Who Was Paul Revere? | 5 Minute Video
Do you know who Paul Revere was? He is one of America’s key historical figures. Want to know what he did? Eric Metaxas, New York Times #1 bestselling author, shares the remarkable story.
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“Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.”
Have you ever heard that thrilling line? Do you even know who Paul Revere is?
If you’re under, say, 30, I’m going to guess that the answer to both of these questions might be no.
This is a very serious problem, but it’s not your fault. It’s a serious problem because it means you have been cut off from one of our greatest American stories.
And it’s not your fault because no one bothered to teach you about this courageous man and the great American poet who made him famous. It seems professional educators decided that other topics were more important to your education.
But they made a mistake. A big one.
The story of Paul Revere is part of our heritage. It, and countless other stories like it, unite us as a distinct people with a shared noble past. They also inspire us and stir national pride. These are good things, vital to the future of the country. Without them, we’re just 300 million different individuals living between Canada and Mexico.
It wasn’t always this way. In fact, not long ago you couldn’t have left high school without memorizing the line I quoted and many of the lines that follow.
So let me right a wrong and tell you about two remarkable Americans who lived half a century apart – one a silversmith, and one a poet.
Paul Revere and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
By 1775, the American colonists and their British masters were on the verge of war. The flashpoint was Boston. It wasn’t so much a matter of where the British would strike, but when. To give themselves some advance warning, the rebels created a team of couriers. One of them was a successful forty-year-old silversmith and engraver named Paul Revere.
On the night of April 18, two lanterns were lit in the tallest structure in the city, the Old North Church. This was the signal that the fateful moment had arrived. The British were coming. Revere rode out into the darkness to warn his compatriots to prepare for a fight. That fight came the next day in Lexington. The War of American Independence had begun.
But in the decades following, history mostly forgot Paul Revere. After serving in the war, he had an extraordinary career as an early industrialist, building a significant business that survives to this day as Revere Copper.
But when he died in 1818, his obituary made no mention of his daring ride. The only reason we still know of him is because of another crisis in American history – the Civil War.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow had been an ardent opponent of slavery, an abolitionist, from the time he was a young man. By 1860, he was America’s most famous poet. An epic struggle was coming, one that would again determine the future of the nation. He anxiously wondered whether the people of the Northern states would be up to the challenge that lay ahead. What might he do to inspire them?
Longfellow remembered a story he had read many years before about Revere’s ride. He recreated it with consummate skill. As you read his glorious poem, you can almost hear the thundering hooves of the silversmith’s horse. Published in a new magazine called the Atlantic Monthly in January 1861, his brilliant ballad was an immediate success.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/who-was-paul-revere-and-why-should-you-care

poor intro.
I’m Australian. Your underlying message is important to both our countries. We knew of Paul Revere before visiting Boston. It was a thrill to see the Old North Church and Paul Revere’s house. A stirring story which had other riders, including William Dawes.
The worst part of the telling of the story of Paul Revere is that no one knows WHY he rode, WHY the British regulars came, WHO he was trying to warn, and the fact that he was not the only rider. It was these other riders who alerted folks all over the country side who came out in force and it is they who basically made the British have to fight a running battle all the way back to the harbor. All of these details are very important to the story and the fact that almost no one in the past fifty years was taught these details. I didn't know any of this until about fifteen years ago and I'm fifty now.
the guy who was truly revered for having a name paul
Me and my horsy and a quart of beer
This video must be sent to the current administration.. i guess they forgot how great America is cause of those few great men!! TRUMP 2024
PragerU perpetuates a long tradition of using biased info to prop up a false narrative
Here is an alternative history to consider about the dear Revere
Make no mistake about it. The colonists did not fight for the rights of homosexuals to get married and adopt children. Or for pornographers to have the right to ply their sick trade. Thank you, filthy sexual revolution. And thanks for nothing inept useless weak and cowardly Republican party for doing nothing to stop them.
Penobscot Expedition. Paul Revere who commanded the artillery, was accused of disobedience and cowardice. This resulted in his dismissal from the militia, even though he was later cleared of the charges.
what patriotism does to a mf UGHHHHH
Also hip artist Jim Jones is not diplomat uncle Sam ,he crossed a Escobar Cherokee Indian certificate codes
Jewelz Santana the hip hop artist is not Paul Revere diplomat certificate run his paper work
Paul Revere and the Raiders.
Greetings from Brazil. I am not an American, but it's awesome to know about this Patriot man. I thank you for this republican class.
When I read Longfellow's poem about Revere, I got the idea that the poem had more to do with a call to arms to save the republic during the Civil War than it had to do with the Revolutionary War.
Gender identity is also important but history is important to…
This video is a major oversimplification of Revere's ride, his life, and the others who made that night a success. It also attempts to blame lack of knowledge about Revere on one political side in this nation, when misinformation about the silversmith occurs from all political leanings.
As far as I understand it he was a British spy that nearly cost America the war of independence.
Just like they erased native and indigenious history !!
They were not Americans, damn thieves