Where Are the Moderate Muslims?|5 Minute Video
After every terrorist attack, political leaders and professionals reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the real beliefs of the “moderate Muslim majority.” How numerous moderates exist? And precisely what does “moderate” indicate? Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains.
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Of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, they constantly assure us, the frustrating bulk are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. We are notified, the fantastic bulk of Muslims hold moderate views.
How moderate are moderate Muslims? Offered the risk of radical Islam, it would seem a reasonable concern.
I was raised in a middle class Muslim home in Cairo, Egypt. Growing, I was notified, amongst many other things, the following: That every day that by far the Islamic country without a caliphate is a sin. That the failures and sufferings of the Muslim world began the moment we Muslims gave up conquests and wars versus the infidels. That our prosperity depended upon controling nests and transforming brand-new believers. That anybody who leaves the faith needs to pass away. And I likewise remember how my teachers and my mosque imams responded to the news of 9/11 when it occurred: happiness.
My experience prevailed, and there is information to show it: According to the Pew Research Center, 88% of Muslims in Egypt, 62% in Pakistan, 86% in Jordan and 51% in Nigeria think that any Muslim who choses to leave Islam requires to be put to death. Similar, if not comparable, numbers are in favor of stoning people who dedicate adultery, badly punishing those who knock Muhammad or Islam, and slicing off hands for theft.
All of these practices belong of the chastening code of Islamic law, which is described as Sharia. And 84% of Muslims in South Asia, 77% in Southeast Asia, 74% in the Middle East and North Africa and 64% in Sub-Saharan Africa support Sharia as the unwritten law. Less drastic, yet substantial, parts are to be discovered even among Muslim areas in the West.
Too, most of the world’s Muslims believe that any acts of violence versus Israel, consisting of suicide bombers in dining facilities and buses, are justified. Now, does any of this sound moderate to you?
A few of them were Muslim women who fit the image of the revealed, best English-speaking, moderate Muslim young woman. Other appearing “moderates” stopped working and tried to do the exact same throughout my speech at Temple University the next day.
For the overall script, see https://www.prageru.com/videos/where-are-moderate-muslims
Where Are the Moderate Muslims? We are notified, the excellent bulk of Muslims hold moderate views.
How moderate are moderate Muslims? Some of them were Muslim females who fit the image of the exposed, perfect English-speaking, moderate Muslim girl. Other seeming “moderates” tried and quit working to do the very same throughout my speech at Temple University the next day.
Where Are the Moderate Muslims? We are notified, the wonderful bulk of Muslims hold moderate views.
A few of them were Muslim women who fit the image of the revealed, finest English-speaking, moderate Muslim young woman. How moderate are moderate Muslims? Some of them were Muslim women who fit the image of the revealed, perfect English-speaking, moderate Muslim young woman.