Why America Invaded Iraq | 5 Minute Video
Why did America invade Iraq in 2003? Was it for oil? Or was it because Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering dictator who harbored terrorists and threatened the region with Weapons of Mass Destruction? If it was the former, wouldn’t it have been a lot easier to just buy Iraq’s oil on the open market? And if it was the latter, why did Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry support President Bush? Noted British historian, Andrew Roberts, has the answers.
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Why did the United States go to war against Iraq in 2003? The decision was controversial at the time and remains so today. But the reason was clear: Saddam Hussein, the brutal dictator of Iraq for 35 years was the central threat to peace in the Middle East.
With that threat removed, the Bush Administration believed the establishment of a functioning democracy in Iraq would encourage the growth of democracy elsewhere in the Arab world. As democracy spread, terrorism would retreat.
But it is on the blood-stained life and career of Saddam Hussein that we need to concentrate in order better to understand why the United States felt forced to act in 2003.
We begin with the Iran-Iraq War, which Saddam started in 1980 and which lasted until 1988. One million people died in the course of the decade-long struggle. And during that war, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) — especially poison gas — were used on a regular basis by both sides.
Once his war with Iran ended, instead of building up his shattered nation, Saddam decided to embark on another lunatic adventure: In 1990, he tried to grab 19% of the world’s oil supply by invading Kuwait.
His brief annexation of Kuwait proved to be another disaster. The Mother of All Battles, as Saddam called it, turned out to be a 3-week rout, his Iraqi army utterly defeated by a US-led coalition. But rather than trying Saddam as a war criminal, America and the West allowed him to stay in power.
This appeasement eventually led Saddam, once again, to draw entirely the wrong conclusion and to his making yet another colossal mistake. He arrogantly believed that his Iraqi army might actually defeat the United States in a second encounter.
His trump card, he believed, or at least attempted to make the world believe, was his possession of WMD – large quantities of poison gas and, if only in his imagination, a rapidly progressing nuclear weapons development program. There was no reason to doubt that he had WMD, as he had used poison gas in his war against Iran. No one — not the Germans, not the Russians, not the British — had any doubts about this.
Looking back, at the twelve years between the Gulf War and the Iraq War, Saddam might have been able to re-establish international credibility by complying with the 16 reasonable UN resolutions passed between November 1990 and December 1999. These resolutions simply required Saddam to, among other things: ‘destroy all of his ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometers; stop support for terrorism internationally and prevent terrorist organizations from operating within Iraq; and bear financial liability for damage from the Gulf War’.
But Saddam spent the 1990s defying and mocking America and Britain in every possible way. He attempted to shoot down Royal Air Force and US Air Force planes over the no-fly zones created to prevent him from mass-slaughtering his own citizens; he corruptly profited from the UN oil-for-food scandal while Iraqi children starved to death; he offered $25,000 to the families of every Palestinian suicide-bomber; he harbored many of the world’s leading terrorists, and he expelled UN weapon’s inspectors.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-america-invaded-iraq
What is now happening to the democracy of the region after sadam ??
this is pure shit
May I know why America attacked Iraq when America itself produced nuclear weapons? After the invasion of Iraq, America did not find the weapon, should this country be punished by international law?
U lie more than your age.we know the whole story….saddam was a good leader u kill him because zionish state.
1.41 – ah!!! The usual suspects!!
That Iraq started the war against Iran is lie, in fact it’s a big LIE and was a part of demonising Sadam and Iraq.
Imperialist scum. Justifying the most destructive and unjust war of this century. Your argument for why it was apparently justified that America invaded is "oh Saddam might have given terrorists weapons because he didn't like America" as if Al-Qaeda and Ba'athist Iraq couldn't be any more ideologically different.
who are US to create no fly zone over iraq ? What are you talking about?
3:37 thats the reason for this war, Jews
Truth is hussein was a arrogant fool that drove his entire country into poverty. U.S.A basically took advantage out of this situation
Out come the trolls! Most of whom were either little kids when all this was taking place, or not even born yet.
