Where Are You, Martin Luther King? | 5 Minute Video
A half-century after his death, Martin Luther King, Jr. is as revered as ever. But have we been following his example, or merely paying lip service to his ideas? Jason Riley, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, weighs in.
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It’s been 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot to death on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee, and over the decades he has become one of the most revered figures in American history. There is an impressive memorial to him in Washington, DC, and a museum celebrating his life in Atlanta, Georgia. Countless schools and boulevards have been named after him, and a national holiday is dedicated to his memory.
How is it, then, that so much of his legacy—what he hoped to pass on to the future—has been lost?
King wanted equality under the law and said, famously, that people ought to judge one another based on character, not skin color. But he also believed that blacks had an important role to play in their own advancement.
The black civil rights battles in America are now over, and King’s side won. The best indication of that may be that King has had no real successor. If black Americans were still faced with legitimate threats to civil rights—such as legal discrimination or voter disenfranchisement—it’s likely that leaders of King’s caliber would have emerged to carry on the fight. Instead, what we have today are pretenders who have turned the civil rights movement into an industry, if not a racket.
And what have these racketeers accomplished? A lot for themselves, and very little for their constituents. Racial gaps in income, education, and home ownership were narrowing in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s. But after King was replaced as the spokesman for black America by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others, these gaps began to widen in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s.
This suggests that the racial disparities that continue today aren’t driven by whatever racism that still exists, despite all the claims to the contrary from progressives and their allies in the media. It also suggests that black culture—attitudes toward marriage, education, work and the rule of law—plays a much larger role than the left wants to acknowledge.
More marches won’t address fatherless homes. More sit-ins won’t lower black crime rates or narrow the school achievement gap. Electing more black politicians and appointing more black government officials can’t compensate for these cultural deficiencies, either. Black mayors, congressmen, senators, police chiefs and school superintendents have become commonplace since the 1970s. Even the election of a black president—twice—failed to close the racial divide in many key measures. Black-white differences in poverty, home ownership, and incomes all grew wider under President Obama.
Discussion of antisocial behavior in poor black communities, let alone the possibility that it plays a significant role in racial inequality, has become another casualty of the post-’60s era.
King and other black leaders at the time spoke openly about the need for more responsible behavior. After remarking on the disproportionately high inner-city crime rates, King told a black congregation in St. Louis that “We’ve got to do something about our moral standards. We know that there are many things wrong in the white world,” he said, “but there are many things wrong in the black world, too. We can’t keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/where-are-you-martin-luther-king

Common Martin Luther king W
Never thought PragerU liked a socialist
Why do most black coonservatives speak like white people?
Bro doesn't know
you failed to mention that MLK was a devout socialist and the primary reason his protests were peaceful was because he knew that if it ever got too rowdy the government would respond with the military.
Yeah if only MLK wasn't a socialist hated by 60% of the US. The hypocrisy in this video is just outstanding. For those who don't know look up. MLK socialism, black panthers party, Malcom X, all of this stuff that Prager ignored
If I were to put this on Facebook, I would be jailed – again.
'wokeness' as cons calling it absolutely started with the civil rights movement and MLK
MLKJ was a socialist… Loooooool
you answered the question in the first ten seconds of the video. “where are you, martin luther king?”, he’s been dead for a while now 🤷
We have no more REAL LEADERS to carry the Black Americans to a better America of level grounds for blacks people to have a equal foot whole here in this country
If King was still alive today, I guarantee that he would be despised by the conservatives
Perfect, superb, the problem should be inside, not outside.
Hail Malcolm X!
PragerU… a conservative propaganda organization making a video on personal responsibility is priceless… like conservatives care at all about personal responsibilty…
My question is, what would MLK think of America today if he was alive today?
Not impressed
MLK was a socialist (which is sad fir you, but not me – I am socialist as well)
I’d like to remind PragerU and their whitewashing that he was a socialist and the F.B.I. sent a letter to him telling him to kill himself.
