Who Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize? | 5 Minute Video
They’ve saved the free world more than once. And they’re on the job preserving the peace right now. When it comes to making the world a more secure place for good and decent people everywhere, this one group deserves the bulk of the credit. Who is this group, and how can we ever thank them? Pete Hegseth, U.S. Army Major, has the answer. This video was made possible by a generous grant from Colorado Christian University. Learn more at PragerU.com/CCU
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If the Nobel Peace Prize was given out to people who truly made the world a more peaceful place, one group would win every year: the United States military—the US Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines.
Now, you may be thinking, how can you award a peace prize to a group whose purpose is to fight wars? Fair question. I’ll tell you how: because the reason we are free, the reason anyone on earth today is free, is ultimately thanks to the US military.
They saved the free world from German domination in the First World War. They saved the free world from Japanese and German fascism in the Second World War. They saved the free world from communism in the Cold War. And they’re saving it now.
That might sound like an exaggeration, but only because they’ve protected us for so long. National security—the protection of citizens from an external foe—is not a given; far from it. It’s the product of the hard work of American military men and women who stand guard 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, every year. And, they’ve been doing so for as long as any of us can remember.
The First World War, the Second World War, the Cold War, the Korean War, both Iraq Wars, the Afghan War—these were all conflicts that the US tried to avoid. But they were wars that the US fought not only for itself, but for good, decent and free people everywhere.
Where the US military was not ultimately victorious—the Vietnam War—50 million people were deprived of freedom of speech, of assembly, of press, of travel, and of religion. As many as two million were brutally imprisoned and murdered.
The only reason South Korea isn’t an open-air concentration camp like its northern neighbor is because America came to South Korea’s defense nearly 70 years ago. To this day, we still have 30,000 troops stationed there to protect the free South from the unfree North.
And it’s not just the open conflicts the American military resolves; it’s the not-wars—all the conflicts that were never fought because our adversaries feared the consequences of American military involvement.
Let’s put it this way: The reason Iowa soybeans can be shipped from Seattle to Shanghai, or coffee from Colombia to Cleveland is because the American military—specifically, the Navy—stands guard over the world’s shipping lanes. Block those lanes and the price of everything skyrockets, and international commerce grinds to a halt.
Like it or not, the US military has been, and remains, as close to a global sheriff as exists on planet Earth—on the beat, keeping the peace.
Don’t believe me? Ask yourself this very simple question: What if China disarmed? Or Iran? Or North Korea? Or Russia? Think the world would be a better or worse place? The question answers itself.
Now, imagine if America disarmed. Think China stays out of Taiwan or Hong Kong? Iran out of Israel? North Korea out of South Korea? Russia out of eastern Europe? And those are just state actors. Islamists would quickly return, bolder and more vicious than ever.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/who-should-win-the-nobel-peace-prize

4:36 ignoring the fact that many were forced to fight
4:00 they renamed Armistice Day to Veterans Day
Celebrating peace to celebrating Perpetual war
3:48 because destroying a couple boats really helped end the Iran Iraq war LOL
3:40 The Americans are the bad guys ! ! ! ! !
3:29 because it’s not like countries can run themselves
2:53 that argument is retarded if North Korea disarmed they would be conquered if Russia disarmed America would support rebellions all over the country and you get the idea . If America disarmed they have millions of citizens with weapons to defend America
2:39 no the United Nations is also it’s headquarters should be in Geneva not New York
2:19 The only threat to shipping outside of wartime is piracy and when there was piracy in Somalia many countries entered the fight and security guards were placed on ships . It wasn’t American who stopped the Pirates
2:09 I would debunk that but there’s no evidence for that in the first place . They couldn’t even come up with a example
2:01 South Korea has millions of people in reserve and the North Korean army has terrible equipment especially compare to the extremely high-tech South Korean technology
1:59 it’s almost like America is a unremovable parasite
1:54 no that was the UN
1:48 North Korea must be the worlds most luxurious concentration camp then . But then again I did hear that the Germans did have swimming pools
1:38 that’s because America was simping for China
1:28 yes only for itself
1:20 The Iraq war doesn’t need to be explained . But The Taliban was willing to give America Osama bin Lardon if they could prove he did it
1:16 why does he mention the Cold War and the Korean War separately . It’s almost like he’s trying to cover up stuff like the American invasion of Granada
0:53 The United Nations defends countries with military force they have many peacekeeping operations around the world
It was them who did the fighting in Korea and Iraq in 1991 250,000 soldiers participated Who weren’t American .
0:44 by killing millions of people because they failed to stop and attack that they knew was coming and had already arrested key figures in the planning of
0:41 by facilitating the rise of China
0:37 by making half of Europe and China red all because they would only accept unconditional surrender . (They would eventually realise too late that was a mistake And would except a conditional surrender from Japan) (America started the war with Japan)
0:32 because it’s not like Germany proposed peace negotiations and was rejected . Well I guess there was that part where they created a independent
: Ukraine
: Crimea
: Armenia
: Azerbaijan
: Georgia
: Finland
: Moldova
: Latvia
: Poland
: baltic state
Correct me if I missed anything
0:25 because it’s not like every country in World War I was democratic
0:13 what about the Coast Guard ?
0:11 LOL
That has to be a joke right . . . Right . . . 😶
Lot’s of Americans killed and lot’s of American money burned up. Would be really nice to see some of out so-called “allies” take the lead on some of this crap. U.S. military is not about defending freedom – it’s about protecting corporate America’s business investments.
Prager U's videos are excellent and usually get the subject right or nearly so. But this is an exception. Well presented as always, almost every word is dead wrong. Given ample space, even I could dismantle it, point by point and war by war.
What a pathetic joke😂
Yes the US Military should won the Nobel prize 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅
Afghan war
Oops that did not age well
Does thi also apply to 2021 after the debacle in Afghanisthan?
If the US disarmed the world would be better
Cold war was started by the US
2nd Iraq war was started by a lie
US military is responsible for Multiple massacres just sayin'
America doesn't protect people, it protects interest abroad. There are no good and bad guys in world politics, only opposing forces waring for power and control.
Laughably untrue but good for a laugh I suppose
1:20 "America won the Afghan War"
This one didn't age well…
Biden got us out of Afghanistan .
He should be nominated for the award!!!
You are right in much, but not when it comes to Russia, as you demonize them here. There you are deadly wrong. God is blessing Russia day by day… Please PragerU, Open your eyes and see.
Good vid
:40 ww1 was one by the time we got in to it WW2 was won by the user
Nobel prize given to start war and then kill millions to to end it. Hahaha. What a dumb ass.
The United States of America sent the 7th Fleet to support the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN against INDIA because INDIA wants to liberate the people of Bangladesh from the brutal regime. Yeah Nobel Peace Prize to the USA.