Who Are the Racists? | 5 Minute Video
To call someone a racist is a serious charge. Conservatives are accused of racism by the left on a daily basis. Are the accusations fair? Or is something else going on? Derryck Green of Project 21 provides some provocative answers.
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Every single day someone of prominence on the left—a politician, a cable news host, an entertainment figure—accuses someone on the right of being a racist.
Here are typical examples:
MSNBC host Chris Matthews said this: “The age of Jim Crow managed to find a new habitat in the… 21st-century Republican Party.”
Comedian Seth Meyers told his late-night audience that Republicans traffic “in open racism.”
Tennessee state representative London Lamar, a black woman, announced that the entire state of Tennessee is “racist. Period.” This was just after she was elected… in Tennessee! And almost every criticism of President Barack Obama was labelled racist.
The left calling the right racist isn’t new. It’s been going on for decades.
Republican Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, his son, George W. Bush were all accused of being racists. And, of course, from the left’s perspective, “racist” is essentially Donald Trump’s middle name.
To call someone a racist is a very serious charge. A racist is a person who believes that one race is inherently superior or inferior to another. It’s not intelligence, character or values that determine an individual’s worth; it’s his or her skin color.
To say that racism is foolish and stupid—not to mention evil—is to understate the case. But according to most Democrats, Republicans are that stupid and that evil.
So, let’s examine some conservative policies to see if they are, indeed, racist. If they are, then the left has a valid complaint. And if they’re not, then the left is lying.
The longstanding conservative opposition to Affirmative Action is a good place to start. It was Democratic president John F. Kennedy who, in 1961, first used the term “affirmative action.” But Affirmative Action in the way we think of it now wasn’t implemented until 1970, during the administration of a Republican president, Richard Nixon.
The theory was that, because of historical discrimination, blacks were at a competitive disadvantage to other races and ethnicities. To erase that disadvantage, standards that most blacks presumably couldn’t meet had to be lowered.
One could make the case that this policy had some utility when it was first put in place. But that was a long time ago. The conservative position is that blacks have repeatedly proven they can compete with anyone without the benefits of lower standards. There are countless examples of black success in every field, at every level. The policy is no longer necessary.
But the conservative argument goes further. Study after study shows that, in the case of college admissions, affirmative action hurts more blacks than it helps. By lowering admissions standards for blacks (and some other minority students), colleges set many of these students up for failure. They get placed in schools for which they are not prepared. And high black dropout rates confirm this view.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/who-are-the-racists

These are the same guys that made a video trying to justify slavery
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Are you really trying to say Trump is not a racist? I don't think Reagan or the Bush's were, but Trump certainly is – and by your definition. Don't take my word for it. Take his quotes.
‘I’m a negotiator like you folks’
"I have a great relationship with the blacks."
"Laziness is a trait in blacks"
"“A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market.”"
‘They’re rapists … some, I assume, are good people’
“Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?”
It took this video over 90 seconds to get to the point. The entire video is full of strawman arguments and uses an authoritarian tone as if these people know what they're talking about. No one will learn something about racism in a five minute video where a huge portion is cherry picked slop at the beginning. Politics is not simple enough to categorize people from an entire aisle into a group.
The racists parties were historically Dixicrats, but that party is now defunct. Today, racists in the US's political parties are flocking to the Republicans as there is no other party to support them. To no one's surprise, the Trumpists are now the leading faction in the Republican party for pro-racists. PragerU does not want to admit that, because it makes them look bad, but they do not want to lose to the Democrat party, so they pretend the Democrats are the racists by calling attention to policies they perceive as failing.
PragerU suffers from a lack of originality, instead surviving off of taking the worst part of the left in a desperate bid to make themselves look like the good guys. If you or anyone you know suffers from being a PragerU subscriber, you might notice a complete lack of originality when it comes to debating. Most people who watch these junk food conservative channels most likely lack the tools to understand their own ideology. The only things familiar to them is to repeat something they remembered won a debate and vote for their team. Any research they do, if any at all, is shoddy and lacks tangible result. You have been warned.
The people who get sick of being called a racist are usually the ones who most often DISPLAY THE BEHAVIOR. The best way to not be called one is to not act like one.
Do people who watch this video actually believe that being "accused" of being a racist is actually worse than actually being racist? That's absurd!
So who are the REAL RACISTS? That's easy. It never changes. It's the people who actually demonstrate racist behavior. Simple. This right-wing propaganda garbage tries to nake it complicated.
Let's keep this simple (even though PragerU tries to complicate it.) TODAY IN 2024, white supremacists, white nationalists and other anti-black racists are OVERWHELMINGLY proud and loyal Republicans. White supremacists have always consistently been right-wing extremists. Period.
It's very interesting that the new game is changing the conversation from people ACTUALLY BEING racist. No, PragerU intends to make the discussion about BEING ACCUSEDof being racist. This is shameless right-wing propaganda.
ACTUAL RACIST behavior gas never gone away. Those who are more offended at the accusation than the act are most often the guilty ones.
LMAO. It's crazy to hear from you Americans that you have affirmative policies regarding on black people. 🤣
Call us what you want but keep your hands off our children and paychecks
I don't think supporting either political party makes a racist.
Weel said
I think affirmative action did have some usefulness when it was first implemented, but that time has long gone
Democrats used black people in the past and they continue using them today
Scott Adams are right, better be far from these people that blame everyone racist!
4:14 – Make ID mandatory for all US residents. This way we don't have that type of problem. Also make anyone over 13 carry an ID on him at all times, this way we can see who's illegally here or not. Hong Kong has this policy and there is very little crime.
