God will work out His Word in the end. If God says it, it will happen as He says. Why should we question what God says? If He says a 1000 years or 7 year Tribulation or that an Antichrist will stand up in that time, or the 2 witnesses will prophecy for 1 260 days, we better believe it, or that an earthquake will destroy a tenth of Jerusalem and kill 7 000 people, we can trust God that His word is true and that it will happen exactly as it says. God is not a liar. What He says, will happen.
Amen brother Voddie!
In the words of Jesus, John 12:31 says "Now is the Judgement of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out." Quote Paul and Peter all you want, but Jesus Himself confirms what Voddie is teaching.
This is the result of preaching on eschatology from the NT alone while disregarding the prophets.
You cannot reconcile this view to ANY OT prophets’ visions: Isaiah 63, Micah 5, Daniel 2, 7, 8, 9(especially), 11, Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14, Psalm 2, Joel, & Habbakuk. Read these Scriptures and this false fantasy Amillennialism falls completely flat on its face.
Voddie is great preaching the gospel. He should continue to do that.
Because THOSE prophets tell us flat out that Messiah is COMING to CRUSH the serpents head, soak his robe in the blood of his wicked enemies, save the righteous and take His eternal Throne on YHWHs temple mount where His father AND servant David ruled.
On a humorous side m. If the reformers like Johnny Mac Justin Peters ect. Will not call this out to be heresy..
But if a charismatic said it they would be screaming heresy all over the Internet 24/7…
It just shows their own hypocrisy and dishonesty
Satan is still ruling the Nations and has the world blinded.. Jesus it's raining in the hearts of men. He dwells in the heart of Man 3 days . 2000 years plus a millennium..
Maybe this will give you a clue to the Jonah text Also.
Sorry voddie, we are not in the millennium. You laid a deep foundation of everything being not literal but metaphorical. You're in error about the millennium. Satan is still ruling this world. . I don't know or care what any other Bible University professor or Minister says. It is clear. He will be bound for a thousand years. Read Zechariah 14. Which I'm sure you've read. Not saying there will be literal sacrifice from year to year. Because they were still under the old covenant and did not comprehend Christ. Yes that had spiritual allegorical context. But not the millennium. Jesus will return after the tribulation. Strike down and humble the Nations. Put Satan away for a millennium. Then let him out for a short time afterwards. Ect ect
Also if we were living in the time of satan being locked up then why have we destruction and temptations of evil why after the resurrection was there still evil. The Lord's message Spreads because what God says is and can no one or thing stop it! Not because satan was locked up. Once again you change 1 thing you have to change all. I just can't and won't get behind that. Please realize you have pride and then pray the Lord Humbles you!
I've followed you all the way to this point. But now you're interpreting the scriptures with opinion. Unless it clearly states that this is not literal which it does not you can't say this. Let's first start with Jesus said the time and the hour NO ONE knows but the Father! Because man classified each book as he pleases does not make it fact! The Bible is to be literal. If you start saying it's not literal then in your own words you are discrediting the whole of the Bible. You tear down every argument for the Bible for God for Jesus for The Holy Spirit. Please don't grieve the Holy Spirit with man's interpretation. Just because it may scare or even increase your content with these things. Please stick to the scriptures and read exactly as it says. Don't reinterpret. Also remember don't hate the sinner hate the sin. Jesus didn't go around harshly bashing. I too am growing in the spirit each day the Lord allows me to even take a second of breath. I still through Christ Jesus realize that I have so many fallacies and have never nor will never be perfect. I know that doing the ministry of Paul and Peter they did not have seminaries and schools to help them Study and break down these scriptures from what we call now the New Testament. These where revealed to them by Jesus and through Jesus. So why then do we have schools with hypocrisy. "Pastors, preachers and teachers" that all have there spin on these texts? I know this the Bible says what it means. If it is allegory it will clearly say prior to reading allegory. It does not. You yourself have brought into the deception. I'll pray for you. You have pride to its very clear. What you say is not absolute. It is not final. And tell me this if Satan has been bound up already why was there the crusades, waring over lands countries and kingdoms? Why was there the inquisitions and such unthinkable torture in the beginning until the end of the middle ages or such evil after the fall of the Roman empire. No I am not a philosophy student. I don't even have a degree. But I have faith and belief in the one true savior Jesus Christ I believe in God creating the world in 6 days and that on the 7th he rested. I believe Jesus is God. I believe that the Holy Spirit was with Daniel. I believe that prior the Jesus saving my life from the wrath of God I was dead in my sins. I believe that Job was a faithful servant. You can take your wisdom scriptures and I'll take the unadulterated Bible(s). Please just stop/don't dilute the Bible and just teach it correctly! Remember you will be held to a higher fault. You have a flock to Teach. Don't mislead God's sheep. Please!
