Where does the rebellious creature in Genesis 3 go after the garden?
The Bible offers subtle clues that this creature continues working behind the scenes to drag creation back into darkness and disorder.
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There is a popular theory that suggests that the snake that tempted Adam and Eve keeps getting bigger and bigger since it is thousands of years old and it's actually leviathan
Satan is like the Lich from Adventure time. All he wants is death and destruction
Thank you for teaching us! God bless you all and also all of you in the comments too!❤😊
do you say an empty hell, and an empty death have no order to them…
democracy by subtle guile… with God Your reasoning…. raise up your Son of man
Buddhist meditation is of the spirit of this rebel. Those who know, know.
The serpent in the garden of Eden, the spirit of Cain, the twin brother Esau, the devil, Satan, the dragon, the wicked, the man of sin, the son of perdition, all summed up in three words: the white man
But the creature did not slither until it was cursed.
But wasn’t the serpant not on its belly yet ? So it can’t be a snake?
Never-ending story, the nothing.
Read the book of Job satan meets with God in heaven they have a conversation
Hey! In you video about satan and demons, there was no discussion about the demons.
All glory be to God, I praise you for your mercy, thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, and thank you Holy Spirit for your work.
the devil really thought he was something, he wanted to be God like bro please, HE created you so move are you not embarrassed
I don't know if someone ever thought like this: maybe, Satan is not a real character or real spiritual being. It can represent our own mind that always want to rebel and wants to be God. It can be a literary character that represent our dark personality (Carl Jung's shadow), the animal nature in us, the beast, the dragon, the serpent whose nature is rebellious to moral law (God Himself is the law/the moral standard).
So, i think the Bible didn't really tell us that there is a villain outside us that lurks into our mind to rebel to God; but instead the point is we are 'Satan' who rebel against God from the start and then get exiled from heaven (from the relationship with God) and how God Himself make a way to rebuild the relationship. The Bible is not about the battle story of God and Satan. It is all about the relationship story of God and humans…i think we should read the Bible that way, and carefully unlocked all the symbolic representation of us and God.
It's really helpful to know that the
devil is liar and whatever he says is not true but rather to draw u away from GOD.
There is a much more plausible understanding to Genesis 3, I recommend listening to a Rabbi
What was the realistic expectations for Adam & Eve? You have the devil who was cunning enough to deceive other angels who actually saw God in heaven going up against 2 freshly minted humans who didn't even know they were naked.
Seems like a set up
If we are called to love our enemies, doesn’t that include loving Satan as well? Mark Twain even said he is the most deserving of Christ like love and compassion because he has sinned the most out of everyone. Food for thought.
I forget where I heard this but it sticks with me when I have conflict with others… “Satan doesn’t care who does the hating, as long as the hating gets done” it really keeps me in check as far as looking past what is happening in front of my face.
the snake is Satan the adversary who was an angel.
Thank God for Jesus's saving power
By Satan losing what God gave him, Satan was forever lost and chaotic not having nothing of value. Satan was so into himself, he had no concern or interest in nobody else or anything, not even the other angels that followed him. The start of selfishness. Thanks for this video. It reminded me of who and what Jehovah is.
God is love
Really said “if I can’t be happy, no one can.”
Do you have a video that is the full Spiritual Beings series without breaks between sections? I would like to use that for one of my Humanities classes.
I love this short
the only way to heaven is through Jesus. repent of all your sins, and obey Him. He died on the cross paying the fine for your crimes (sins) so you could live.
in hebrew satan comes from the words hasatan.. which means two things.. ego and adversory to god.. so mans ego is satan! for me that makews sense..my old christian teacher once said what is the cross.. but the letter "i" crossed out.. jesus is us when we remove ourt ego from ourselves? and when we stop being selfish the holy spirit comes to dwell in us! we are the snake when we are mean.. we are the spirit of jesus when we think about selflessly. indeed acts 6 really presses this home!! when we share we really are close to Jesus
God bless you and the bible project ❤
So there's a snake in all of us?
A little too short for it to really bring in everything as a short. Oh well.
Oh gosh, I almost didn't make it through the clip…the sound effects – creepy! 😵💫
Satan is often given far too much credit for OUR OWN wickedness. Satan isnt the reason you sin.. you are the mastermind all on your own. Satans not neccessary.
Then the question will be what will happen to this rebels
If only Adam stopped Eve from sinning!
The rebellious one knows he is the only one going to hell…so he is going to try and take as many down there with him. Brothers and sisters don't fall for his tricks. Its the same old one- questioning god's word, seeding hatred amongst brethren, lust of the eyes, flesh, pride. Let us flee from his lies.
wow you guys have some really good content. "Not FOR anything, just AGAINST everything", so very good
My dad always used to say Lucifer is like a someone getting thrown in a pool. He knows he's going to get thrown in so he's going to do everything in his power to pull as many people in with him.
Where is the serpent's legs?
This is epic. Dust shall he eat all the days of his life
God is here, don't pass by if you choose the devil's side! Amen ✝️ God bless you, let's share our hearts ♥️
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
John 3:16-18
Amen, thank you for telling me the reminder that Satan is must be underestimated but as we also.
Darkness and disorder? Sounds like he’s doing a great job so far
The lich
I hate satan so much its UNREAL
Feeling rebuilt ♥️
where the full video
I hate him