Who Is Dennis Prager? | 5 Minute Video
Of all the public figures and media personalities, very few actually change the way you live for the better, but Dennis Prager is certainly one of them. Through PragerU, The Dennis Prager Show, his Fireside Chats and writings like The Rational Bible, Dennis Prager has literally reached billions and touched the lives of millions around the world. So who is Dennis Prager, and why is his career ascending at 70 years old? Allen Estrin, Producer of The Dennis Prager Show and Co-Founder of PragerU, explains.
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Who is Dennis Prager? And why do so many people love him?
As the producer of the Dennis Prager radio show and the co-founder and executive director of Prager University, I have given this second question a lot of thought. Here is my answer:
Luck. Unadulterated good fortune.
Or…it could be this:
Through his radio show, his writing, and now PragerU, he changes the way you live—for the better. He makes you a better a person—a better father, a better son, a better mother, a better daughter. Name another public figure who does that.
So, let’s return to the first question: Who is Dennis Prager?
Born in Brooklyn, New York on August 2, 1948, he is the second son of Max and Hilda Prager, two worldly Orthodox Jews. Max, a World War II vet, was an accountant, and Hilda, a nursing home administrator. Both were movie-star handsome. In fact, if the stars had been differently aligned, Hilda could have been an actress—she had the looks and the personality. Speaking of stars, Dennis’s sign is Leo. Which makes you want to believe in astrology.
It’s one of those little ironies that Dennis barely spoke a word until he was almost four. But, of course, once he started, he never stopped.
He didn’t like school. To keep himself from being bored, he learned to spell—backwards. He was the class clown. He was sent to the principal’s office so often the secretary named a chair after him. He did the minimum amount of homework. In his case, this meant zero. In a class of 110 high school students, he graduated number 82.
But he was always scrupulously ethical and honest. Cheating was rampant at the religious school he attended. He mounted a campaign against it. You’d think everybody would hate him for that. But they didn’t. He was too charming, too charismatic, too principled. No one could—no one can—remain mad at Dennis for long.
When he was a sophomore, Max and Hilda made a bold decision. The traditional parenting model clearly wasn’t working. So, they offered their second son a deal: he had to be at the Shabbat dinner table every Friday, but otherwise, he was on his own. They gave him a modest allowance and set him loose. Manhattan became his playground. Classical music became his passion. That, and all things Russian. He studied them both… on his own.
That same sophomore year, he met his lifelong friend, Joseph Telushkin. Their endless religious discussions eventually became a book, The Nine Questions People Ask about Judaism, still the standard text for those who want to learn the basic principles of the faith. Remarkably, every book Dennis has written is still in print and still selling.
At the time, though, the future didn’t look promising. Dennis’s grades were so bad that his only college option was Brooklyn College—simply because Brooklyn would take anybody. But it turned out to be the perfect choice. He won an essay contest. The prize was a scholarship to study abroad at Leeds College in England. While there, he was contacted by the Israeli government. They needed someone to smuggle Jewish artifacts into the Soviet Union and smuggle out names of those Jews who wanted to emigrate to Israel.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/who-dennis-prager

"He changes the way you live for the better. He makes you a better person. A better father. A better son. A better mother. A better daughter."
A cult leader?
A shill for big oil. Next question please
I (Polish born but Swiss, 77yo.) admire his work. I compare him to Jordan Peterson, because both want to make the people and therewith the world better. Denis is a bit warmer, cosier and easier in perception. It is easy to see in him a member of family. What is common, they both are really “vertical men” (Swiss adverb) i.e., they stay to their words, moral and based on professional and human experience rules. It is of course my personal impression. Cordial greetings from Switzerland.
Looks like Prager should go back to school. He's got MASSIVE knowledge gaps
im watched your videos on prageru it did changed my life im watched prageru simple history world war 1 prageru simple history world war 2 prageru simple history cold war prageru simple history modern day era and prageru simple geography natural disasters natural events natural calamities natural hazards keep the good work im keep watching prageru god bless you god bless united states of america.
Dennis- pride is a sin,
Also Dennis-
Im genuinely confused why they would flex Dennis Prager learning how to spell backwards. It's a completely pointless skill unless you were planning to join the freemasons.
Maybe they were trying to tell us something?
I S D E N N I S P R A G E R B E H I N D M E ?
Luck is why I've unsubscribed
I’ll admit, he’s older than I thought.
God is good
Jesus saves
Jesus is lord
Yeah this isn’t The best look
Having someone else make a praise video about you on your own channel. I don't think you can get anymore narcissistic than that.
Just try not to break your arm while jerking him off.
Who is Dennis Prager??? …the greatest transgender radio jock in the Country!
Watching this feels very unsettling
He’s shite. Next question.
Narcissism has become a defining personality trait in conservatives everywhere and this video proves that even further…
Smh so humble indeed
I love how they went from "so he was just a random American guy studying abroad" to "he was recruited by the government of Israel to smuggle out Jewish artefacts from the Soviet Union" with just zero explanation
"And I can state with absolute certainty, that his dingdong is in fact extremely large."
– Absolutely not Dennis Prager
Which of them do you think was on top when they wrote this script together?
Assuming all this was unironical, I never in my life felt like someone is vigorously jacking off and busting a fat nut right in front of me so much than watching this video
But Stalin had a cult of personality apparently, ok.
A Right Winger who was founder of prageru and a intolerant hard line republican conservative
I am disappointed in how many people actually like Dennis and actually believe the "facts" that he talks about on this channel
I'm gonna use this as a copy pasta, youre welcome
This sounds like a cult indoctrination
My first word:.dad
Denis Pragers first.word ethical monotheism
Basically Denis Prager is judao Christian values
Thank God for Dennis Prager 🙂
Dennis Prager 2024
Some conservative snowflake and propagandist who’s funded by elites.
I didn't know PragerU uploaded their own YPTs too.
Prager is love, Prager is life
Took me a minute to relise this isn't an edited joke
Mr Prager, shitting in the arby's deep fryer is both socially unacceptable and deeply immoral.
Damn those socialo-japanazi liberal cult of personality videos really be creepy
Allen Estrogen is indoctrinating this country with his fake university videos of Prager.