White House Doesn’t Want to Be Held Accountable for Border Crisis | Mark Morgan on Fox Business
Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Fox Business, Tuesday, March 2, to talk about the latest on border security, the Biden administration’s denial of a crisis on the border, and why the administration needs to get serious about securing the border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibTedghQBgA
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Look at the way these poor unaccompanied minors are dressed…
How any parent can give birth to children for the soul purpose of sending them to any other country to support their asses and her away with it is a criminal! Who is responsible for that children when they are put into human trafficking, raped, murdered. THIS IS A REALITY!
This was no mistake. This is very deliberate. They just have not got the ground work fully set to take advantage of the influx yet in order to redraw districts and ensure their own power is never challenged. NEVER.
This is Biden's the puppet for George Soros mission. Overwhelm the welfare system and destroy America. Collapse and bring in the NWO
Hitler’s crossing into Poland with Tanks & 240,000 Army was a “ Challenge “. ???
Now 'challenge ' replaces SNAFU.
Gov now run by Blackmailed pedophiles
…or anything else.
Biden and his cabinet members are traitors to America and to Americans. There is no fine distinction to be made in their behavior. Their behavior places the safety of every American in jeopardy and the security of every job held by Americans, as illegal aliens enter America and the labor market to undercut Americans and their livelihoods.
And the Democrats will be sickened by us. And the Liberals will talk about us. And the Leftist will fear us. And when the Democrats close their eyes at night, and their subconsciousness tortures them for the evil they've done, it will be with thoughts of us, that it tortures them with. We will be cruel to the Democrats, and through our cruelty they will know who we are.
This is actually hilarious lol
Not "America First"… but ”AMERICANS FIRST" Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty for the People!
The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the GOVERNMENT, Big Tech, MSM, & their Enforcers! They steal your Freedom and Liberty, your money, your property, your privacy, your dignity, your future!
According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!
We once suffered from Criminals committing crimes, now we suffer from Psychopath Control Freak Government Agents making Laws to Control every aspect of your life and Violating the Constitution!
Stefan Molyneux – The Story of Your Enslavement – https://www.freedomain.com/videos/
Privacy: Who Needs it (Stossel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW3Kmw6-huI&feature=youtu.be
No Knock Warrant Fail – Cops Hit Wrong House – Qualified Immunity Saves Them – Earning The Hate (Rick) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTUEbL3uut0
OKLAHOMA HOUSE BILL NO FILMING (TxSheepDog72) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqzgPkM6-T4
You have a 1st Amendment "Right"… Until the Government says, you Don't! All of your "Rights" are teetering on the edge of the Abyss of NO RIGHTS!
Gun Control and Venezuela (FreedomToons) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID8Ssy4sVC4