Who Has Privilege?
To put it mildly, Adam Carolla didn’t grow up with privilege. He doesn’t even know how to spell it. So where did the current obsession with privilege come from? And how do we get over it?
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Privilege…what’s the obsession with privilege? It’s driving me nuts! Not only didn’t I have privilege, I don’t even know how to spell it. (I think there’s a ‘d’ in there somewhere, isn’t there?)
If I told you a story about a kid who grew up poor, product of divorce, did a lot of dumpster diving, sister ran away at age 14, welfare and food stamps…if I told you that kid was black, you’d go, “Well, yeah, that’s because of systemic racism.” But if I told you that kid was me, you’d go, “Whaaaaat? What are we doing? What happened to your privilege?”
The real white privilege isn’t privilege: It’s knowing that nobody cares about you, good or bad. No one’s gonna do anything for you because you’re white and no one’s going to do anything against you because you’re white. I’ll give you an example. When I get pulled over by a cop, I assume it’s either because I was speeding or the cop’s an officious jerk. But either way, my skin color doesn’t play in. If I was black, I’m assuming that it was “driving while black,” or that he was profiling me.
Let me give you another example of the white privilege I’m talking about—the privilege of not obsessing over privilege. I had a neighbor call the police on me during the day—during the middle of the week, when I was doing a construction project—because our phone lines got crossed. So I picked up the phone to call Anawalt Lumber. My neighbor picked up the phone. I said, “Oh, sorry. I think our lines got crossed somehow.” Next thing I know, a police cruiser rolled up to my home.
Now, if I was black, I would have no choice but to think that was racially motivated. I mean, why else would your neighbor call the cops on you because your phone lines got crossed—unless, in fact, you’re black? And as a matter of fact, I’m not even black and I think it was a racist incident.
Do you get it? Whites do have privilege, but not the privilege the race hustlers are selling.
I don’t think people really drill down enough on this. I’ve had horrible things happen to me my entire life. I’ve had school teachers and counselors that were horrible. I’ve had construction foremen who treated me like crap. I’ve had program directors who treated me like crap. And the good news is, is I’m white, so I just know they’re a-holes, not racist.
Why do we want anyone worrying about someone else’s privilege? Who cares? This is America. You make your own breaks. Anyway, isn’t the goal not to judge a person by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character? I think I heard that somewhere. What’s the guy’s name—Marty? Anyway, privilege means you have it better than most, not that you have it better than some.
How about tall people? Tall people have an advantage over short people. Thin people have an advantage over fat people. Attractive people—you’re welcome—have an advantage over the homely. There are always gonna be people lower than you on the totem pole, no matter what color your skin is. Wait a minute—are we allowed to say totem pole? I feel like that’s racist.
Every minority person living in the United States in 2021 is doing better than people living in the Congo, Bangladesh, or many other places around the world. And if you don’t believe me, then why are they all trying to get here? Do the math. We’re a systemically racist country that people are trying to kill themselves—they’re literally risking their lives—trying to get into the systemically racist country. Let’s just say this country was a facility, and the facility was systemically racist. And every year, people died trying to hop the fence and climb the wall to get into the facility. People of color? Would that make sense?
The great news is, is that if you’re willing to bust your hump, there’s no better country to do it in. So maybe we should stop obsessing on skin color or gender or sexual proclivities and get on with the hump-busting.
For the complete script visit https://www.prageru.com/video/who-has-privilege

Spot on dude & thank you 😉
5 Real Privileges:
-Able Bodied Privilege (Non Disabled.)
-Environmental Privilege (Well Advanced Technological Clean Healthy Land.)
-Good Genes Privilege (Age, Ancestry, Beauty, Full Healthy Limbs, Hair, Health, Intelligent Brain, Physical Strength, Skin, & Stable Children.)
-Rich Privilege (Non Poor.)
-Two Parent Loving Family Privilege (Non Orphan.)
It’s not white or black privilege it’s rich privledge because of high prices
Soldiers bled and died for this nation, so many sacrifices were made so that people could be free. If you hate this country, then leave. Stop complaining. Some people wait years to get here from other nations, some risk their lives to escape and come to America. And leftists want to throw it all down the toilet, they don't understand the cost of freedom. God bless America.🇺🇲❤😂🙏
If I die,
does my privelege complex go to heaven or hell, reincarnation, or just ceased to exist forever?
I just don't know, so I still don't know what is privilege of life and death.
Bro really promoted the US
Maybe you're experiencing "Systemic racism against the Italians" like we saw a century ago. Of course, the Italians pulled themselves up by their bootstraps (like my Irish ancestors) and became very successful. Other groups should learn a lesson from this.
Love this one. The whole idea of “white privilege” is just racist.