The loyalty and allegiance of all Hebrews is to Pissrael and their fellow Hebrews first and foremost; the country where they were born comes third at best. So I'm not surprised that Hebrew supremacists like Dennis Prager and Benocide Shapiro (spokesman for the IDF or Pissrael Diaper Forces) are so much more concerned with the welfare of Pissrael than his own country, even willing to betray to all of their "principles".
Another secondary factor was that Benjamin Netanyahu who was in power at the time, pressured the United States (mostly through a public relations campaing in the West falsely claiming Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 and by having AIPAC pressuring financially all American elected federal officials into supporting the Iraq War; all of this because Iraq was recovering too fast from the Gulf War (also ordered by Pissrael and also committed to destroy Iraq which was too powerful). Neocons like Bush or Dick Cheney of course were immediately on board and loved the idea.
And here are other often-overlooked proven facts about Hebrews:
-The most prolific serial rapists have been Hebrew (and the vast majority worked in Hollyweird), including: Louis B. Mayer, Harry Cohn, Bryan Singer, Leon, Wieseltier, Harvey Weinstein, Dan Schneider, Woody Allen, Bob Weinstein, Ezra Miller, Jared Fogle, Matt Lauer, Paul "Pee-wee Herman" Rubens, Les Moonves, Al Franken, Jeffrey Toobin, Jeffrey Epstein (the most prolific pedophile in human history), Lord Janner (pedophile), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's accomplice) and Roman Polanski (who, after drugging and raping a 12 years old girl was mysteriously tipped off by law enforcement of his impending arrest and was able to flee the country despite having an arrest warrant on him and after that sought refuge in Europe which refused to extradite him despite having extradition treaties with the United States; after all of this Hollywood not only said nothing but actually rewarded him with an Oscar for his holocaust propaganda movie The Pianist, for which they had to mail him his award).
-98% of all atomic spies who passed details of the American nuclear program on to the Soviet Union (a country that hated Hebrews) were Hebrew such as Israel Beer, Klaus Fuchs, Theodore Hall, David Greenglass, Lona Cohen, Ethel Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Harry Gold, Morris Cohen, Irving Lerner, Morton Sobell, Oscar Seborer, Saville Sax and George Koval.
-Pissrael has been caught several times spying on the United States, its "greatest ally", such as in the cases of Lawrence Franklin, Jonathan Pollard (a Hebrew supremacist) or Ben-Ami Kadish. In fact, American embassies have banned the entrance or any israelĂes (even public officials) and have prohibited all their personnel from accepting any gifts from Pissraelies. Pissrael is the only country with such prohibitions: Pissrael is an authoritarian apartheid ethno state where marriages between Hebrews and non-Hebrews are strictly forbidden by law; furthermore, any +Hebrew who enters the country can automatically claim citizenship but not Arabs even if they used to live there; and the first thing the constitution says is that Pissrael is meant for Hebrews ONLY.
-During the Pissrael war of independence, Pissraelie fighters were known for being the ones who committing the first acts of terrorism in history (YES, HEBREWS INVENTED TERRORISM) and having committed many massacres on unarmed civilians, including women and children (Hebrews are a bunch of cowards who can only fight unarmed civilians); here's a small selection of Pissraelie acts of terror: King David Hotel bombing, Semiramis Hotel bombing, Deir Yassin massacre (after which they burned all corpses to hide their crime), Sa'sa massacre (attacked at night, killing dozens of unarmed civilians and destroying 16 houses leaving many families destitute and homeless), Saqiya massacre (most villagers fled but two sick women who couldn't walk were captured and executed), Tantura massacre (a massacre of unarmed civilians and Palestinian fighters who had surrendered after Hebrew forces promised them their lives and dignity would be respected only to massacre them when they surrender after which they buried all of their victims in a mass grave and the Pissraeli government has paved over the grave putting a parking lot on top of it while they never even attempted to move the corpses), the attack and killing of Folke Bernadotte (sent by UN to act as a mediator and to find a peaceful solution to the conflict after which the shooters were imprisoned but after Pissraeli independence they were pardoned, released and are considered heroes), the assassination of Lord Moyne, the kidnapping of two British sergeants picked at random while threatening to execute them if the British didn't meet their demands (the sergeants were indeed hanged while their corpses were left hanging in a public area and the corpses were even rigged with explosives so they blew up when British soldiers tried to pull them down killing more people and blowing the corpses into many pieces scattered around the area), the bombing of the British embassy of Italy, the bombing of the Haifa British police station (the first truck bombing which was invented by Hebrews) and the bombing of the British colonial club in London.
