Why America Must Lead | 5 Minute Video
The world is on fire. Syria has fallen apart. Russia has seized Ukrainian land. And China is flexing its muscles. Who can put these fires out? As Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark’s former Prime Minister and NATO’s former Secretary General explains, only the United States. Read Prime Minister Rasmussen’s book, “The Will to Lead”: http://l.prageru.com/2m9O2az
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The world is on fire. The Middle East is being torn up by war and terrorism that have forced millions of people to flee. Syria looks like the disaster of a generation. Iran seeks to dominate the region and openly declares its intention to wipe a sovereign nation off the map. While in Eastern Europe, a resurgent Russia has seized Ukrainian territory by force of arms. China is flexing its muscles against its neighbors around the South China Sea. There is only one nation in the world capable of putting out these fires.
That nation is, of course, the United States.
Many Americans will argue, understandably, that this is not fair. It may not be fair. But it is a fact.
Only America has the diplomatic reach, the financial resources, and the firepower to lead the free world against the autocrats, rogue states and terrorists that are trying to overwhelm it.
As the Prime Minister of Denmark from 2001 to 2009, and the secretary-general of NATO from 2009 to 2014, I know how important American leadership is. I’ve seen firsthand what happens when America tries to lead from behind instead of leading from the front.
A case in point:
Russia illegally annexed Crimea in March 2014—the first gunpoint land grab in Europe since the end of World War II.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called it an “unbelievable act of aggression.” He went on, “You just don’t, in the twenty-first century, behave in nineteenth-century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped-up pretext.”
This might be an admirable statement of principle, but as a guide to policy, it is dangerously naive, because whether it was believable or not, it happened.
The first half of the twentieth century was the bloodiest in human history. That was before America became a global superpower. Since America’s ascendancy, the major world powers have coexisted in relative peace. Now that peace is threatened, and America must step forward again. Simply put, no one else can do it.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-america-must-lead

Anders fogh
This is a great campaign message for Kamala Harris
This video is true. We must accept it. America is the most moral country in the world. And the country that gives opportunity to everyone to live a better life. God bless America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Without the US, communism and global terrorism would still be a major problem. The rest of the world should be thanking the US.
Good explanation
If Americans didn't want to the job of putting out the fire's it shouldn't have destroyed European Empires back then the world was much more stable
Why america must lead
For 60 years I have watched other nations suck resources from the USA then treat us like we are the villains. Britain, Europe and even Australia have run to feed from the socialist pig trough. Enough is enough.
If we are not receiving tangible assets for providing aid to other nations then it needs to end. No more free billions for other nations to spit in our face.
If Europe will not protect its member nations then they need to face the consequences for it. And it that means that they fall under the boot of a new facist Russia then so be it.
Criminal invading foriegn nationals need to be expelled from the nation and the boarder defended with force if necessary. The broken immigration system needs to be fixed immediately so we can welcome new potential citizens that want to build up this nation and not leach off of it.
The board security must be accomplished immediately. Corrupt politicians that have criminally made millions in office need to be stripped of their illegally gained wealth and that money needs to be used in repairing the damage they have done to the nation.
There have been repeated black youths committing attacks against whites this month and they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And if the school districts and the national board of education can not put an end to this immediately then they need to be shut down and every cent of their funds used to give these kids a decent and deserved education that will give them a l8fe of hope and prosperity .
Corporations and politicians have stripped this nation of production capabilities and both need to pay to restore it and put Americans back to work and not employe foriegn slave workers.
Enough is already been too much!
I think Russia must lead!!
America has become very successful in life compared to a lot of other nations, but at the same time, there’s been a lot of major flaws and we must overcome those flaws by reducing as much as possible in order to lead
but who watches the watchers
Say that to all the murdered Iraqis.
White people will always see themselves as the heroes even when they butcher, rape and control other people.
Don't worry America, China will take over this horrendous burden of policing the world. American don't have to be the selfless peacemaker anymore. Be as selfish as you can be. China will selflessly send out troops to other nations and install new leaders that appeal to our ideology. RMB will take over the burden of being primary reserved currency. China will reluctantly sell firearms to both sides of the conflicts around the world. American people have sacrificed enough for the world peace.
