Who Cares About Illegal Immigration?
It’s understandable why people from all over the world want to come to the United States. It’s still the land of opportunity. So, should we open our borders to everyone, no matter their legal status? Is that the compassionate thing to do? Is that the prudent thing to do? Will Witt has a lot of questions to ask about this difficult issue.
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The population of Philadelphia is about 2 million people. That makes it the sixth largest city in the US.
Did you know that we are, in effect, adding a new city the size of Philadelphia to our country every year?
That’s how many illegal immigrants came into the United States in 2021 and will in 2022.
I totally get why people want to come here. I’m sure I’d do the same if I were in their shoes.
In America they can earn more money than where they’re from.
In America there’s the rule of law.
In America there’s opportunity.
And in America there are generous government benefits—housing subsidies, free education for their kids, free medical care.
That’s the illegal immigrant’s side of the story and it makes perfect sense.
But what about our side of the story—the American taxpayers’ side of the story.
Do we get a say in this?
Seems like we should.
It’s estimated that Americans spend $200 billion a year to house, feed, school, and care for illegal immigrants.
If you say that we’re a rich country, that these people are fleeing poverty and war, and it’s simply the compassionate thing to do for us to let them come here and stay here, then I would ask: where do you draw the line, if you draw the line at all?
Should we let anyone from anywhere into the country? Wouldn’t that be the compassionate thing to do?
The people who come across our southern border are overwhelmingly poor with very limited education. This isn’t a judgment. It’s a fact.
Doesn’t it seem likely that these illegal immigrants would work for almost any wage to make money?
Wouldn’t that drive down wages for low-skilled American citizens—of every race and ethnicity—with whom they would be competing for jobs?
What happens to those citizens, including legal immigrants, if they get priced out of the job market altogether? Is anybody thinking about them?
Violent crime is increasing across the country at an alarming rate. Under these circumstances, does it make sense to allow two million people a year into the country about whom we know nothing? We don’t know if they have a criminal record, if they’re carrying a disease, or anything else about them.
We often hear the phrase, “we are a nation of immigrants.” But until relatively recently the only way immigrants could enter the country was legally.
Maybe you remember the scene in the classic movie Godfather II when young Vito Corleone comes to America from Italy. When he arrives, he has to go through Ellis Island. He has smallpox, so he’s quarantined for three months. That was over a hundred years ago.
Do we do anything like that now?
And what are we going to do with these millions of illegal immigrants once they have been here, say, five years or ten years or longer?
Forcibly deport them?
We all know that’s never going to happen.
Make them citizens?
After they broke our laws to get into the country?
For the full script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/who-cares-about-illegal-immigration

1. immigrants dont use government welfare but pay taxes so it would be better to let them in.
2. increase the minimum wage to solve that problem (smth that should already been done).
3. Immigrants commit less crime then native born ppl and dont mention that one paper abt arizona the dude who made it is biased, had a small sample size, is not peer reviewed and was already disproven by other people.
4. People entered "legally" because their was not a "illegal" way in.
5. Absolutely make them citizen's, so what if they broke laws i jaywalk, smoke weed, and done things that wouldve had me locked up yet im still an american citizen.
6. If you wanna stop the cartels remove the border so its easier to come in so they dont need to pay the cartels
7. Drugs come in via out ports not border, and fentanyl has been made as a cheap cost cutting solution because of the war on drugs, supply and demand.
8. America has no culture, and thats a good thing as it allows for immigrants to change our way of life. The american "culture" is suburbia, racism and hating the poor, allowing for other people to come in will help america
9. Saying "other countrys have borders" is dumb, other then the DMZ between north and south korea we have the most militarized border on earth, and your usage of ukraine shows borders don't work, not as a way to prevent military's and not as a way to prevent
10. Side note not allowing immigrants is expected to cost us 1 trillion dollars in the labor market, this is also while spending 9.5 billion on ice and border security. Its also keeping our prisons filled and so much more, there is no reason not to open our borders.
One world government in the making.
Won't work because we have been trying to build wall or fence since 2013 and has never been completed.