And let's remember that Pissraelies even elected the top terrorist Menachem Begin as prime minister and is now considered a national hero
While the Pissraeli founding father Ben Gurion stated once that Pissrael should even conquer modern day Jordan and kill or expel all of the inhabitants: "We must expel the Arabs and take their places… And, if we have to use force… Then we have force".
Saddaam was actully working for de-dollarisation of oil,,, thats why he was killed
America invaded iraq because they wanted to kill them. Why would America care about the middle east's "Peace"? Did iraq attack America first? No. America made up a bunch of lies to attack iraq and kill over a million iraqis, If they really did care about middle east's peace, they would have killed the people associated with saddam, not the iraqis. "They wanted to encourage democracy elsewhere in the middle east." By killing and exterminating iraqis?
What a biased opinion and being apologetic for a hungry dog call the US. The US invaded Iraq on false accounts and you made the worst terrorists in history of mankind while wasting trillions of dollars on a dumb cause. That's why Russia is bending US like dogs to its will because it knows the nature of US.
How people can support the Iraq war and Vietnam war is hard to understand
Lies lies lies everyone already knows the truth
USA is the real terrorist
Rare PragerU L
Because of the wolfowitz Merle axis of idiocy fantasizing about imposing democracy by force of arms and because neocons in bush juniors government were conned by Iranian agent Ahmed chalabi about nonexistent Iraqi wmd. Bush did Iran’s work for it by overthrowing saddam Sharon warned USA not to do it. Netanyahu urged Americans to go in he has always been an enemy of USA. The beneficiaries of invasion were Iran and al quandary al quandary in Iraq morphed into isis. Invasion made Vietnam war look like a stroke of genius by comparison bush Cheney wolfowitz feith perle the culprits dunce cap for all of them
This porves pragerU is paid by the GOP and possibly a ton of other corporate entities.
Baised video
Finally! Someone comes out and says what I was able to figure out all on my own. I don't know, maybe because I spent 13-years in the US Army and was able to listen to what was being said and think I about why we invaded. He would be told that the weapons inspectors were going to a factory they thought might have WMD's. He would not allow the inspectors in when they showed up and would run trucks to and from the factory day and night for a couple of days and then allow the weapons inspectors in and there was nothing to see. I remember this happening shortly before the invasion. He had given all the reasons for the US lead coalition to invade. He thought he was being smart when he was being an idiot. I guess he found out how wrong he was at the end of the hangman's rope.
Many people today think it was always about the oil. It wasn't. I believe the Saudi's asked for our help in 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. I know someone in the region asked for the US' aid at that time. I was told I was going to stay in Korea for up to seven years because of the troops being deployed to the Gulf. All he had to do was go along with the conditions laid down at the end of the First Gulf War. That was it, he would get to live and be in charge of Iraq. No conspiracy theories just plain simple facts. We helped an alley at the time when they asked for help. Like so many things today no one can accept the simple answer.
Nice propaganda
Wild, how someone can just sit there and lie through his teeth about things you can search up in minutes. If you want to make propaganda, at least make it convincing and way less obvious.
USA the terrorist state
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, a bipartisan act signed by Bill Clinton, was the precursor to the Iraq War of 2003.
If George W Bush were a Democrat, the Democrat Party and Democrat media would have had victory parades when Saddam Hussein was defeated and captured, and when free press and free elections became a reality in the aftermath.
The international leftist support of the Baathists prolonged the insurgency until President Trump finally defeated them in 2017. Democrats turned victory into defeat in Vietnam and Afghanistan, but thankfully freedom has prevailed in Iraq thanks to President Trump.
Take a drink every time he says the mentions Sadam Hussein.