I'm amazed that Prager would make a video discussing the personal philosophy of a major American Socialist figure…
MLK Jr was a Marxist socialist. He was a very dangerous man in America. And he was wrong on the gospel.
This is the most whitewashing of MLK I’ve ever seen. Conservatives, like PragerU, are the ones that held a boot on kings neck. King was a democratic socialist and would have counter videos to PragerU if he was still alive today. Neoliberalism and conservatives are the reason for the racial gaps that we see.
MLK was a socialist and was murdered by the government for it. If he were still alive, y’all at Prager U would make propaganda against him like you do for BLM.
“Plenty of people are paying him lip service. Far too few are following his example.”
Please do yourself a favor, read what he said about war and Capitalism and follow his example.
This is one of the worst misunderstandings of MLK’s beliefs of all time. Look into the whitewashing of MLK, this is nowhere close to what he believed.
Just thought I’d put this here:
Interesting video. I as a Black Australian man of East African Somali descent love the Black American community. I myself have no enslaved and segregated ancestors because they were East African Somali people who were never captured or kidnapped or sold into slavery because they came from a strong empire. I am the proud son of two East African Somali immigrant parents both my father and my mother plus my paternal uncle which they all successfully immigrated to Australia in the mid 1990s escaping the Somali Civil War which devastated the country. My family and I still live there today. I love Australia because it is so peaceful and relaxing here plus I enjoy my life here in this incredible country. If I was a descendant of an amazingly tough enslaved and segregated ancestors who went through so much suffering I would always honour them plus remember them. I would never disgrace or forget what they had to experience the painful torment of racism. My heart goes out to all the oppressed Black people in the past that had go through the African Tribal Warfare, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Chattel Slavery, the Colonial Wars, the Domestic Slave Trade, the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan Racial Terror Lynchings, the Race Riots, Convict Leasing, Jim Crow Segregation, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Redlinings, the Inner City Gang Violence, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, the Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System, and Private Prison Abuse. In the United States of America today there is still Inner City Gang Violence, Police Brutality, Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System, and Private Prison Abuse so depressing. America needs a huge criminal justice reform, economic reform, gun control reform, immigration reform, police reform, political reform, and prison reform. I send my love plus support all the way from Lakemba, New South Wales, Australia. To all my fellow human brothers and sisters around the world, always remember be genuine & take care of one another.
This is summed up in the culture difference in the value of marriage, education, work and obeying the law. It’s a cultural difference, not racism.
Mlk was a socialist and there are recordings of him saying socialist things
Really? Cultural deficiency is the issue? What kind of ridiculous excuse is that? First of all you took Dr Kings quote out of context and only took the part that benefited your statement and not the entire thing. Second off you’re not even qualified to be talking about Dr King since you’re degree is in English not history so you have no qualifications to be speaking out. 3rd of there are lots of activists today leaders leading movements such a BLM; just because their not famous doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Get your facts straight if you’re not even qualified to be speaking on such matters and feeding people nonsense with no reliable evidence whatsoever.
If Martin Luther King existed today GOP would hate him. He was a socialist
King was a socialist lmao
What I love about MLK is that he never used violence against anyone, nor destroyed anyone's property.
What a load of horse-shit! MLK was a socialist, advocating for a radical redistribution of wealth. Jesse Jackson and John Lewis carried on his legacy, along with MLK's own children who still fight against discrimination like the GOP gerrymandering and new voter suppression laws to discourage voting in minority communities.
PragerU using Martin Luther King as a vessel for the ideas they preach is absolutely disgusting
Weird how in the same video where you say black people should practice personal responsibility you don't mention that during this same time the government was giving exclusively white people zero down zero intrest loans to go settle in the suburbs.
MLK is a hero
1:25 Where is your source for this data PragerU? Please cite your source otherwise People Will call you out for just bullshitting with fncy graphics