Why Are So Many Good Things Being Destroyed? | 5 Minute Video
From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.
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If what I am about to tell you is true, almost everything we most treasure – freedom, beauty, reason, the family, economic well-being, and even goodness – is in jeopardy.
Who or what poses this threat?
The answer is the most powerful ideology of the last hundred years: leftism. Not liberalism; leftism – or, if you prefer, “progressivism.”
Leftism destroys everything it touches.
Here are a just a few examples:
1. The universities
Perhaps the most obvious example – one that many liberals acknowledge – is the left’s near destruction of most universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker – an atheist and a liberal – because of the left, “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”
At almost every university – and now high schools and even elementary schools – students are taught to shut down – not debate – those who differ with them. And to rely on feelings rather than reason.
2. The arts
Throughout history, the primary purpose of art was to elevate people – through beauty, artistic excellence, and emotional depth. To the left, the primary purpose of art, sculpture, and music is to shock. That’s why so much contemporary art is meaningless, and involves the scatological, meaning urine and feces.
Yes, urine and feces. To give one of countless examples, in 2016, the Guggenheim Museum in New York featured a pure-gold working toilet, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America” – so one could literally relieve oneself on America.
3. Literature
The English department at the University of Pennsylvania replaced the portrait of the greatest English-language writer who ever lived, William Shakespeare, with a picture of a black lesbian poet. Why? Because he was a white European male. Leftist professors have replaced the pursuit of excellence with the pursuit of diversity.
4. Late-night television
In America, late-night television shows were completely apolitical. The hosts believed their role was to entertain viewers and offer them relief and laughter after a difficult day. No longer. You cannot watch late-night television if you just want to be entertained. Late-night TV is now left-night TV.
5. Religion
The left has ruined much of mainstream Protestantism and Catholicism, and non-Orthodox Judaism, which are now little more than left-wing organizations with religious symbols. In many churches and synagogues, one is more likely to hear the clergy talk about political issues than about any other subject, including even the Bible.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/why-are-so-many-good-things-being-destroyed

An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again; but one that crumbles from within , well that’s that.
When will we the people understand that this current administration and its proposed (Joe Biden) president is “not working FOR the USA but actually in fact working to destroy the safety of this nation and it’s constitution- they are enemies of the state working from within. Notice how everything that is done by them does not have or support the interests of “we the people” in mind , at hand or in spirit and in fact quite the opposite. When will the enemy informed (propaganda news) population come to realize this … ? Will it be too late?
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state."[1] The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organised actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and/or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Our legacy media is fifth column.
The current state of the Democratic Party is that it is the only thing it maintains is the name. Otherwise a language based on philosophies of Rousseau and Maracussa and dismantling what has been traditionally (since 1779) been the definition of the USA seems to be the current acceptance. Most people who vote Democratic Party do not follow a personal philosophy , neither do they support a religious philosophy as that concept is so passĂ©. What we are seeing in action , no matter what you hear on the news, no matter what "politicians " say (out of any side of their mouth ) is the finalization of the deliberate coup that is now what is instituted and installed as a government of the people by the people , for the people being dismantled piece by piece by piece. They have BROKEN THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE AND THEY should BE REMOVED. Unfortunately, 90% of this USA population will NOT recognize it until it is much much much too late. Let's hope our freedoms and pursuit of happiness lasts ten more years. We shall witness a change of tide …hopefully within our lifetimes.
I am a student of law whose age is 85.
My first year of college was 68 years ago.
One class I took was political science.
A half-page of my textbook essentially outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy. :
1. Divide the nation philosophically
2. Foment racial strife.
3. Cause distrust of police authority.
4. Swarm the nations boarders indiscriminately and unconstitutionally.
4. Engender the military strength to weaken it.
5. Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation.
6. Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime.
7. Control all balloting .
8. Control all media.
What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has become an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish
(God willing) – Go dwelling
The fact is that this administration is set up not to improve the USA and world situation but to DESTROY the USA.
When the American people and the world recognize this breaking of oaths of office, it will become a realization the apparent madness will make perfect sense.
The enemy is destroying from within…just as planned.
If there was a plan being implemented to destroy the way of life and the acceptance and reverence for this country’s constitution- the execution of that plan would look exactly like what is being played out by this current administration.
How does one go about establishing a police state out of a working constitutional republic?
The fifth column is REAL. Not fiction. This Biden Administration is a purposeful and deliberate and unashamed action to obliterate life as United States citizens have known since 1776.
All evil needs to “win” is the consent of good people.
The left is utopian – translation: the left is delusional
"If what I'm about to tell you is true", and of course it's not. Every word out of Prager's mouth is a lie. Always. Nothing good has ever come from the right.
"The left is utopian" : exactly !! And utopian doesn’t exist ! It's only a dream. Leftist are teenagers, they live in a dream.