People saying white privelege and straight privelge being a major thing ticks me off. Its not there, yet your just too lazy to get off your ass off the couch off twitter and work hard. As an asian american, yes i will acknolege that theres inequities of certain races sure. But at the end our situations are usually boil down to personal responsibility
He would be right if there weren't so many people that focus on disliking ppl because of skin color and orientation. The reality is this, some ppl judge others and a group of those ppl can make life hard for others, those others then identify the problems this create, and idiots like Adam say "hey others, why are you so focused on skin color etc??!" It's not the "non-majority" creating a division on their own, they're identifying a division and it IS a real thing
Is Adam Carolla Italian or Mexican? I can’t tell
Ik this man is only half but honestly using someone with an Italian last name as if they are the epitome of "white" is a slap to Italian America and the racism we once felt regarding our ancestors. They faced the SAME atrocities as other immigrant, if not worse for its time. So, to refer to an ethnicity like Italians or other mediterranean peoples as hands down white as if there was generations of privelege and like it was never questioned is painfully and uninformed depiction of their history in the U.S.
I have the privilege of being first-gen & experience of a decade living against my will in my fathers country. To this day I’m grateful for hot running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, a house ( I have my own bedroom with a mattress), & so many other things!
One thing I feel most privileged of is most people speak English! Living in a country that you’re not allowed to speak the common language was very isolating! I think everyone should experience living in a poverty country.
Hard times create strong people
Strong people create good times
Good times create weak people
Weak people create hard times
Poor white people exist therefore systemic racism doesn't? Only a total douche bag would invoke MLK to argue systemic racism and white privilege don't exist.
I think just because we are an advanced species some need an excuse 😊
Great video.
5 Apr 2022
4:23am NZST
Carolla can't be this stupid. Playing dumb for dollars is his specialty
Poverty stricken Adam Carolla was born at a time when "Whites Only" signs were being used in the USA. Jim Crow ended in 1968 so he and his parents would have had LITERAL, LEGAL, white privilege in many US states till he was 4. Dennis Prager was 20 in the year that the last "White's Only" signs were taken down. So, for what it's worth, both of these men and their families had LITERAL, LEGAL flag waving white privilege during part of their lives. They were raised by families who had legal white privilege in those states their entire lives… up to that point. There are black people alive who had to follow "White's only" rules till they were 20, or 30, or 40 years old. They are listening to you talk today. Their families had to follow those rules for generations before that. Their ghosts are also listening to you talk. Meanwhile, they took, maybe, 10% of the KKK sponsored public statues down 5 minutes ago…and it was a huge fight in the name of "remembering history". You just can't make up irony like that.
A white guy talking about how privilege doesn’t exist
This is so bad and full of nonsense. Who falls for this crap?
How do people like this shit?
Bravo👏🏽 I’m a Black educated woman who works with low income , no more than a 5-8 th grade education WHITE families. Been working with them for 28 years.
كل ذا بس عشان دعاية لامريكا؟؟؟؟
This is laid out like nazi propaganda.
Ok wow first of all, this is not the best country in the world. Like not even close. America has some pretty shit systems still and will most likely stay behind the curve forever. Second of all, did they really think getting a cishet white man to do a video on privilege was the best idea? I'm sorry sir, but you wouldn't know oppression if it was all around you, because guess what? It is, and you still haven't caught on. Funny how the people who get to talk about issues in America, are the ones who won't be affected.
Whether you are White, Black, Brown, or Yellow, if you live in the United States of America, you are Privileged.🇺🇸👍
My white privilege means I don't get to benefit from scholarships because of my skin color, I don't get to benefit from hiring quotas, and people can blame me for things I had nothing to do with.. because of the color of my skin.
Nobody is oppressed in America. Nobody cares enough to oppress you. If you think you're oppressed, you are oppressing yourself.
He's blacker than Shaun King
Liberal Democrats have ALL the privilege! Look and listen to the things they do and say and get away with
0:36 No I'd say "Damn that sucks" to both
now THIS is my favorite prageru video. wanna share it with my family but theyd clown me lol
If you are unhappy with your life, you try to lecture others. A lot of todays movements are based on you feeling unhappy and discriminated, because otherwise it wouldnt work.
It's all about those five numbers. If your lucky enough to live in a good five number area then your blessed. Now, if you in a low income zip code then your screwed! Race is irrelevant when your poor your poor.
I Love this.
Agree with everything except one "there's no better better country than the united states to call your home". That's very context dependent. Being low income in the US absolutely sucks, and unless you have a particular talent, that affords you a much higher than average income, it's a way worse place to live than many countries in Europe. I do happen to have a particular talent, I was born, by luck, no doing of my own, with a high IQ and I was able to become an engineer. In my native country, France, I hit my glass ceiling at 25, then ran my own company, then got F-ed over by a mix of my business associates (my fault, inexperienced, I chose the wrong people), and half my customers going bankrupt because of the 2008 crisis. A few years later I went to Germany, and then to the US, where I had significantly more and higher opportunities. For me, the US is economically a pretty good place to be, as my income isn't capped in the same way as in France (and to an extent, Germany), even though the cost of living where I am is way higher, and the taxes are still pretty high…
Honestly, if I was making less than six figures, I don't know if the US would be the best place to be. There are a lot of flaws in the US too, and I don't know if they are worth it for medium to low income people… Then again I'm comparing to developed first world countries, not a 3rd world country…
Privilege is being attractive. Whatever color your skin. It's the only privilege I would want.
MLK is being ignored by the LEFT and the black community today… MLK and what he stood for… worked… It has been getting reversed since Obama, while they try to bring racism back… MLK was a Republican BTW… no surprise