I known people that were probably illegal immigrants, one of them didnt pay federal income tax, he a "nice guy", but a moocher, kinda sketchy and questionable, they used to dig in our dumpster to "recycle stuff".
Now that I look back, these illegals are really questionable people that we shouldnt just let all of them in without being vetted and screened.
He makes a good point.
3:54 have this guy ever heard of the Schengen area?
America is over full
Holy crap this guy is so clueless and full of crap 😂😂😂
If you think about it the pilgrims were illegals
Nobody asked em here 🤣
If the people of this country knew the total cost of illegal immigration, and I mean every dollar, they would slam the door on the border tomorrow. The country is being invaded by invitation by this and other administrations.
Free medical care? What world do u live in kid?
rasist caught in 4k
Can anyone share the source of violent crime statistics?
First off, am sick of illegal immigration. Second, we gotta stop putting all the blame on the Border Patrol. Employers need to be held accountable for hiring illegals. E Verify is an option, not a legal requirement.
If there is a strong need for this labor, then issue temporary work visas, but no benefits and no anchor babies.
Also, yes, the Mexicans who enter our country have zero interest in assimilating and are deeply offended that we have a culture that is different from theirs.
Native Americans And Mexicans lived on this land way before all these laws. Now they have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars just to have a better life? A lot of you guys never gone through all that stress cause you guys were born here. It’s funny how this video targets Mexicans too but there are all kinds of immigrants from over seas. But when it’s May 5th time to head south for some great beaches, tequila, and tacos.
This is a slap in the face. Please consider not supporting prager U by making a tax deductible report submission. thank you and have a pleasant day.
We need a immigration moratorium. Legal and illegal.
Link your sources. If you don't you're not a sufficient source of well researched information. Any college student assignment is rejected without linking their sources. So why don't you link yours? Because you scew the facts.
They will change us❤️❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶
This is exactly what I was taught in university. Illegal immigration is detrimental to the illegals wage wise. Everyone says, "Oh, the spoiled Americans won't do these jobs, we need illegals" but this is not true. People will do any work if the wages are fair. And the market will set fair wages automatically. Illegals do keep wages low for everyone in the same job market. But that's good for the business owners. But nothing is free, even the low cost labor of illegals has a hidden cost. For all of the profit that companies make from lower payroll, not having to pay benefits etc. the cost in social services is much more, and we all pay that. Every illegal who gets benefits and doesn't pay taxes that's less available for a legal immigrant or American Citizen, plus the tax loss. If you don't believe me, just look at California. That's where the entire country will be in 10 or 20 years if we let the Left keep this up. IMHO any company found hiring even one illegal should be fined minimum 100K. That would stop this crap once and for all. But are there penalties for companies who hire illegals? Not that I know of. Doesn't that say something?
Why don’t you just say you hate Mexicans?
the fear mongering is so disgusting, just say you don’t like poor brown people and move on
Every race and ethnicity my ass. Everyone there is white except for two people. SUPER diverse.
0:40 free medical care?
Let the southerners come for free,i can't go where I wanna be.
A realistic estimate is 4 million, they counted 3 million and 1 million getaways. Elitists want open borders but don’t want them living in their neighborhoods. Plus, Venezuelan government emptied prisons and sent them to the border. The Cartel is operating in San Bernardino County in CA. And our Governor won’t classify trafficking as a violent crime?!? Is that because of Epstein’s friends in Hollywood or running corporations?
Obviously not the right people.
This guy doesn’t seem to know a thing about how asylum works. He’s also clearly clueless on all the new current laws and regulations involving Venezuelans migrants. Not once did he mentioned TPS, Humanitarian parole, asylum. The 2 million number is way off. We have many Americans stuck without a way back in.
I am legally here and a US citizen, but I lived in Brazil, where I was born there, for 14 years lived there when I went back, and I am shock how similar the US is becoming to Brazil. The democrats want this because these countries south of the border are very socialistic and the US is starting to resemble it. There even a saw Che Guevara poster in a High-school in a town in Kansas.
