Who Celebrates Che Guevara?
Che Guevara is the face that introduced a billion T-shirts. Even now, more than fifty years after his death, he inspires prospective revolutionaries and social justice warriors.
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Picture wearing a tee shirt …
Or displaying a poster …
Or waving a flag …
Emblazoned with the face of a ruthless killer who honestly expressed racist anger at blacks and indigenous peoples, and undisguised disgust for gays.
Well, it’s not something you have to imagine.
It’s done every day.
Somewhere on a college campus or at a “social justice” demonstration somebody is commemorating a psychopath.
The well-known face, naturally, comes from Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
It’s one of the most perverse jokes in modern-day life that a lot of people, particularly youths, extoll him as a hero.
Weird hero.
He personally murdered or had murdered and personally tortured or had tortured thousands of Cuban citizens. He would have gladly murdered and tortured a lot more if had he lived longer.
The only thing that stopped him was a bullet. He was killed in 1967 at the age of 39, trying to organize a communist transformation in Bolivia.
They state only the excellent die young. Che was an exception.
Che still catches the popular creativity.
Hell, if I know.
Unless you’re into sadistic goon worship, I am at a loss.
Possibly it’s as basic as this: people do not actually understand anything about what Che actually did, only what they believe he did.
They believe he was a handsome, sexy, hip, brainy revolutionary who sought flexibility and equality for his people– a Hispanic Robin Hood, a martyr who sacrificed himself for others..
Simply put, a tragic sign of righteous disobedience.
Other than, this is nonsense.
The real Che was a murderous, homophobic, racist hypocrite.
Yet Che flags are a feature of Black Lives Matter protests.
Go figure.
Here’s Che on race: “The black is indolent and a dreamer; investing his meager wage on frivolity or drink.”.
Che clearly mentioned that his vision of socialist utopia did not consist of blacks: “We’re going to provide for blacks exactly what blacks did for the transformation,” he said. “By which I imply: nothing.”.
Or how about this: “The blacks, those stunning examples of the African race who have actually maintained their racial purity thanks to their absence of an affinity with bathing.”.
If you wish to cancel George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, what do you finish with Che?
The response is, you give him a pass. As the saying goes from the French Revolution, “there are no enemies to the left.”.
We see a comparable confusion among the LGBTQ crowd. Che’s face embellishes many a pride poster and rainbow T-shirt, and yet Che was an unapologetic homophobe. He called gay guys “perverts.” He locked them up in camps and forced them to labor under a sign that read “Work will make you males.”.
In 2017, HuffPost published a post titled, “Are You Gay? Che Guevara Would Have Sent You to a Concentration Camp.”.
The crusading humanitarian is not precisely inspecting the intersectional boxes, is he?
Like a great Marxist, he declared to despise high-ends and animal conveniences. Yet his Havana home was a vast estate with a swimming pool, seven bathrooms, a sauna, a massage space, a personal luxury yacht harbor, and five TVs– not exactly an anti-materialist setup. Obviously, he obtained this modest home not by working for it, however at the end of a gun. In other words, he took it.
This, according to professor of government Paul Kengor, is “a best summation of communism in practice.” The advanced leader has the bourgeois opponent of the state dispatched, appropriates his residential or commercial property in the name of the worker, and after that declares it for himself.
Of the things Che was, many of all, he was a liar.
He lied about everything.
He lied about being a physician. He wasn’t. There is no record that he ever finished from medical school.
He lied about being a military genius. He wasn’t. He bungled just about every military operation he ever led.
He lied about understanding how to handle an economy. He trashed a growing Cuban economy during his short period as Minister of Industries.
For the complete script along with FACTS & SOURCES, see https://www.prageru.com/video/who-celebrates-che-guevara.
Che Guevara is the face that introduced a billion T-shirts. Even now, more than fifty years after his death, he motivates would-be revolutionaries and social justice warriors. Che’s face decorates lots of a pride poster and rainbow T-shirt, and yet Che was an unapologetic homophobe. He locked them up in camps and required them to labor under a sign that checked out “Work will make you men.”.
His Havana home was a large estate with a swimming pool, seven bathrooms, a sauna, a massage room, a private yacht harbor, and 5 TVs– not precisely an anti-materialist setup.