Because trump is racist and a lot of republicans are racist but not all do not get me wrong but due to recent homophobic and racist laws and bills passed by republicans say something different
An entire industry created to support pro-racist anti-black ideology. wow: https://youtu.be/-CXrUrXccpQ
They just delete anything they do not want said on this channel to control you. Sad. “This message will self destruct 💥
And you used a black dude!!! Oh man, nice work y’all. I’m not mad at you bro, get their money as best as you can. But the haircut is bad.
This same company made a video of Christopher Columbus talking to kids saying that slavery is no big deal because the whole world did it and they were better off slaves than being murdered as if there is no alternative. All of the suckups in the comments are too blinded by their tribalist need to have their political party be right no matter the cost.
Making one video speaking against racism doesnt change the underlying context of the “children’s videos” you are producing.
For a company that claims to be trying to heal division and end racism they are a complete joke. Lets be real its just another “non profit” that has prostituted their morals and crossed ethical boundaries for greed, and their followers are too lost in their sheep mentality of a divided country caused by the only legal form of bribery in our country: Lobbying.
The whole system is sick. Everyone needs to grow up and stop believing everything they see on the internet, think for themselves, and watch where the money is flowing before fighting so viciously for causes they dont even understand.
Yes your right it is possible to be racist towards any race Black, White, green, Clear, yellow, red, blue,
The definition of racism is being agianst another race let’s keep the definition of it that way
Wow. A lot of this isn't adding up. The harsh truth is that structural racism is real and it continues to this day. It is real subtle, but it's there. The liberals make efforts to counteract this. Affirmitive action may seem like racism on the surface. It may seem to cause reverse discrimination. However it is really an attempt to make up for structural racism. Liberals have good intentions. They want racial equality. They don't intend to be condescending to colored people at all. Structural racism is complex. So it is tricky to find solutions. At least Democrats try to make things better. Any problems they have is a matter of logistics as opposed to ideology and intentions. If they did eradicate structural racism, things would be a lot more simple and fair. If colored people did get into college, they would be judged solely on thier achademic merit. The same judgment would apply to all students regardless of race. Voter ID laws would be a lot more reasonable if everybody had equal access to IDs. Colored people don't have equal access due to structural racism. So rejecting voter ID is another attempt to make things more fair. The liberals view on economics would help make ID more accesable. Liberals are more generous with paid time off. So a worker can sit in the DMV all day and get an ID. They would still eatn money for that day. Doing important governmental stuff like getting an ID and getting welfare is a reasonable way to skip work. Liberals are also into funding government programs. This can help the DMV bring better service. There are more workers and even more offices. So the service would be a lot better and and faster. It would be nice for a person to waltz into the DMV and get an ID in one hour. They should at least speak to a receptionist right away and achedule an appointment. The receptionist can even give the client a list of required documents for an ID. Private schools have nothing to do with racism. A lot of the time, it seems like an excuse to indoctrinate children with religion. This is wrong. It is better to put more focus in improving public schools. Since the schools are funded by the government, they shouldn't be promoting religion. If they did, it violates the first ammendment to the constitution.
the most racist people I have met are white liberals
If a person doesn’t think it is important to obtain an ID they are so disconnected from society and do not deserve to vote
The Dems lie to keep black people's from voting but if they do they the blacks whom they never do anything for open eyes and ears to the house is fire and there is only one way to put it out vote against those people who don't have your back or your front the same ones you put in the Whitehouse who lives there now vote for better than you have now which is nothing
The problem we have with the Republicans is..there all bark, but no bite!😮 except for Ron DeSantis he’s definitely the beast!
He’s right, racists should be gauged by if they actually say and believe racist things rather than generally speaking about a whole political party…. Unfortunately, most of not all instances of racism I’ve seen politically have come from the Republican Party
F**k them.
Let's see who was the plantation slave party? Democrats.
Who was the kkk party? Democrats.
Who was the party of Jim Crow? Democrats.
Who fought against desegregation? Democrats
And is trying to bring back Segregation today? Democrats
Do we see a tread here?
Beautifully put.
The policy was never necessary
I'm from Mexico, in Mexico voter ID is required to vote it's called: boleta electoral.
Wait a minute, how do we know who's
Voting in the U.S without a voter ID?
If Europe requires voter ID, why can’t the USA?
Great vid.
The true racism is the racism of low expectations.
The Democrats opposed abolition of slavery, opposed desegregation, passed the jim crow laws, the indian removal act and founded the KKK. The progressives adopted an anti minority pseudoscience known as "eugenics" and forced it into academics and civic laws.
This is why they are constantly on the attack. Attacks levelled towards conservative and the United States for being racist and anti minority is meant to distract everyone from the fact that it was the Democrats and the progressive left who established all of the white suprematist and anti minority policies in US history, and it was Republicans, Christians and people on the right who fought a hundred year battle against them to end these policies.
When you confront them with this they'll try to tell you that was a long time ago and Democrats and the left have changed and it should be forgotten and forgiven. The same people will then turn and say the US can never be forgiven (for the racist policies THEY instituted and fought to preserve)…
They can't change historical fact, but they CAN distract, confuse, attack and misdirect everyone into forgetting what really happened and for the most part their propoganda strategies have worked.
It was you all along, PragerFU. Subtle racism. Pretending to be not racist. Deep down to your heart, you know how much you hate other race.
How the hell can you change someone’s mind about police brutality? They deserved it…. Oh ok. I call BS
just because the guy is lightskined dont mean that he is right.
I been saying this for years. And called
Racist and ignorant and that’s view is from position of white privilege… insanity