I know the worst cases are people who to the US as a baby, have no connection to there homeland, don’t speak the language of there homeland and live illegally here. I don’t know what is the solution and something had to be done to reintegrate them to where they came from. It is hard. And I feel empathy and understand why they don’t want to go back.
I can't believe the delusion in these comments. I understand you have your views on immigration, but the fact is that immigration policy under the Biden administration is effectively unchanged from the Trump administration. Both are bad.
Give it to the red cross Ha 😂. Ge dem till röda korset Ha 😂.
So you are upset that people coming into the United States are willing to work for jobs at low wages? Yet, not at private companies that pay them and every American these low wages? Kinda seems that you are blaming the wrong people 🤷🏽♂️
Everyone cares, nobody wants illegal immigration.
The discussion / disagreement between the left (socialist) and the right (liberals) is how many LEGAL immigrants we should accept.
Many Latino liberals are pushing anti-American anti-assimilation attitudes, to boot. This will destroy our culture, if people don't want to assimilate, don't respect our culture, our Christian cultural heritage, and our values. Obviously there are lots of Latino conservatives and rising.
I wouldn't call them illegal immigrants, nor criminaliens; I'd call them undocumented Democrats.
Free Medical Care? You mean the most expensive medical system in the world that bankrupts people?
This is so incredibly disingenuous. The #1 FACTOR that emboldens the cartel is that Americans have an insatiable desire for hard drugs. The best thing to do in order to stop incentivizing the cartels is to LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS! Why cant right wingers acknowledge this?
Sounds like exactly what is going on in the UK – we are being virtually flooded.
This video was lacking of too much information to be able to make a well informed decision. Remember that the previous republican administration (2016 to 2020) controlled the entire US government for 4 years. The President , house and most importantly the senate were all republican, and they did nothing in the way of new immigration laws.
There's 22 million of illegals right now plus 2 milli recent migrants , vennezuela empty their jails and told them to come here because they hate United States and Biden and the left socialist ( some Congress members are openly socialist ) Biden is doing this because they're going to give all these illegals citizenship so they can vote Democrat …stop saying we let them if we are willing to send 40 million is not we …is they and we have no control …the only thing we can do is show their corruption with the media , with the FBI , and politicians, they need to be fired they are the enemy of the country , as it is there's no way Republicans will win the next election No way ,although many Hispanics know the socialist communist regime and they might vote republican is only those escaping those countries and smart ones who will see Democrats hide behind the word democracy but they're deceiving the people as socialist wwho will destroy this country so the elite and the new world order "the great digital reset" can take over
666,440 views. In other words: 666k Yikes! XP
I have to pay for my healthcare while the illegal criminal gets it all for free plus food stamps. So… I have no compassion for these NON citizens
heap foreign labor increases the dependence of entire sectors – from tech giants to big agriculture – on it, which results in poor labor conditions, less innovation, and lower wages.
Illegal or foreign workers drain the country of revenue through the more than $150 billion sent overseas through remittance. < > source, F.A.I.R. ( Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform )
An (ex) friend who lives in Carmel California, a rather upscale Town on the Coast told me that anybody and everybody who wishes to walk into America via the Southern Border should be allowed to do so and that it is our DUTY to help them on their way.
So, I suggested to him that tonight before he goes up to bed he should leave his Front Door wide open, leave the Porch Light on, a small Table close by with a huge Pitcher of Iced Tea, maybe some Cookies for the kiddies, a sign pointing to the Bathroom and then he can go upstairs and sleep well with his husband.
His reply: YOU are a fascist racist uncaring bigoted moron and do not contact me ever again.
My reply: But,but,but I was only trying to help you help the people you say you want to help.
No reply….. Go figure…
All the people that work in immigration should get fired coz they’re not doing there job coz we’re paying their salary to what we’re paying by too much taxations/wasted money fvckn commie and tyrant government – all working middle class are fvckn dying but government fvckn doesn’t care about they’re own people – they keep this country sinking more debts and we’re paying high tax but the government wasting it to fvckn nonesense to being woke 😹❤️✌️
You are wrong and need to stop your hate!