I’m pretty certain God isn’t spreading his gospel through churches who don’t follow all 10 commandments by blatantly ignoring the 4th commandment.
What an amazing sermon! Parents please take your kids out of the sanctuary when your kids are being disruptive it's common sense!
I’ve always been pre-millennial, however, lately I find myself questioning it and opening myself up to another belief. This is very helpful. But what from Voddie isn’t? lol
We are living through the final few years of the Short Season. Most of the prophecies in the book of Revelation have already been fulfilled. In scripture, we are at Revelation 20:7 and 2nd Esdras 11:32.
Analysis, proofs, dates, and timelines at my YT channel.
This is one of the things I disagree with Voddie. Post Millennialism does not make any sense to me at all.
Sorry…no. Symbolism gone too far and given too much attention. Symbolism is throughout scripture, not just apocalyptic…example: did God write the Ten Commandments with an actual finger…when He is Spirit? Same application…authority. Contextual, grammatical, literal interpretation takes this into account. No no no…
An interesting sermon on the millennium but I have to agree to disagree on this.
I love Voddie ton! But he’s dead wrong on his eschatology.
The prophetic 1000 years millennium parallels the seventh day. YESHUA is coming soon!
Satan knew that he had but a short time because Satan knew the Scripture.
For instance, Exodus 20: 8,9 commands…
(8) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
(9) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
The millennium proves that “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:“ was a command meant not only for humanity, but also for Satan.
Because at the end of 6000 years (his six days), Satan during millennium (1000 years/seventh day) will be forced to stop his work and rest.
The sabbath millennium will certainly be kept holy when disobedient Satan is bound, and the disobedient wicked remain bound in their grave until time for their resurrection.
When I looked up the end of 6000 years, it is said to be between 2028 and 2033. Depending upon accuracy – that could be from 4 years to 9 years.
This is so untrue how in the world do you figure? Go over how John describes life durng the 1000yrs, do you see that lifestyle now? Christ is not in charge of the nations, and He is not ruling thru this weak fake Church! The peace described is only going to happen during the golden age, then He turns it over to God and creates a new earth. Now is not the 1000yrs, or that period where Jesus is in control of the earth and there are no wars, poverty, etc. That time is to come. Sometimes these preachers feel the need to be so deep they miss it!
Praise be to God and Lord Jesus Christ. This is the most concise sermon on eschatology along with RC Sproul, Sam storms, Kim Ridldlebarger, Alistair Begg, and Mike Gerhardt. Revelation is best read and preached the way it's intended to be read and preached: as Doxology (not a go-to guide for those "left behind"), and Dr Voddie Baucham nails it with his God-given wisdom and knowledge.
Ah me everything Vodie preached I eagerly devoured until this. So what happened to Ezekiel's temple Ez 40-48? Did God just threw that in for filler. Read what the Apostle Paul says in Rom 11:1-25. Culminating with verse 25:
Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Luk 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
So what is this fulness of the Gentiles?
This is a good example of why everyone needs to be a student of scripture and not just blindly depend on pastors and teachers. The scriptures are not that hard to understand if one is born again led by the Holy Spirit.
Consider the following scriptures taking into consideration it has been almost 2000 years since Jesus' crucifixion:
Hos 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Hos 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
2Pe_3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Amen!! Hallelujah!!
@ 47:35, after reciting 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, I have to disagree with you, that the millennium is here and now… I believe it will be a literal 1,000 years, and I believe it isn't now. I believe after the Rapture, the saints will be with the LORD Forever like it says, and i believe we will be in heaven with Jesus for the 7 years while the Great Tribulation is going on, then the literal 1,000-year reign of Jesus after the tribulation and before the Great White Throne Judgment of the wicked, with Satan bound during this time, to show humanity that we aren't perfect and that the perfect environment isn't going to produce perfect people, and at the beginning, everyone will worship God (Isaiah 2:2–3). The purpose of the 1,000-year reign is to fulfill various promises God made to the world. Some of these promises, called covenants, were given specifically to Israel. Others were given to Jesus, the nations of the world, and creation. Jesus’ 1,000-year reign will be a time of promises kept. God promised Jesus He will make His enemies a footstool, and that Jesus’ followers will worship Him freely (Psalm 110). God promised the nations of the world that they would live in peace with Jesus as their ruler (Daniel 7:11–14). And He promised creation that the curse would be lifted (Romans 8:18–23), animals and the earth would be restored to peace and prosperity (Isaiah 11:6–9; 32:13–15), and people would be freed from disease (Ezekiel 34:16). Then after the millennial reign of Jesus, Satan will be released upon the Earth and to go "deceive the nations" (Rev. 20:8) to turn people against Jesus, and that's when Jesus calls fire upon the ones that were deceived to devour them and be thrown in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:9-10). I strongly disagree with "now" being the 1,000 year reign…
Having ADD I found it very difficult to concentrate on the sermon due to the background noise of coughing and crying babies in the sanctuary. I couldn't even finish listening as this distraction never stopped. Was there not a separate room/nursery that a parent could go to with a crying child to calm it down? And with the amount of coughing that went on I would suspect that some of those babies were actually ill and should have been kept from infecting other adults or children. I've never been in a church where parents stayed in the service with their fussy coughing children disturbing the rest of the congregates not to mention the person preaching.its rude and no excuse for it.