2:43 literally Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, Trevor Noah, and dare I say J***s C****n
It’s sad how this video has become more and more true as the years have passed
that was as stupid as using the original, "reefer madness" movie as an educational film
That was fantastic!
The left am the big evil because when I was in kindergarten, they told me there were more than 24 colors and I knew that was a lie because there were only 24 crayons in my backpack. Don't @ me. lol
Hey, everyone who buys into this crap is an invalid and due for the wall.
Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt
Thank you Sir Dennis for this profound presentation.
It would be the most heartbreaking tragedy if America lost to Communism because we invested in the wrong weapons. "The pen is mightier than the sword." And the university than the bomb.
The left is dystopian.
can confirm karl marx made me take down my no girls allowed sign from my scout camp
There is only one race The Human Race
Art is meant to send a message, art is subjective.
agreed. no idea why leftists want to ruin everything especially when it was good. if it's good, KEEP IT. that's why i'm a conservative. change for the sake of change is lunacy
There are elements on the Left, by no means all, who figured out years ago that they can make a very good living by shit stirring, getting one group to hate another. Chaos, ill-feeling, resentment, sheer bad mindedness; the very idea of common human values, a sense that we're all in this thing called Life together is anathema to them. Charles Bukowski got it in one in the title of one of his books of poetry: War all the Time. And since so many on the Left are militantly atheist, you can forget anyone paying heed to those pesky Judeo-Christian values that centre on simple kindness, forgiveness, redemption, tolerance.
This aged very well.
lol i like how NOT terrorising and opressing lgbtq is somehow destroying your hetero normative lives lol
calling out your hate is not opressing youits stopping you from.oppressing them
and were gonna keep doing it
so get used to THAT 🤣🤣🤣
Well said, its getting more relevant today
It has gotten worse with the trans agenda…
Progressivism isn’t really progressive is it
Thoughts on this video's points:
1. I agree somewhat. There is absolutely no room for intellectual debate on many college campuses nowadays, but not all of them are like this. The smaller ones (from what I've heard) tend to be more open-minded and willing to accept differing views.
2. I also agree with this somewhat. However, I don't think "meaningless" art is limited to the left wing at all (Kid Rock is a great example of a right-winger who makes horrible and crude music). I also don't think it's accurate to describe all classic art as meaningful and deep (after all, Shakespeare included tons of crude sexual jokes in his work).
3. Only one example is actually presented here, so I don't think it's fair to classify this singular event as indicative of a general trend. If you provided more examples, I might be willing to grant this.
4. I agree, but do note that the right does a bunch of terrible late-night TV segments as well (the Glenn Beck Program's ratings speak for themselves).
5. Mainstream Catholicism has actually become increasingly right-wing over the years (many bishops in America reject the pope for being too liberal). "Protestantism" encompasses such a wide array of branches (there are literally thousands of them) that is difficult to characterize them as "leftist." The Baptists, Evangelicals, Calvinists, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists are still overwhelmingly right-wing (and often discuss political issues like abortion, homosexuality, and transsexualism just as often as the "leftist" religious leaders do). Religion and politics have always been inseparable. In other words, I just can't agree with this assertion.
6. I agree with you 100% on this one.
7. "Least racist society in world history?" Explain the massive surge in anti-Asian hate crimes during the coronavirus pandemic. Or Ann Coulter's defense of the Council of Conservative Citizens (a notorious white supremacist group). Or the massive healthcare disparities between black and white people. Or the numerous mass shootings in the past few years motivated by the Great Replacement Theory (which Tucker Carlson promoted to millions of listeners across the nation). This is a ridiculous assertion (especially given America's horrific past with segregation, slavery, the internment of Japanese Americans, eugenics, and the Native American genocide).
8. I also wish that the Boy and Girl Scouts were still separate, but saying that "the Left forced them to admit girls" is just inaccurate. The organization chose to do it themselves.
9. I agree with this point the most. Transsexualism and androgyny have got to stop being imposed onto children at such a young age. Leftism's destruction of the dynamics of the beautiful relationship between the two genders (and the introduction of a bunch of nonsense "genders") is very sad indeed.
There are some great points buried in this video, but there are too many generalizations and errors in it for me to really agree with it fully.
i can’t believe how increasingly relevant this video is becoming. are things just going to keep getting worse? like, when will they stop this shit?
PragerU is either a hit or miss. I am more liberal, and I found this video to be absolutely spot on. However, I don’t agree on PragerU with some of their videos, like their parenting advice video for example.
i didnt know it would be this bad
you didnt give ONE example of ANYTHING in the universities. i am 1 minute into the video and you havent said shit.
edit: bro literally said "america is only bad compared to utopia and the left is utopian" which
admits you agree the left wants to make things better
and admits you want to stop them
there are some things I agree with and other I don't agree with. For example why should be the inclusion of the girls in the scouts a bad thing? I think every human being should be able learning skills to survive or being more indipendent and self-releable
My Dad always said it was 50 years of bad philosophy but that was already 40 years ago