As far as all this research funding issues are concerned, I definitely think that America must lead
Who decides who is a rouge state? Is it a "Straight White American Male" that decides what is autocracy or a rouge state? Well, that explains what is a Self-Referential problem.
I wonder when Prageru is going to do a video about how America bombed Serbia
This guy does an even funnier comedy routine than Evan Sayet!
"If America wipes out all the other terrorists, autocrats, and rogue states, America will be the only terrorists, autocrats and rogue state left in the world" -PragerU
that that nonsense is coming out of Anders fogh rasmussen my former prime minister is truly sad. im glad i didnt vote for you back then. and i certainly wouldn't now
Neo-Conservative propaganda. Let's protect our schools instead of Iraq.
If you know any Latin American history you know that this is all nonsense
There is no better time to watch this video until now.
Why in your opinion doesn't Europe have enough "moral greatness" to lead itself for duck's sake ? 🦆
No America must not lead they have done enough damage as it is!
NATO and the European Union alone are too weak and divided. I’m talking the EU plus Canada, Britain, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Iceland, and Norway. Let’s pretend America has been erased off the face of the planet. If China were to actually invade Taiwan, Japan, or South Korea, the combined forces of a non-US lead NATO-EU Alliance would still not have the capability to fend it off. I think that’s why the 3 aforementioned countries can’t rely on us Canadians or Europeans as much.
Why must they lead? Why must America worry more about military expenditures than Medicare for All or Tuition-Free College? Well, so that lazy-ass Europe can enjoy them!
American intervention in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen not to mention intervention in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia and numerous Latin American countries were all shit shows
PragerU is Goebbels style propaganda.
"If we don't conquer Europe, then these evil commies will do!"
If the USA can put out the fire in Syria then why is the civil war still going on?
I like how this guy says that America combat "autocrats, rogue states and terrorists" like if America wasn't near of having those things. Even Americans recognize their country is f*cked up and some freedoms are being threatened.
progressives are in droves in the comment section.
stop leftism
why is there a lot of leftist bastards in the comment section?
You mean Biden!!!? LOL he is a joke
Watching this shit after the last events in Afghanistan is soooooo embarrassing…
The united states is like the annoying bully that eventually gets jumped by the whole crowd. on day therye enemys will get full of em and blow up this country to hell.
American leadership worked well in Afghanistan…
who's here after the afganistan shit :))))
Then we need to rescind the rules against assassination of sitting world leaders. I am pretty sure that the average chinese farmer has no quarrel with America. It is the CCP that are the problem. All war would do in this instance is cause the CCP to hide behind a billion body shields, and they would still be defeated anyways. But that is a lot of innocent people. America should only intervene in one of 2 scenarios 1) When our help is requested to help another nation DEFEND themselves, by that nation, or 2) If there is a genocide level event about to or taking place and the local citizens have neither the means nor the ability to ask for help. Then we should only hit hard enough to stabilize the region long enough to communicate with the legal and rightful leadership to assess the situation and see if our presence is required (if they attacked someone and are now suffering the consequence then we have no moral or rightful reason to be there)
And people laugh at me when I call these guys propaganda.
Funfact america is for the instability in many countries responsible
Autocrats and rogue states aren’t America’s problems for the most part and therefore America should hardly intervene in those things, if at all. Terrorist are usually a problem for America though so fighting them is justified. By he way, Crimea joining Russia is none of America or west Europe’s business.
You tell me why Syria is the way it is?
No thanks!!America ruled as a superpower for too long!!
“ You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country” lmfao the hypocrisy
I think the United States should be the world superpower, but we should stop playing with our food. We should leave the middle east countries alone and start grinding to fight imperialist governments. That's just my opinion though.
The American empire must be destroyed at all costs. It is the greatest threat to the 3rd world history has ever seen.
what in the propaganda
“Only America has the moral greatness to lead”
I haven’t laughed that much in a while. Good one.