Recap: 16:28
I think we might be seeing the beginning of his release. In the times we are living
wish I could agree with it, Baucham is a great preacher, I just can't see it.
Because of what Jesus spoke in the parables of Matthew, and revelations speaking of this age and the Age to come is exactly why I think the "taking away" or rapture is the taking away of the wicked, like in the flood of Noah. and that will happen after the millennium, 2nd resurrection and white throne judgement. In the parables he says the Kingdom of heaven is likened unto various things, but the content of a lot of those parables referenced the changing of the age, and give us a lot of insight. Jesus told us to look into the parables for knowledge of the Kingdom.
Matthew 13 10:16 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. 16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear
While yes Christ comes and saves us, we are not the twelve. We still need to look in the parables for the knowledge, God speaks through his word and through these parables I believe our eyes can be opened.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”
1 Peter 5:8-9
As Voddie has said DEAD MEN DONT GRAB…….also it is true BOUND DRAGONS DONT PROWL….
Hebrews 9:26
for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in👉 the end of the world👈
hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
Matthew 24:34
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till ALL these things be fulfilled..
What things? What generation?
It was THAT generation. In 70 AD the desolation came, and there was great tribulation. ALL those things were fulfilled.
We ALL want this letter and prophecy to be about us. We also must have the facts that this prophecy was written to the 7 churches on the things that were "shortly" coming to pass.
I struggle with eschatology. I was an atheist until February of 2019, when I had an audible experience from Him. I previously had an encounter with a demon whom seemed to offer me a deal, which I declined (spring 2014). It was one of those sleep paralysis apparition things. I remember thinking at the time, “If I believed in any of this, I would choose God.” That’s when it disappeared. It still took another 5ish years to make me a believer. Anyway, during that audible experience, one of the things He said to me was, “Something bad is coming.” He never said “rapture,” and it seems that when I read Scripture for myself, I drift toward a Preterist view. (Josephus reported an army being seen in the clouds when the Second Temple went down. I haven’t read Tacitus, but he’s supposed to have a similar account.) Anyway, I think that a lot of us are receiving end times dreams, Rapture dreams, or mere notions to that effect because we are approaching a critical period on par with such a time. My current suspicion is that those having rapture dreams in which they are taken up (as opposed to returned) are going to perish en masse in a nuclear war or comparable mass event. I could use prayers on this. I’ve never been able to find a proper teacher either. I get little nudges from Him, but not answers to all the questions that upset me… I’m kind of a brat that way, I suppose. Anyway, I could use some help here, if you happen to see this.
May GOD bless you and your loved ones, in Jesus’s name: Amen.
Amendment: How much time passed between the completion of Solomon’s Temple and the destruction of the Second Temple? Roughly 1,000 years? I’m probably wrong.
The most comprehensive sermon I have heard on this subject. I Have never been able to be comfortable with other exposition on this subject though I leave it in the Lord's hands and think as Paul Washer says that he is a Pan thinker on this, that it will all pan out according to the will of God.
This view does not allow for a faithful preaching on not only Revelation, but also Daniel, Ezekial, Isaiah, Zachariah, Amos, much of the Psalms, and many of Jesus' own teaching on the end times spoken of in the gospels. There are far more comprehensive, cohesive, and biblically based preaching on the issue to Christ's millennial reign that unifies bilical text without punting to mystery, over spiritualizing, allegorizing or blatant dismissal of hard to interpret text as "apocalyptic". A thorough detailed study accounts for every detail and verse spoke on in scripture is truly a blessing once a proper view of the coming Kingdom of Christ is understood. It is only until the church preaches this coming earthly millenial kingdom (not to overlook Christ's present heavenly reign) will Christ return for his people. Again, this is not a new novel view of the end times. The pretrib rapture of the church has been taught since Polycarp (student of John the Apostle) and Irenaeus (student of Polycarp). Replacement theology is unbiblical and has no place in the overarching scheme of the biblical context and message.